Christ Community Sunday - Brookside Campus



This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church - Brookside Campus.


  • Romans: Hopeful Groaning For More Life [Romans: 10]

    05/05/2024 Duração: 33min

    Romans 8:18-25 // Bill GormanWhen we are in the midst of suffering, it can seem difficult to imagine the Christian life is worth it. How can we have hope and what does hope look like for the follower of Jesus in this world as we wait on Christ’s return?Join us as we continue to explore God's robust rescue for a life with him as we walk through Romans. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Living in God's Family [Romans: 09]

    28/04/2024 Duração: 32min

    Romans 8:12-17 // Bill GormanAt the core of every human being is the desire to belong to someone, somewhere. God invites us to find an unshakable belonging with him, but how can we actually feel like we belong? The answer is the Holy Spirit, but that answer is bigger than we often think. Join us as we continue to explore God's robust rescue for a life with him as we walk through Romans. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Alive Inside [Romans: 08]

    21/04/2024 Duração: 37min

    Romans 8: 5-13 // Taylor FairIn order for something to truly die, it has to be cut off from its source of life. Which means we have to learn how to make room for the Spirit to access the deepest roots of our fleshly desires. We have to learn how to create space to be aware of where the Spirit is trying to access so we can keep up with him and let him in. And it’s going to take time, right? Change takes time. It takes time to kill this stuff that is deeply ingrained in us. And the Enemy is working to keep us living according to the flesh, so we have some resistance. What we have to do is discern where the Spirit is trying to work on us and rely on His presence and power in our daily, ordinary lives. The best practice for creating space for the Spirit to reach the roots of your heart is prayer. Remember, He lives in you. He speaks to you. So take time this week in prayer to ask him for guidance, to help you see what needs to be killed and where the source of life needs to be cut off. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion):

  • Romans: Free for Life [Romans: 07]

    14/04/2024 Duração: 34min

    Romans 8:1-5  // Taylor FairPlanet Fitness has an interesting tagline: “Welcome to the judgement free zone.” Where else can we find that? It’s rare, isn’t it? Much more common is constant criticism. Rampant negativity. Harsh condemnation. We see and experience this, both from others, and from ourselves. The truth is, some of us are our worst critics.And yet, in Romans 8:1, the Apostle Paul writes, “There is now NOW condemnation…” Incredible! How is this possible? Engage this passage with us to find out…SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Fighting for Life [Romans for Life: 06]

    07/04/2024 Duração: 29min

    Romans 7:14-25 // Bill GormanThe biggest fights are the ones we have within ourselves. How does Jesus shape the fight waging within? It may not be what we thought. Join us as we continue to see how God has rescued us not only from death but for Life in the book of Romans. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: No, the Law Did Not Take Your Life [Romans: 05]

    24/03/2024 Duração: 29s

    Romans 7:7-13 // Bill GormanSome of us, if we’re honest, believe: the rules can save us. If we just follow the right rules, enact the right laws, educate our kids the right ways, we’ll make the good life. And listen: this is true of religious people and nonreligious people. Republicans and democrats. We all try to legislate morality. Others of us love freedom, and we think our freedom can save us. We don’t want any rules. The good life is found in doing whatever I want, whenever I want. And we end up like driftwood. Religious people and nonreligious people.The right rules can’t save us, but neither can the right amount of doing whatever we want. Both those paths lead to death.SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Eternal Life [Romans: 04]

    17/03/2024 Duração: 45min

    Romans 6:15-23 // Nydiaris Hernández-SantosLife is full of paradoxes that make our life either run or crash, depending on how you look at it. Humans are full of contradictions and God knows it! He has chosen many paradoxes to reveal who he is and to show us what it looks like to follow him. Would you join us as we study one of the biblical paradoxes? Dive deep with us into the paradox of graceSERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Belonging to Jesus Bears Life [Romans: 04]

    10/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Romans 7:1-6 // Tim MillerBelonging to Jesus Bears Life. Join us as we continue to see in the book of Romans what it means to belong to Jesus, and how we can actually live this out. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Offer Your Life to God [Romans: 02]

    03/03/2024 Duração: 37min

    Romans 6:12-14 // Bill GormanOne of the greatest battles of history is not “out there,” but rather, is “in here.” Herein lies a crucial insight as to why following Jesus can be so hard. There is a battle being waged not just with our bodies but in our bodies. Join us as we continue to see in the book of Romans what Jesus has rescued you and me for, and how we can actually live this out. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): PRAYER REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Rescued for New Life [Romans: 01]

    25/02/2024 Duração: 32min

    Romans 6:1-11 // Bill GormanWhen we think of rescue, it’s natural to ask: “Rescue from what?” But with Jesus, rescue is more! When God sought to rescue creation from brokenness, injustice, sin and death, he always planned to save us “for” a more beautiful, good, and true way of being. Jesus didn’t just save us from sin but for life—with him—now and forever. But how is life with God different from life without God? And why would anyone actually want that kind of life? Join us as we continue walking through the Letter of Romans to explore what God has in store for your life and mine today.   SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • But What About Hell? [But What About? 07]

    18/02/2024 Duração: 38min

    Matthew 25:31-46 // Bill GormanCan we really believe in hell? In our cultural moment idea of hell is either something that humorous or abhorrent. But what do we do with Jesus teachings about hell? While it may not seem very Jesusy, Jesus spoke and taught more about hell than anyone else in the Bible. How do we make sense of his teachings? This is what we look at in this message. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • But What About Suffering? [But What About? 06]

    11/02/2024 Duração: 35min

    Psalm 13:1-6; Mark 15:33-39 // Taylor Fair“I used to go to church and pray, and then my best friend got sick and died… How can I believe in God when that happened?” My friend told me this in 7th grade, and it would be the first but not last time I would hear what I would later learn that theologians and philosophers call “the problem of evil”. Why does an all good and all powerful God permit evil and suffering?While God does not give us an answer to our “why” question, he does show us “how” to find meaning through suffering and experience that we are not alone. Join us as we learn how to lament our suffering with God through Psalm 13.SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • But What About Christianity and Politics? [But What About? 05]

    11/02/2024 Duração: 40min

    Matthew 22:15-22 & Titus 3:1-3 //Taylor Fair How should Christians relate to politics and the government? No doubt you have some negative examples of what Christians should NOT do, but what is the Christian calling in our political environment?Thankfully God’s word and Christians throughout history have wrestled through this very question. Join us as we continue to explore difficult questions aimed at the Christian faith and specifically seek clarity of faithful and fruitful presence in a politically heightened time. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): PRAYER REQUESTS:

  • But what about Christian sexual ethics? (But What About...? 04)

    28/01/2024 Duração: 40min

    If you are not a Christian and the Christian sex ethic has seemed despairing or if you’re a Christian who is wrestling with how to understand the Christian sex ethic, you’re not alone. What if this disorientation comes from something deeper? Join us as we walk through another frequent question raised in our world where the church can offer hope. Matthew 5:27-30; Hebrews 10:22-23 // Bill Gorman24.01.28SERMON NOTES (YouVersion):: REQUESTS:

  • But what about women in the church? [But What About...?03]

    23/01/2024 Duração: 33min

    Genesis 1:26-28; Luke 10:38-42  // Bill GormanWhether through painful experiences within the church or hearing of the mistreatment of women by certain Christians, the question can arise: Is Christianity Good for Women? Join us as we explore hard questions and see what God has to say about women's experiences in his church. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • But What About the Bible? [But What About? 02]

    14/01/2024 Duração: 34min

    Luke 24:13-35; 2 Tim 3:16-17 // Bill GormanWe have lots questions about the Bible. Questions like: What I do with those parts the Bible where God seems vengeful? Can we trust that our English Bibles accurately communicate what the authors originally wrote? Or have things been changed by the church? What is lost in translation? What do we do with apparent contradictions or mistakes? Isn’t the Bible and oppressive book? One that supports slavery or the mistreatment of women? I want to read my Bible but I just don't get much out of it.But there's another question. One that's even more important then all of those. And yet, it's one we don't often ask: What does Jesus think about the Bible? That’s what we look at in this message. Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • But What About the Church?

    07/01/2024 Duração: 36min

    Matthew 16:17-19; Ephesians 3:20-21 // Bill GormanDisagreement, hurt, frustration, and abuse. There are a lot of reasons to dismiss the church, but there may very well be more reasons to give her a second look. What if there is a more enchanting story of the church and Jesus?Join us as we begin a new series exploring some of the sincere questions and frustrations we have with the Christian faith, the “But what about…” questions of faith. Together we may find a both/and rather than either/or story of our deepest wrestlings. Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • The Wise Men [Christmas Through the Eyes of Faith 5]

    31/12/2023 Duração: 34min

    Matthew 2:1-12 // Bill GormanIt’s all too easy to skim through the Christmas narrative and miss out on key aspects of that story. The three Wise Men are some of the most misremembered and misunderstood characters of Christmas, and yet their story teaches us a crucial lesson about Christmas and its relevance for life today.Join us as we look at Christmas through the eyes of the Wise Men, and see who is the True King we should worship.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • God the Father [Christmas Eve]

    25/12/2023 Duração: 06min

    Luke 2:1-20 // Bill GormanThe richness of the Christmas story is filled with various characters and developments, but amidst all the different vantage points, one person often is forgotten. Join us as we look at Christmas through the eyes of someone we can forget daily, especially at Christmas. Prayer Requests:

  • Joseph [Christmas Through the Eyes of Faith 4]

    24/12/2023 Duração: 15min

    Matthew 1:18-25 // Bill GormanChristmas wasn’t welcome news to even the faithful…at first. Christmas in many ways disrupts our best laid plans. The question is NOT whether Christmas messes with our lives. The question IS how we show up when Christmas comes into our tidy lives. Join us as we look over the shoulders of someone who experienced the utter disruption of Christmas and still leaned in. Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

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