Sovereign Self



Be Sovereign, not over others, but over yourself, this will truly set you free." Our program, Sovereign Self, is about individual empowerment and freedom. It is our desire to create programs that can help our audience realize that at the center of who they are is divine love. Our center of love connects us with everything that is, and is there to assist us at any time, should we so desire, to become our Sovereign Self.This Podcast was created using


  • A Special Guest, One of Our Listeners.


    On this program of Sovereign Self, we have Brent, The Gentle Hawk Healer, who is not only an avid listener, but the person we chose from those who have commented and written to us on our Facebook page. We thank Brent for a wonderful conversation about being spiritual and what it means to be a Sovereign Self.

  • Your Consciousness and Your Creative Being


    On this program of Sovereign Self, Martin, Ron and Karen discuss how so many people give in to the dictates of others where we do not have to, as we are creative beings who can create for our benefit - and be our Sovereign Self.

  • Special Guest Dr. Michael Ryce, Pioneer of Self-Healing


    Talking to Dr. Michael Ryce, a world renowned teacher on health and healing. On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen have a celebrated guest speaker on the show, Dr. Michael Ryce, who has combined bodymind principles, physics and ancient Aramaic studies into a unique body of pioneering work in the fields of self-healing.

  • Trials of Ego, Illusions, FEAR & Low Self Esteem


    On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen discuss the trials we all face and how to work with our ego, illusions, low self esteem and fear. We are One with God and everything in life is our choice - we can be our Sovereign Self.

  • It's Time To Go Within


    On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen discuss the current positive Universal energy flow and how connecting to Mother Earth can help you expand into your/ our potential.

  • Know You Are Divine


    On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen discuss how and why you are Divine, and how coming from your heart center connects you to love, awareness, giving, gratitude, allowing, understanding, unity, wisdom and grace - all attributes of becoming your Sovereign Self.

  • Living in the Past?


    On this program of Sovereign Self: Martin, Ron and Karen have a discussion about our desire to live in the past, the way things used to be. Change is the only constant, it is time to move forward not backwards. Great insights!

  • I get so impatient with people!


    On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen have a discussion about impatience and how people can make us so angry. What were they thinking! Yet, patience is another key in becoming more of your Sovereign Self.

  • Feel Like SCREAMING?!


    On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen have a discussion about denied Will and how we express our emotions. It is important not to deny expressing your emotions, but how and where you express them becomes paramount for the Sovereign Self.

  • Let's Have an Open and Free Conversation!


    On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen have an open discussion about where they are Spiritually, what energy drives them, the spiritual blocks they experiencing and where do they find their Spiritual inspiration. Their message is very simple... we are all more alike than we think.

  • Free Will and Accountability


    Martin, Ron and Karen discuss free will and accountability which brings great clarity to senses. They also discuss why our children are so important to the world as teachers. They teach through their lack of baggage... a state that we all were at one time. Children help us to remember the real reason for our life on the planet.

  • Controlling vs. Allowing


    On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen discuss our birthing into a new paradigm and why it is best we accept our shadow selves and the shadow selves of others to be our Sovereign Self.

  • Beliefs? Are they Really YOURS?


    Beliefs - Are they really yours? On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen have a discussion about beliefs. We must begin to be honest about our beliefs and if they serve us anymore. While beliefs are personal do you use them to attack others? This is not being your Sovereign Self.

  • A GREAT Window of Opportunity NOW


    On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen discuss the Planetary New Year, the Lion's Gate Portal and the New Moon. This is your opportunity to take a new direction and to expand to your higher Sovereign Self. Run with it!

  • What Does It All MEAN? Where is the ONENESS of it all?


    On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen have a discussion about Oneness. Today, people are into separation these days no doubt because of fear which brings up self protection. But separation is the opposite of Oneness and Oneness is the way forward to your Sovereign Self. How do we realign to our true purpose which is to connect with everyone as ONE? This is the question that will be discussed. Another Excellent Show!

  • Self Sabotage - Stop Laying Claim to Your Illness


    On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen discuss how you can stop claiming your illnesses and live a healthier life. We sabotage ourselves continually and it is time to stop - become your Sovereign Self.

  • Time to Build a New World


    In this program of Sovereign Self: Martin, Ron and Karen discuss how it is time to manifest in a new way, it's time to forget what we have done and move on to what we can do. NOW is the time to build a new YOU!

  • The Lives We Are Told


    On this program of Sovereign-Self: Martin, Ron and Karen discuss how our imagined reality can change when we become aware and gain a greater understanding. Awareness, as always, is the key to understanding and freedom.

  • Follow the Bouncing Ball!


    On this program of Sovereign Self Martin, Ron and Karen discuss how people are bouncing all over the place and becoming unfocused, which is a symptom of victimhood, and how we can become focused and plow forward. GREAT INSIGHT and GREAT SHOW!

  • We Live In Intense Time - Here Are the Ways You Can Easily Survive


    Martin, Ron and Karen discuss the current intense energies that we are experiencing, our expansion into greater beings and how this effects us all. You will learn how to go forward dispite what is happening.

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