Network Radio



Our shows aim to cover the following subjects, Ascension, Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, Metaphysics. We will be talking to various experts within these fields to help our listeners gain a broader unstanding of these subjects.


  • Leaving the world of duality and Letting Go with JC Mac

    23/04/2010 Duração: 59min

    Today's guest is JC Mac. We apologies for the sound quality in places which was due to the conversation being recorded over a mobile broadband device rather than a fixed landline connection, but hey that's the amazing thing about technology, you can speak to anybody anywhere. Anyhow, JC has an amazing story to tell regarding his own first hand experience stepping outside of the confines of duality and experiencing ALL THAT IS, beyond linear time and space, basically the true you, me I, what...... It's hard to describe without putting a label on it. Anyway here is JC's info below but please do check out the show and hear it from him first hand. Enjoy Xx Ian (Click play on the audio player above) What Happened On August 15th 2005 while hanging up the phone one day JC suddenly began crying for no reason and could not stop. As the crying continued a sensation of pins and needles and rushing water began to move down through his head and up through his arms and legs. The experience became so intense he ended

  • Journeys into Consciousness 22 - Autism, Foods and chemicals - EVP Ghost Boxes - Listener Q and A - Spiritual Knowledge

    14/04/2010 Duração: 59min

    Today's show was put together from recent feedback provided by our listeners. Topics discussed: Autism in conjunction with Foods and chemicals, Ghost Boxes or EVP devices, Philadelphia Experiment feedback, Affects of Radio Waves, WI-FI and Micro Waves on our children. Gregory's Thirst for Spiritual Knowledge, is it normal for beings in spirit to know so much?. Listener Question: "Over the months of listening in to your broadcasts, I have become fascinated by the beautiful and wise soul Gregory. Gregory may not be happy talking about himself but I would love to know a little more about him. His range of knowledge is so huge - both of spiritual matters and current and past events on earth, to the extent of knowing the current activities of those who have now passed to spirit. Can Gregory explain the following? "Is it normal for a highly evolved spirit to have such a range of knowledge of understanding or does he have a particular thirst for knowledge or, indeed, is the knowledge of others instantly availa

  • Pea Horsley - Heartwarming stories from the lady who communicates with animals

    09/04/2010 Duração: 59min

    Today's guest is Pea Horsley, professional animal communicator and author of Heart to Heart published by Harper Collins. Listen to Pea's heart-warming stories of animal communication as she tracks lost animals, tackles troublesome pets and helps people to truly understand their devoted friends. Pea Horsley never set out to be an animal psychic, so you can imagine her surprise when she not only realised that animals could talk, but that she could hear them. Touching and funny, Pea describes how she learnt to harness her powers and, in doing so, the incredible characters that she meets - on two legs and four. Pea tells how she saved Musgo the horse who was unable to recover from a past trauma, helped a client find her reincarnated puppy, and the wonderful story of Mono the dog and his owner, Mike. Mono had saved Mike's life, so when the vet told Mike that Mono was so ill that there was no hope, Mike refused to give up on him. Pea came to the rescue to help Mono tell Mike what he needed to survive. And much

  • The Barefoot Doctor - A Supercharged Taoist - Mystical Journey With Native Americans and Shamans

    07/04/2010 Duração: 59min

    Today's guest is the Barefoot Doctor aka Stephen Russell, master with 44 years experience in self-development, based on ancient Taoist 'warrior' principles. His is the author of 13 books - the latest being "THE MAN WHO DROVE WITH HIS EYES CLOSED" published by Hay House. His is also the founder of the largest Taoist-based website in the world and currently lives in Ibiza. He travels copiously around the world spreading love the Taoist way, teaching the principles, sharing the wisdom and methods, live and on the internet. His Spiritual Journey: Barefoot Doctor enjoyed a mystically oriented childhood, studied Aikido, energy healing and meditation at age 11, studied yoga, Tai Chi in his late teens, the human psyche and how to approach it with RD Laing in his early 20s, shamanism living with the Native Americans for four years in New Mexico and acupuncture and Taoism in his mid- to late -twenties, returned to London in '83, ran a busy acupuncture healing practice till 2000, while also doing experimental performa

  • Journeys into Consciousness 21 - Meaning of Life, Philadelphia Experiment, Nature vs Nature

    31/03/2010 Duração: 59min

    Summary of topics discussed: "The Meaning of Life," "The Self, Personality, Nature vs. Nature, Multiple Personalities", "Attraction and Love", "Autism in Animals", "Healing", "The Cove - Slaughter of Dolphins in Japan to feed Children", "Philadelphia Experiment", "Cycles, 7 Year Cycles", "Free vs. Destiny" The Meaning of Life Gregory gave a very simple answer to this question which was "Experience" but then followed with a very comprehensive answer relative to the whole universe rather than just answering from a human perspective. The Self, Personality and Nature vs. Nature / Multiple Personalities We then touched on the topic of Self, and how personalities are defined, is it Nature vs. Nature? and also how we are also made up of our Spirit/Soul self. Attraction - Love We also discussed how Love and Attraction works, it's as much a biological response as spiritual Autism in Animals We also discussed the rise in Autism in pets who have been given vaccinations, this raises an interesting parallel seen amon

  • Journeys into Consciousness 20 - Universe, Big Bang, Portals, Conspiracy Theory, Meeting your Guide

    18/03/2010 Duração: 59min

    The Universe and Big Bang The mainstream media of late (The BBC) has been increasingly reporting on ground breaking science ideas that are confirming more and more esoterical and spiritual theories of the universe. The BBC's Horizon programme has even gone as far to suggest that there are infinite universes. It's certainly looking like Science and Metaphysics could be on the cusp to actually agreeing with each over. In this show we discussed some of these concepts with Gregory. Big Bang Theory Gregory confirmed that our universe has gone through thousands of big bang scenarios, which are part of a cycle. The universe continues to expand, one day it will simply stop. The universe is currently expanding out in all directions at different rates. Universes with a similar vibration index can collide and cause new formations of energy to take places. Our universe is part of another universe which is far larger, a multiverse of many universes. Star Trek This got us onto the subject of Star Trek where many peopl

  • Journeys into Consciousness 19-Do Plants Feel Pain? - Animal-Spirits, Solar Flares, More Quakes

    03/03/2010 Duração: 59min

    The First half is all about Plants and Animals, do plants feel pain? is it wrong to cut flowers, is one animal or insect more sacred than another, how do animal soul groups work? Scroll down to Part II for a list of very good questions sent in by one of our listeners. In the second half of the show we covered the following hot topics currently happening on planet Earth right now: Second Half Topics Increase in Solar Flares, Earth Quakes Rouge 50 Mile Icebergs Killer Whales First Half We based the first part of the show around these questions which provided some great answers from Gregory and the White Cloud Group: Questions: "Firstly, I am a vegan because I believe that in our (UK) society in the 21st century we do not need to use animals for food or any other purpose and any use of animals will cause them suffering. I live my life trying to avoid causing suffering to any living being as much as I possibly can. I wonder if Gregory can explain the difference between using plants and using animals. To us

  • Journeys into Consciousness 18 - Time Travel, Crop Circles, De Ja Vu, Aura, Spirit Privacy

    17/02/2010 Duração: 59min

    We based today's show around the following questions taken from our Facebook community and comments posted by people visiting the site. Thank you to those who took the time to send in questions as they formed the basis of a very interesting show. Time Travel We also discussed paradoxes, the complexities of Time Travel and multiple time lines. Crop Circles We discussed a recent documentary called "I Believe in UFO's" with Danny Dyer who visited Wiltshire to meet believers investigating the crop circles and skeptics who claimed to make them. Gregory agreed that there are three groups making them, humans, Spirit (Orbs) and E.T. Topics discussed: The Aura and Colours, Cell Memory, Akashic Memory, Mischievous Spirits, De Ja Vu, Time Travel, Privacy from Spirit, Crop Circles, Positive and Negative spirits. Questions below: Q1. "The healing group with which I work has tended to think that it is not right for us to venture into finding out now what is contained within our Akashic records - i.e. that we should do

  • Journeys into Consciousness 17 - Chakras, Orbs, NDEs, Enlightenment, Strange Lights

    03/02/2010 Duração: 01h02min

    Strange Lights in the Sky At the start of the show Ian briefly shared with Gregory an experience he had straight after recording the last show, where he witnessed very strange lights in the sky. The lights seemed to coincide with a solar flare that was due to hit the atmosphere on the 19th of January, the night of the show. Gregory shared his thoughts on this event with the listeners. It seems the event was a combination of a new strange weather anomaly, mentioned by Gregory in a previous show where we will start to see a new type of silent lighting. Plus the added affects of particles hitting the atmosphere from the solar event. Aura and Chakra System Gregory gave his views on the Chakra system and how every living thing has the same system in place, providing us with many dimensional viewpoints/expressions to work with. Some very interesting areas covered in discussing this topic. Orbs Orbs seem to be a relatively new phenomenon with the advent of digital technology. Ian asked if it was the new camera's p

  • Journeys into Consciousness 16- Avatar The Real Story II, Haiti, Earth Quakes, Ley Lines, Vortexes

    27/01/2010 Duração: 58min

    Avatar The Real (Earth) Story Part II With Gregory Haye from The White Cloud Group In today's show we expanded on the message that was used in the recent YouTube video we produced called "Avatar The Real Story". The message within the video was taken from an archived show from early last year (2009). We created the video after the watching the film Avatar as we wanted to wake people up to the sad fact that this story is actually playing out here on planet Earth. Quote: "The indigenous cultures are now banding together to help usher in a world of peace. However, these peaceful peoples have been fighting a secret war with corporate groups and government's hell bent on destroying their land for oil and other minerals. Many people have been killed on both sides of this secret war. However nothing is being reported in the controlled main stream media. It's important that we all get the word out. We can't afford more areas of our rain forests to be destroyed by these people as it will tip the balance even quicker

  • Discernment and the Battle for Light over Dark with Kerin Webb

    27/01/2010 Duração: 58min

    Today's show was a real freestyler of a chat. Kerin has been producing many videos over the last year, getting the message across through his psychic prophecy channelling videos that humanity is standing on the edge of a very large shock. However, when it happens it will allow humanity to unite together and build a better world. Kerin and Ian discussed the many pitfalls of spirituality and religion where believing in something too much can actually be detrimental, and in fact paralyse or stop us from actually living or progressing. It's a real challenge; we walk a real fine line to keep ourselves in balance and not swaying too much in either direction. The discussion moved onto other subjects around Haiti and how different people justify the tragic events to either a punishing God because the people were bad or the other end of the spectrum that the people sacrificed themselves for us, so it gives us an opportunity to express our compassionate side. Both are similar believes at different ends of the spectru

  • Believe with Philip Kinsella - A ground breaking theory that bridges the Psychic and UFO phenomena

    13/01/2010 Duração: 58min

    This week's guest is Philip Kinsella, a well known medium who has appeared on television and radio. He has written numerous articles and books on Paranormal and UFO phenomena. In tonights show we will touching on his new book Believe and how his ongoing work as a medium has helped bridge the gap between the UFO and Paranormal fields of research. About Believe A ground breaking theory that bridges the gap between the Psychic and UFO phenomena. UFOs have been ridiculed for decades, even when we are presented with the facts through hundreds and thousands of eye-witness accounts across the world. The same can be said for clairvoyants and their ability to commune with seemingly dead people. They have suffered under the hammer of rational thought. There can be no such things as UFOs or contact with our loved ones from the Other Side. Why are many so against these thoughts? What do we fear in allowing ourselves to open our minds to other dimensions? Philip Kinsella is a widely acclaimed clairvoyant, he has also

  • Journeys into Consciousness 15 - Fairies, Being in the Heart, Concensus reality, Jesus, Being Gay

    08/01/2010 Duração: 48min

    Fairies, Being in the Heart, Concensus reality, Jesus, Gay and Bisexuals The first eight minutes of the show Gregory gave us a very interesting insight into the workings of the white cloud group, the group he is a spoke person for and who as a collective are responsible for the information brought through in the shows. We have also included info about the group at the bottom of this synopsis. Being in the Heart Gregory discussed the topic of Love and Being in the Heart and a further discussion around Greg Braden's work linking Heart based emotions to affects on the Magnetic fields of the planet. Excerpted from Greg Bradens' Fractal Time...

  • UFOs are Here to Stay, Extraterrestrial beings and The Aetherius Society with Mark Bennett

    23/12/2009 Duração: 01h05min

    This week's guest is Spiritual Writer and Lecturer Mark Bennett. Mark is the co-author of two books, Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guarding Angels, which he wrote alongside international bestselling, author Richard Lawrence. He works full-time for The Aetherius Society, an international spiritual organisation founded by E.T contactee, Dr Greorge King. Mark is helping spread the society's spiritual teachings channelled through Dr King from positive and advanced extraterrestrial beings. In today's show Mark discusses some of the core spiritual teachings adopted by the Aetherius Society through the work of Dr George King, who was contacted by advanced extraterrestrial beings back in 1954 who to help spread their spiritual wisdom. Over the next two decades he continued to act as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel, recording over 600 Cosmic Transmissions from the Space Masters. Determined to help humanity raise itself from universal suffering and ignorance, his life's mission became apparent on May 8, 195

  • Journeys Into Consciousness 14 - Pearl Harbour, Angels in Space, Iran, The Day E.T. Boarded the Space Shuttle

    10/12/2009 Duração: 01h01min

    In today's show we discussed the following: Pearl Harbour It was the anniversary of Pearl Harbour this week, the 7th of December. We honored those who lost their lives and loved one's on this tragic day. We discussed the parallels with 9/11. Did those in the higher echelons of power know the attacks were going to happen and use it for their own agenda to bring America in to the war? Gregory agreed. Angels in Space We discussed the main stream media news report that Soviet Cosmonauts witnessed 7 giant figures with wings and mist like halos on board their orbiting space craft. Report taken verbatim below:...

  • Star Children - Ancestral Knowledge - Lotus from the Stars with Georgia Jenkins

    02/12/2009 Duração: 56min

    This weeks guest is Georgia Jenkins, Intuitive, Medicine Woman and organiser of Lotus from the Stars. A community based project to help children and adults remember Ancestral Knowledge with the new consciousness. Georgia hosts many events throughout the year that enable people to learn more about the Star Children energy and the wave of consciousness these gifted children are bringing in at this pivotal time in Earth's history. Event Information: "Our Star Children events are created to encourage children to be part of our cultural events. These events encourage the children to meet others like themselves. They may be feeling out of sorts and wanting to be part of the events and not catered for their unique qualities. Also to meet and greet stall holders that using different tools enables children to be as one with nature and find their inner power and abilities and work with them to bring change to our lives and theirs. A sense of belonging and understanding all things spiritual and natural. Working in harm

  • Journeys into Consciousness 13 - Climate Change Hoax? - Hadron Collider - Listeners Questions

    27/11/2009 Duração: 56min

    In today's show we discussed the following: Climate Change - Real or a Hoax? Gregory discussed his views on the recent release of hacked climate change data which is alleged to show scientists cooking the books for their own agendas. We also discussed what's really happening to the climate, especially in light of the recent biblical floods across Cumbria in the UK and the devastating droughts affecting most of the worlds food output. CERN - The Large Hadron Collider Gregory discussed his thoughts on the Large Hadron Collider that was switched on last week. The Higgs boson, also known as the God Particle is the only Standard Model particle that has not been observed. Experimental detection of the Higgs boson would help explain the origin of mass in the universe. Pivotal Time in History We also discussed that we're now in a Pivotal time in history where we have the best opportunity to make positive strides as a race. There are beings here to assist us make this leap, however we have to be discerning as the

  • Ascension, Atlantis Soul Memories - Sound Healing with Hanna Ehlers

    18/11/2009 Duração: 01h19min

    Today's guest is Hanna Ehlers, a spiritual and metaphysical teacher helping many lightworkers to step on to their chosen pathway. (Scroll down to listen to the show) Hanna has dedicated her life to Ascension, personal enlightenment, with knowledge in many spiritual disciplines, methods and therapies. As well as being a competent psychic and channel for intergalactic beings, Ascended Masters and other deities, and different forms of healing, teaching and counselling. In the show we discussed the following topics: Memories from Home and The Gaia Project After awakening abruptly onto her spiritual pathway in Japan, Hanna became aware of lost memories from a life on a different home planet. A much more peaceful existence with beings operating on a much higher level of consciousness, Hanna remembers offering her services to help with the Gaia project, part of an increasing influx of beautiful souls coming in to help push the humanity to a more loving way of being. Many brave souls have come in to help conquer t

  • Journeys into Consciousness 12 - Journeys into Consciousness- Big Foot, Atlantis, Financial Crisis, Dimensions, Spirit World, Dreams

    11/11/2009 Duração: 01h05min

    In today's show we discussed the following topics: The Financial Meltdown Are we really coming out of the recession as the media would like us to believe or are there more problems on the horizon? Big Foot Contrary what most people might think, these beings are extremely advance and loving. They can be found across the Pacific North West in America, Canada, Mongolia, Tibet and many other places around the world. They are a sub species of human which was part of the original stock going back 5 million years ago. They haven't really changed much since then but continue to be very spiritual and in harmony with mother Earth. They can dematerialise at will and move in to an overlay reality which allows them to disappear from harms way in a fight or flight situation. By increasing their vibration they can shift themselves just enough to no longer be visible within our field of light. They can still see this reality from their higher vantage point but are no longer in it. They can communicate through telepath

  • Journeys into Consciousness 11 - Obama E.T Disclosure, Spiritual Laws, Mysterious Stones, telekinesis, Law of Free Will, Power of Meditation

    27/10/2009 Duração: 01h05min

    In today's show Gregory discussed the following: UFO - E.T Disclosure Insiders / Researchers such as David Wilcock, Michael Salla et al and now other Channellers are all saying that Obama will be disclosing the existance of other E.T races by the end of the year (2009). We discussed this subject along with the announcment by some intel sources via some internet researchers that a large ship is also approcaching Earth which apperently houses a large civilisation, according to Gregory this event is putting huge pressure on goverments to disclose as there will be no hiding the subject once this is visible in our skies in the near future. I was expecting Gregory to debunk this but in fact he seemed to agree this was the case, which is rather interesting. Also we discussed E.T City's that exist within our Mountains and under the oceans. Spiritual Laws We discussed the laws and how they are actually policed. Law of Free Law of Proximity - How spirits can be limited in what they are allowed to see. Law of Sq

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