Network Radio



Our shows aim to cover the following subjects, Ascension, Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, Metaphysics. We will be talking to various experts within these fields to help our listeners gain a broader unstanding of these subjects.


  • Journeys into Consciousness 31 - Being-ness , Experiencing the Oneness, Raising our vibrational

    29/09/2010 Duração: 59min

    Topics Discussed: 'Being-ness and experiencing the oneness', 'Identity and Ego', 'Infinite Universe', 'Celistine Prophecy - Raising our vibrational Index of Your Body', 'New Technology on the horizon', 'UFO Disclosure, UK Seal Mystery Explored' Being-ness and experiencing the oneness. Gregory discussed the state of being-ness and oneness that certain guru's / seekers achieve through raising their vibrational index. This allows them to change their metabolism so they no longer need to sustain themselves on heavy foods and can in fact live on a small leaf for example, or indeed just Light. He suggested that it's a state of being that's not easy to sustain. Most people would attain it as an experiment and return to a more grounded existence. Identity and Ego Would we lose our sense of who we are if we truly lost our identity or ego, is this something we would truly wish to attain? What does it mean to lose our ego? Infinite Universe Was there a beginning? Is our universe just a grain of sand in an infinite

  • Philip Kinsella and Researcher Brenda Butler on Rendlesham UFO Crash - The Mystery of an ET Contactee

    26/09/2010 Duração: 48min

    Today's guests are Psychic Medium Philip Kinsella, a guest on one of our previous shows talking about his outstanding book "Believe, a ground breaking theory which bridges the gap between the psychic and UFO Phenomena" and researcher Brenda Butler. Philip returns to the show with Brenda, live from Rendlesham forest to talk about their up and coming new book which chronicles UFO sightings before and after the 1980 UFO crash landing in the Rendlesham forest back in 1980 along with other ground breaking mysteries, including contact with an Extraterrestrial visitor known as David Daniels. Rendlesham forest has become well known as the UK's Roswell. Brenda is the voice and guardian of Rendlesham Forest, and was instrumental in bringing the case to the public's attention.

  • Atlantean Body Interview - An Exciting Network Project for the new paradigm

    22/09/2010 Duração: 55min

    In today's show we joined up with the Atlantean Body to talk about their spiritual networking project to help bring businesses together in this time of great change, a much needed community for the new paradigm. Kerryanne comes from a mediumistic background having been gifted with clairvoyance and psychic abilities from childhood; she is now a practicing shaman and shares some wonderful insights in the show along with both their visions of the future and how they see things unfolding as we progress towards 2012 and beyond. Dawn shares her journey from working as a business Woman in the corporate world to finally breaking free to follow her heart and bring both business and spirituality together. The aim is to help people with an open or spiritual mindset to connect with each other in business, which can sometimes be a lonely or daunting place. More information available below.

  • Journeys into Consciousness 30 - HAARP, New Zealand Quake, Ultraverse, Channelling, Tesla

    15/09/2010 Duração: 55min

    Topics discussed in the show: HAARP, New Zealand Quake, UK Magnitude 8 Earth Quake Drill, Nikola Tesla, Free Energy, Animal Mutilations, Channelling, ultraverse, Autism, Question on Shifting Consciousness. Just some of the questions asked by our listeners: Duality Most people on Earth want peace and is without doubt something that we should all continue to focus on and bring about. However we have to be realistic that we are part of a duality universe / ultraverse, where there exists Physical and Non Physical Beings operating in either polarity, exactly like humans do on Earth. It is a little naive to assume that all beings in this infinite universe mean well, positive aligned beings would in the most part not choose to interfere with us or break our free will, but only guide us when it's right to do so within humanities collective consciousness or progression. Humans have to be very careful at this time in Earth's history, as not all beings are positive. People should test their integrity in the same wa

  • Graham Nicholls Interview on his Out-of-Body Experiences

    08/09/2010 Duração: 59min

    This week's guest is Graham Nicholls, an author, new media artist, peaceful spiritual activist and most importantly for tonight's show, an expert in out-of-body experiences. With over 100 journeys outside of his body he is now helping others through a series of online workshops and retreats to experience the phenomena for themselves. Graham discussed many of his out-of-body experiences, premonitions and other insights in the show. He will be conducting a series of workshops in September and other dates throughout the year, please visit his website for further information. And much more...

  • Prediction Magazine Interview with Alexandra Wenman Regarding the Relaunch

    01/09/2010 Duração: 40min

    In today's show, Ian spent a fruitful forty minutes chatting to the assistant editor of Prediction magazine to get juicy inside information on how the recently relaunched magazine had gone and get an insight into the direction they're now taking with the mag. Alexandra supplied some helpful tips for people getting their articles published in the industry. As individuals Alex and Sharon from Prediction are trained spiritual practitioners with Alex delving deeper in to Angelic Reiki, Theta Healing and the Archangels she works with. And much more...

  • Lindsay Wagner (AKA Bionic Woman ) Interview - Open to Oneness

    30/08/2010 Duração: 40min

    Today's guest is Hollywood actress Lindsay Wagner, star of the seventies hit, The Bionic Woman. In today's show Lindsay gives us a glimpse of the techniques used to awaken our full human potential. Lindsay's spiritual and self help work started when she was just 20, and was even evident as Jaime Sommers, alias the Bionic Woman. Lindsay was able to inspire the producers to create more meaningful and deeper story lines. Lindsay Wagner has always been committed to the advancement of human potential. This has been evident not only throughout her highly successful acting career, but also in her personal life. She has chosen her films taking into consideration the effect they will have on the audience and used her position as a public figure to highlight issues that are important to her, with the objective of helping people in their personal journeys. Lindsay Wagner first came to prominence as a result of her iconic portrayal of Jaime Sommers in her Emmy award-winning role as The Bionic Woman. She also won a per

  • Journeys into Consciousness 29 - Duality, Economy, Ego, Seals Mystery, Jet Stream, Creation of Life

    25/08/2010 Duração: 49min

    In today's show we covered the following questions sent in by our listeners. Please use the comment box underneath this page to send in any future questions. Topics: Mutilated Seals Mystery, Jet Stream and Extreme Weather, Duality, Economy Collapse Engineered? Does Ego cross over?, Creation of life. Millions of dead fish being washed up. Is the economic crisis being engineered by the powers that be or is it simply collapsing underneath its own weight, much like the Roman Empire? Do spirit beings still have their ego when they cross over or is it something only used in the physical life? Do spirits get involved in creating new species of life on Earth, or is it only managed on the Earth through genetics? Scientists say that the current bad weather is caused by a dramatic change in the Jet Stream, is this caused by Global Warming or by changes on the Sun or both? What is causing the mysterious deaths of the Seals on the Norfolk coast, where they have been found with strange cork screw injuries? Some peop

  • Dolores Cannon Interview and Awakening to Current Shifts in Consciousness

    17/08/2010 Duração: 58min

    This weeks guest is Dolores Cannon, a regressive hypnotherapist and psychic researcher who records "Lost" knowledge. In the show Dolores discusses her up and coming lecture in London where she will be talking about the dynamics of global transformation as we continue through the shift in conciousness, in what Dolores describes as the new Earth. In the show she talked about the various aspects of her work which have been chronicled in her many books including "Conversations With Nostradamus" and the "Convoluted Universe" series, taking us through a journey of lost knowledge, uncovered by her many subjects in a deep state of hypnosis. Dolores will be in London and Oxfordshire so if you wish to catch her please check out her website below to find details of her events. And much more...

  • Journeys into Consciousness 28 - Spiritual Growth, Life Review, Clones and Soul, Chemtrails, Healing

    11/08/2010 Duração: 56min

    In to today's show we covered the following questions sent in by our listeners. Please use the comment box underneath this page to send in any future questions. Topics: Is spiritual growth through pain necessary? : Do clones have souls?: Chemtrails real?, Healing questions: Oil Spill update, is it fixed? : Do we all choose this life before we are born? : Life Review, Recompense and Reconciliation with other entities. Questions: If we are in the physical life for growth, then why is growth so painful and most of the time we get more pain (emotionally) than good? Do spirits choose the location and circumstance of their life on Earth before they are born? Is the BP oil spill fixed now as the US government are now suggesting that most of the oil has dissipated? When people such as Richard Dawkins, and others state everything we experience is due to our brains, and we are just gene machines, what would Gregory say to someone such as Dawkins to convince them we are not deluded by thinking ourselves eternal?

  • Ian Lawton Interview - Future of the Soul - Shift in Consciousness

    10/08/2010 Duração: 42min

    Interview with author and researcher Ian Lawton, hosted by Mark Chatterton for Ian Lawton, born in 1959, is the author of several spiritual books. He is also the architect of the notion of Rational Spirituality. After gaining a degree in Economics from University College, London and qualifying as a chartered accountant, he sold computer software for several years before, in the late eighties, helping to found a business and IT consultancy company. In his mid-thirties he forsook the commercial world to become a writer-researcher specializing in ancient history, esoterica and spiritual philosophy. His first two books, Giza: The Truth and Genesis Unveiled (2003), have sold over 30,000 copies worldwide. In The Book of the Soul (2004) he first developed the idea of Rational Spirituality, also establishing himself as one of the world's leading authorities on the interlife. And in The Wisdom of the Soul (2007) he first introduced the idea of the holographic soul. His other books include Th

  • Journeys into Consciousness 27 - Gulf Oil Spill Update New Cap, Listener Questions, Economy

    21/07/2010 Duração: 55min

    In today's show Gregory and the group covered the following questions below, with additional questions injected from the host to dig deeper. Gregory also discussed the Gulf of Mexico oil spill at the end of show, where he raised concern around the new cap to stem the flow, apparently this is building up extra pressures that are now allowing fissures to open up on the sea floor which can spread the leak. Question 1: "Thank you all for the program, I love listening very much. I am a healer practitioner. When will things get better, Gregory. Everyone I talk too! Seem to be in turmoil and things happening to them shootings, stabbings the news also full of it. " Question 2: "I have been a healer for many years, love my work and love my healing guides. I would so appreciate understanding how to improve my ability to 'converse' with my guides so as to improve my intuitive sensitivity and improve my ability to be a vessel for healing. Could Gregory please suggest a way to break down a little the barrier between

  • Journeys into Consciousness 26 - Spirit World Questions, Ark of Covenant, Stonehenge, Oil Update

    07/07/2010 Duração: 59min

    Gulf Oil Spill Update Gregory discussed the many issues that the dispersants will have on the region, with high levels toxicity in the water and environment. Mars Discussion on the time window for supportable life on Mars which was formed around 4.6 billion years ago but lost its atmosphere and magnetosphere around 4 billion years ago, leaving a small window for life; however Mars was a vibrant planet with oceans at that time. Ark of the Covenant We discussed the story of the Ark of Covenant, alleged to have been used by Moses during the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Some people describe the Ark as some kind of God like instrument and others simply suggest it was more a weapon of mass destruction. It's now rumoured to be in Ethiopia. Gregory was very apprehensive talking about the object which could be an indication that the object was not what many people believe it to be. People still hold it in high regard as an instrument of God and may not readily accept it being anything but. Anyhow, whatever

  • Journeys into Consciousness 25 - Unicorns, Listener Questions, Miracles

    09/06/2010 Duração: 45min

    In today's show we discussed the following topics: Unicorns, Elementals, Different Earth Races, Helping Others, Miracles, Psychic Surgery, Oil Update, Mar's Moon Phobos as an ancient dwelling and Oceans in Space. We also covered the following questions from our listeners this week: Listener 1: "Ian - thanks for today's show. It has resonated particularly with me. The notion that those in spirit are not by definition 'higher' than us is something I had not considered and, in my work as a healer, this kind of elevates one's position to an equal member of the human/spirit healing team - not in a bad way but in a way that I feel to be very helpful. One question for Gregory, if you can, please. He stresses that one does not have to come back to the earth plane to experience all that must be experienced - one can gain this experience from others in spirit. Some of us come back to earth to help others with their journey. Many earth people don't have the least understanding of their spiritual journey, however.

  • Jennifer Hough - Holistic Nutritionist and The Art of Awakening

    04/06/2010 Duração: 59min

    Jennifer Hough is a Canadian based speaker, author, gifted intuitive, holistic nutritionist and teacher of the Art of Awakening. Jennifer will be in the UK on the 12th and 13th of June (2010) to teach people how to get in the flow of the universe and recognise that they're an important part of god, as we all are. A very inspiring interview, do take the time to have a listen. Just click the play button above or download to listen anytime you wish. Bio: Jennifer Hough is a speaker, author, gifted intuitive, holistic nutritionist and teacher of the art of awakening. She truly walks her talk. She has transformed her own life from years of financial struggles and chronic migraines to one of abundance and limitless vitality. Ask any of her clients and they will tell you, she is brilliant - a true bundle of joy and inspiration. She started her journey 20 years ago when she developed the largest Holistic Nutrition and Life-Make Over Coaching Practice in Canada by on integrating nutrition with a metaphysical awakenin

  • Journeys into Consciousness 24 - Gulf Oil Spill, Indigenous People, Tipping Point, E.T Guides

    26/05/2010 Duração: 59min

    Oil Spill - Gulf of Mexico We spent the beginning of the show discussing the ongoing catastrophic oil spill spreading across the Gulf of Mexico, discussing how much is leaking and whether humans can fix the problem. Also the environmental impact on an already-near-dead sea. The US Government and local states really need to take back control of the situation from BP to get a handle on the true extend of the problem. Indigenous Groups / Native People Gregory discussed the plight of the young people from the many indigenous groups around the world who are being left behind and neglected as we continually strive for a western approach to living in an already materialistic and out-of-balance world. Many of these lost peoples are turning to alcohol and drugs to get through the loss of their sacred lands and culture. Many elders have spoken about a future prophecy where a day of purification would come if the US government doesn't include them in talks and help bring balance to modern life. Gregory compares the Da

  • John C. Parkin, Author of F**k It, The Ultimate Spiritual Way

    14/05/2010 Duração: 59min

    This week's guest is John C. Parkin, author of the hugely successful self help books, F**k It. In the show we discussed John's background, philosophical outlook on life and what inspired him to use a very powerful profanity as a spiritual tool in helping people let go. We also discussed his beautiful Italian retreat where spiritual seekers can go to chill out and experience the full impact of his light hearted but affective philosophical teachings. You can find out more about John and his retreat via the links at the bottom. Warning this show does contain spiritual swearing, if you're easily offended, then please find your inner childish streak to proceed.

  • Interview with Dr David Hamilton - Quantum Healing and The Power of the Mind

    14/05/2010 Duração: 48min

    Dr David Hamilton Interview Today's guest is Dr David Hamilton PhD, a research scientist who worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 4 years after gaining his PhD. Having discovered that a large number of people were being cured by a placebo drug, a dummy drug made of chalk, he became aware just how powerful the mind can be in healing the body and reprogramming our emotions and thought patterns. Now a bestselling author published in several countries, he travels around the world offering workshops to help people understand the power the mind has over the body. Click the play button above to listen to the 45 minute audio interview or download the audio file to your computer to listen now or anytime your're free to do so. The workshop mentioned in the show is actually the Thursday 27th of May.

  • Interview with Sharon Anne Klingler, International speaker, author and medium

    06/05/2010 Duração: 59min

    This week's guest is international speaker, author and medium Sharon Anne Klingler. Sharon maintains a private practice in mediumship and other metaphysical disciplines with high profile clients from around the world. She lectures throughout the U. S., Europe, Australia and New Zealand at such conferences as The Mind Body Spirit Festival, The Whole Life Expo, The Healing Arts Symposium, Alternatives London, and the Lily Dale Assembly in New York. In the show Sharon discusses her childhood as an identical twin which led her to some extraordinary experiences inspiring both Sharon and her sister Sandra to investigate greater levels of consciousness and the nature of reality. We touched upon: -The Magic of Gemstones And Colours . -Past Lives and Future Lives through Hypnotic Progression. -Sharon shared her vision of a possible future using progression techniques. In the lion's share of cases the future came across as avery idyllic. A time in our future when we're fully settled into the Aquarian age energie

  • Journeys into Consciousness 23 - Noah's Ark, Icleland Volcano, Phobos, Ongoing Disclosure, Questions

    30/04/2010 Duração: 59min

    Iceland Volcano We discussed the large volcanic eruption in Iceland recently and what Gregory's thoughts were on the increase in changes that are happening world wide, are they part of 2012 heading towards a huge crescendo or part of a natural cycle that the Earth goes through from time to time. We also discussed the previous large eruption back in 1783 where 20,000 farm workers were killed due to dangerous sulphuric gases choking people in many parts of Britain. Could something like that happen again? Noah's Ark We discussed the discovery many years ago of satellite photo that seemed to depict Noah's ark or a large boat perched on top of mount Ararat in Turkey. Could this really be the boat mentioned in the Bible. Christian explorers recently made their way up the mountain where they took samples which seemed to confirm that this indeed could be the Ark. Gregory confirmed that this was indeed the Ark and the actual event that took. A very interesting perspective. More on UFO / Alien Disclosure There have b

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