
Acrylic Nails And Nail Fungus



Are you notorious for being the gal with acrylic nails? Or do you know someone that frequently gets them? You or someone you know may need to reconsider this cosmetic doing. Although acrylic nails are generally not problematic when put on correctly, long term use of them and improper placement causes not only damage to the nail but also a fungal infection to form. In fact, nail fungus is the most common problem that occurs from acrylic nails. Furthermore, the damage acyclic nails goes beyond nail fungus. Persistent use of the fake nails can damage the nail bed and potentially terminate the chance of nail regrowth. Acrylic nails also results in a discoloration of the nails, nail thinning/weakening, and a layering effect to begin (meaning that the nail begins to split and layer up rather than remain as one solid nail). Acrylic nails are put on incorrectly on average 50% of the time. One example is when the nails are put on with any water or moistening left beneath the acrylic on the surface of the original