Right To Life Radio | Life Report



Life Report is morphing into the new Right to Life Radio show! This is the podcast for Right to Life of Central California's weekly, pro-life radio show, broadcast every Thursday from 9-10AM on AM 1680 the Answer in Fresno. Our host (and RLCC executive director) John Gerardi gives all the latest news on the pro-life movement in Fresno, throughout California, and nationally. Subscribe today!


  • Urgent Report: YouTube Discriminating Against Pro-Life Groups!

    08/09/2008 Duração: 21min

    We've never done this before, but something came up that we needed to respond to right away. YouTube is discriminating against pro-life groups, and it's time for it to stop. Listen to this shorter-than-usual episode that we recorded this morning with Dave Schmidt, Media Director of Live Action Films. You don't want to miss this. ACTION: Go to http://www.liveactionfilms.org/youtube/ and go through the 10 action steps. Make your voice heard!

  • #27: Did He Just Say That - The Saddleback Forum - Part 1

    02/09/2008 Duração: 34min

    Josh, Liz and Jon begin a series responding to the statements made by Obama and McCain at the recent Saddleback Forum. In this episode the Life Report team responds to Obama's statement that understanding when life begins is "above my paygrade."

  • Best of Bloopers - Episodes 13-24

    27/08/2008 Duração: 03min

    I've always loved the behind the scenes and bloopers specials on DVD's, so I figured, why not do the same thing for a radio show? If you enjoy the fact that we don't always sound intelligent in the making of our show, then you're going to love this. I present the best of the bloopers from the last 12 episodes. To listen to more bloopers, go to ProLifePodcast.net/bloopers/index.html.

  • #26: Listener Mail - Janet Rivera, Tupac, Coerced Abortions, Baby Survives Abortion

    12/08/2008 Duração: 35min

    It's time for Listener Mail! Topics include listeners berating Josh for not having heard of Tupac, the story of Janet Rivera, how to handle coerced abortions and the story of a baby that survived an abortion!

  • #25: George Carlin on Abortion - Part 2

    05/08/2008 Duração: 25min

    Josh, Carrie, Michael and Jon finish responding to George Carlin's famous rant against pro-lifers in a stand-up routine. While the clips that are aired are tasteful, this should still be considered a "PG-13" episode. This is also the first episode that we brought cameras into the studio! Watch the first 8 minutes of the episode at http://blog.prolifepodcast.net!

  • #24: George Carlin on Abortion - Part 1

    28/07/2008 Duração: 39min

    Josh, Carrie and Michael begin a discussion that most pro-lifers are not having, which is responding to George Carlin's famous rant against pro-lifers in a stand-up routine. While the clips that are aired are tasteful, this should still be considered a "PG-13" episode. In this episode, the discussion revolves around the first 4 out of 10 clips we're going to address in this series.

  • #23: Listener Mail - Abortion/Breast Cancer Link & End of Life Issues

    22/07/2008 Duração: 39min

    It's finally time for another listener mail show! We've received a huge amount of listener mail in the last month, that we'll be responding to in Listener Mail shows in the near future. - Listener Mail #1: Abortion/Breast Cancer Link - Listener Mail #2: End of Life Issues Access the show notes with hyperlinks to related material at http://blog.prolifepodcast.net Weekly Segments: - Pro-Life 101: "Pro-Lifers Are Intolerant" - Link of the Week: GodTube.com - What's Abortion?

  • #22: Lousy Philosophic Arguments AGAINST Abortion

    15/07/2008 Duração: 43min

    WARNING: Between 7:30 and 9:36 of this program there are disturbing and violent descriptions read (non-sexual, just violent) that we would not recommend for pre-teens. If you are a parent and unsure whether your kids are ready for this, we encourage you to screen it first and decide for yourself. Show Notes: It's the last in our 3-part series on refining pro-life argumentation: "5 Lousy Philosophic Arguments AGAINST Abortion." Basically, don't use any of the arguments listed in this episode. And once again, Carrie doesn't agree with all the arguments on Josh's list, so debate ensues! You don't want to miss this! Weekly Segments: Pro-Life 101: "Right to Choose" Link of the Week: StandUpGirl.com

  • #21: The 4 Weakest Pro-Life Bumper Stickers Ever

    10/07/2008 Duração: 30min

    Continuing our 3-part series on refining pro-life argumentation, Josh offers his list of the "4 weakest pro-life bumper stickers ever." An engaging debate continues as Liz and Carrie don't necessarily agree with all of Josh's picks! Next week Josh, Carrie and Liz finish the 3-part series with "5 lousy philosophic arguments AGAINST abortion." Stay tuned!

  • #20: Putting Your Pro-Life Foot In Your Mouth

    01/07/2008 Duração: 33min

    Josh attempts to refine pro-life argumentation in the next 3 shows. In this show, Josh encourages pro-lifers to understand the facts, and not use phrases based on old science that make us sound dumb to pro-choicers that know better. Next week Josh, Carrie and Liz discuss what Josh calls "the 4 weakest pro-life bumper stickers ever," and finish with "5 lousy philosophic arguments AGAINST abortion." Stay tuned!

  • #19: Carrie's 9 Tips for Talking to a Woman Considering Abortion

    24/06/2008 Duração: 41min

    Carrie takes us through her list of 9 tips for talking to a woman considering an abortion. This week's Pro-Life 101 segment answers the argument that a woman has more rights than her unborn child, and this week's "Link of the Week," is Feminists for Life. Access it by clicking the link on this week's podcast show notes at http://.blog.prolifepodcast.net.

  • #18 - Listener Mail & Pro-Life 101

    17/06/2008 Duração: 54min

    It's finally time to do a Pro-Life 101 show, with the basic apologetics and talking points EVERY pro-lifer should master if they want to dialogue with others about the subject of abortion. Before that, a listener writes in thanking us for the Henry Seratto show, and then hear Josh go nuts after a listener emails Carrie with a song request!

  • #17 - Clinton's Planned Parenthood Speech

    11/06/2008 Duração: 35min

    Josh, Carrie and Liz discuss Hillary Clinton’s Planned Parenthood speech, given at the same event as Obama’s speech that was discussed in the last episode. Don’t miss hearing Josh’s “most unique car mishap story that you will ever hear in your life!” This show debuts the two new weekly segments "Link of the Week" and "Pro-Life 101." In "Link of the Week," Liz and/or Carrie will share a favorite pro-life link, either to a website or a YouTube video. In "Pro-Life 101," Josh will take 60 seconds to give you simple talking points that defeat a pro-abortion-choice argument .

  • #16 - Obama's Planned Parenthood Speech

    03/06/2008 Duração: 29min

    Many pro-lifers still don't know about the speeches Obama and Clinton made to Planned Parenthood last year, but what they said is very telling. In this show we analyze some of the things Obama said, and we'll take a close look at Clinton's speech in the next show.

  • #15 - Current Events: 'Cemetery of Innocents' Vandalized

    27/05/2008 Duração: 47min

    Yet another pro-life display has been vandalized, this time at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Luckily this time the pro-lifers had a camera, and the entire episode is on YouTube. Josh, Carrie and Liz comment on what happened, and then respond to various comments that have been made online in response to the video.

  • #14 - Current Events: Yale "Miscarriage Art;" & Arizona Pregnant Woman Hits 2 Police Vehicles While Under the Influence

    20/05/2008 Duração: 37min

    Yale student creates controversy over "miscarriage art," and an Arizona pregnant woman hits 2 police vehicles while under the influence.

  • #13 - Current Events: Planned Parenthood Wants "Gag" Placed on Ads; Joy Behar on McCain's Pro-Life Views; Obama and Clinton Don't Know When Life Begins

    13/05/2008 Duração: 46min

    Planned Parenthood wants a "gag" placed on pro-life ads, "The View's" Joy Behar says pro-lifers are against women's rights, and Josh's head just about explodes after Liz reads a story about Obama and Clinton saying they don't know when life begins!

  • #12 - Current Events: Planned Parenthood Investigation; UNC Professor Suggests the Abortion of ALL Down Syndrome Babies; Sex-Selection Abortions in the Fresno Bee; Poll Shows Barack Obama Fares Better With Pro-Lifers Than Hillary Clinton

    06/05/2008 Duração: 39min

    A Planned Parenthood Investigation; a UNC Professor Suggests the Abortion of ALL Down Syndrome Babies; Sex-Selection Abortions in the Fresno Bee; Poll Shows Barack Obama Fares Better With Pro-Lifers Than Hillary Clinton.

  • #11 - Abortion and Men

    29/04/2008 Duração: 45min

    Guest Henry Seratto joins the studio to share his personal experience with post-abortion syndrome, leading to a discussion on how abortion effects men differently than abortion. Don't miss Henry's beautiful song!

  • #10 - Listener Mail & Current Events: Obama Wouldn't "Punish His Daughters With a Baby"

    22/04/2008 Duração: 26min

    We've received listener mail! After reading and discussing the first two emails to the show, Liz shares a current events story of Obama's recent controversial statement in which he says he wouldn't "punish" his daughters with a baby. Have a question or topic you'd like discussed on the show? Send an email to Josh at Josh@ProLifePodcast.net and receive a FREE book when we read it on the air!

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