Right To Life Radio | Life Report



Life Report is morphing into the new Right to Life Radio show! This is the podcast for Right to Life of Central California's weekly, pro-life radio show, broadcast every Thursday from 9-10AM on AM 1680 the Answer in Fresno. Our host (and RLCC executive director) John Gerardi gives all the latest news on the pro-life movement in Fresno, throughout California, and nationally. Subscribe today!


  • #50: Kenna Responds to Our Series; Josh Rants; Racism & Red Envelope Day

    31/03/2009 Duração: 40min

    It's our 50th episode, and one of our most solid episodes yet! We start by reading some excerpts from Kenna's reaction to our series based on her pro-choice video entitled "Pro-Life Lies." This ends with Josh getting on his soapbox in an impromptu rant about mean pro-lifers making comments on YouTube. You won't want to miss it. After the break Josh, Liz and Jon discuss the whole "Planned Parenthood is racist" argument a little more, and then talk about Red Envelope Day. Is it a good thing, or a bad thing? The debate happens right here.

  • #49: 9 Things the Media Messed Up About the Obama Stem Cell Story

    24/03/2009 Duração: 30min

    Josh, Liz and Jon discuss President Obama's recent Executive Order rescinding President Bush's EO on using tax dollars to kill embryos. They then talk about Josh's recent article, "9 Things the Media Messed Up About the Obama Stem Cell Story," which went viral overnight, being talked about by LifeNews.com, NewsBusters.org, TownHall.com, Stand to Reason and more! Action: Share this link with your friends! http://StemCellAnswers.com Weekly Segments: Pro-Life 101: "What About Disabled Children?" Link of the Week: Facebook Group - Stand to Reason

  • #48: Responding to Pro-Choice Video: "Pro-Life Lies" - Part 5

    24/03/2009 Duração: 23min

    The Life Report team continues a series of episodes responding to a YouTube video made by a self-described pro-choice pro-gay rights activist. The video lists 55 "pro-life lies" he's heard, and the Life Report team is going to briefly discuss each one of them! In this episode, we respond to the statements: "All women regret abortion." "Sluts who can't keep their legs shut should deal with the consequences." "Women who abort are selfish." "No one would consider abortion after having children."

  • #47: Common Pro-Choice Arguments - Guest: Clovis Student Josh Yee

    10/03/2009 Duração: 41min

    Clovis student Josh Yee joins Josh, Liz and Carrie to discuss common pro-choice arguments. Josh Yee gets into abortion discussions on a daily basis, and he brought five arguments he hears that he has a hard time responding to. The Life Report team goes through the arguments one by one giving practical talking points that YOU can use to respond to these arguments. Pro-Choice Arguments: 1. "It’s the woman's body, she should be able to do what she wants with it." 2. "What about the dangers of having a baby? A mother should be able to avoid these dangers by getting an abortion." 3. "A baby is not a baby until it’s born, so abortions are ok because it is not a human yet." 4. "A baby is a problem that can be solved by getting an abortion." 5. "If a mother is not ready to take care of a baby, she can have an abortion to rid herself of the responsibility."

  • #46: Responding to Pro-Choice Video: "Pro-Life Lies" - Part 4

    03/03/2009 Duração: 28min

    The Life Report team continues a series of episodes responding to a YouTube video made by a self-described pro-choice pro-gay rights activist. The video lists 55 "pro-life lies" he's heard, and the Life Report team is going to briefly discuss each one of them! In this episode, Carrie joins Josh and Liz as they continue responding to a YouTube video made by a pro-choice gay rights activist. The "pro-life lies" we saved for Carrie are specifically directed at post-abortive women. In this episode, we respond to the statements: - "Abortion tears your soul apart." - "Women who abort go to Hell." - "Women who abort are sluts." - "Women who abort don't use birth control." The full episode audio as well as supporting documents that you can use can be found at http://ProLifePodcast.net

  • #45: Responding to Pro-Choice Video: "Pro-Life Lies" - Part 3

    24/02/2009 Duração: 25min

    The Life Report team continues a series of episodes responding to a YouTube video made by a self-described pro-choice pro-gay rights activist. The video lists 55 "pro-life lies" he's heard, and the Life Report team is going to briefly discuss each one of them! In this episode, we respond to the statements: 1. "One-third of our generation is missing [due to abortion.]" (This will surprise you.) 2. "A woman is someone that can get pregnant." 3. "The Bible says abortion is wrong." 4. "The unborn has the same rights as adults." The full episode audio as well as supporting documents that you can use can be found at http://ProLifePodcast.net

  • #44: Listener Mail (including the awesomest letter we've ever received!)

    17/02/2009 Duração: 28min

    In this episode, Josh, Liz and Jon respond to listener submitted questions. Don't miss it! Listener Questions: 1. The best piece of listener mail ever. 2. "Does embryonic heartbeat begin at 18 days or 22 days?" 3. "Why is it that 'pro-life' is so closely related with Christians? How come none of the other causes in the world are associated with a religion?"

  • #43: Responding to Pro-Choice Video: "Pro-Life Lies" - Part 2

    10/02/2009 Duração: 31min

    The Life Report team continues a series of episodes responding to a YouTube video made by a self-described pro-choice pro-gay rights activist. The video lists 55 "pro-life lies" he's heard, and the Life Report team is going to briefly discuss each one of them! In this episode, we respond to the statements: - "It is not her body, it is God's body." - "Once a woman is pregnant, she no longer owns her body." - "Abstinence education will prevent abortion." - "It's okay to abort rape pregnancies." The full episode audio as well as supporting documents that you can use when discussing abstinence education and abortion for rape cases can be found at http://ProLifePodcast.net

  • #42: Responding to Pro-Choice Video: "Pro-Life Lies" - Part 1

    03/02/2009 Duração: 27min

    The Life Report team starts a series of episodes responding to a YouTube video made by a self-described pro-choice pro-gay rights activist. The video lists 55 "pro-life lies" he's heard, and the Life Report team is going to briefly discuss each one of them! Spoiler alert: We actually disagree with many of the "pro-life" statements in this video, so we're not going to pull any punches. This show is about raising the bar on our critical thinking skills, and that means taking a honest look at arguments from both sides of the abortion issue. In this episode, we respond to the "pro-life" statements: - "Abortion is malicious." - "Abortionists deserve to die." - "Partial-birth abortion is cruel." - "Planned Parenthood is racist."

  • #41: Did He Just Say That? "Obama Will Reduce Abortion Rates."

    27/01/2009 Duração: 30min

    In this episode, Josh, Liz and Jon respond to pro-lifers that believe that President Obama's policies will reduce abortion rates more than McCain's would have. You can also check out all the sources for the arguments we make, mainly quoting from the side of the abortion advocates!

  • #40: Listener Mail (Carrie's emails)

    20/01/2009 Duração: 31min

    We finally get to the emails Carrie has received recently that we didn't have time to get to on last week's show. Listener Questions: - "Could you try and not make Right to Life about Christianity?" - "Let's say there is a woman that has some kind of condition where it is 100% impossible for her to carry a pregnancy more than 4 months. If pro-lifers could pass all the pro life legislation they wanted to, would this woman be guilty of some kind of murder if she continually and purposefully refused to use birth control knowing that any unborn baby would simply die in a maximum of 4 months?" Weekly Segments: - Pro-Life 101: "Is Anyone Safe?" - Link of the Week: March for Life websites

  • #39: Listener Mail

    13/01/2009 Duração: 27min

    Josh, Liz and Carrie respond to listener submitted questions. Listener Questions: - "What are some good pro-life political action committees to join?" - "If abortion became illegal..." - "Do you work in pro-life because of God or the unborn?" Weekly Segments: - Pro-Life 101: "A Flawed Ethic" - Link of the Week: YouTube - Fetal Development Slideshow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2l1-kvKomg

  • #38: The Mona Lisa Project

    07/01/2009 Duração: 38min

    David Schmidt, Media Director for Live Action joins Josh, Carrie and Liz to discuss "The Mona Lisa Project," a series of undercover "sting" videos exposing Planned Parenthood's willingness to disobey statutory rape reporting laws. While a few similar stings have been done before, this is by far the most comprehensive and effective undercover project ever done by a pro-life group. You don't want to miss hearing about this! Weekly Segments: Pro-Life 101: "A Double Standard" Link of the Week: www.jfaweb.org (Justice For All)

  • #37: Planned Parenthood Christmas Gift Certificates for Abortion

    23/12/2008 Duração: 29min

    The Life Report team discuss Planned Parenthood's infamous gift certificates that can be used for abortions. You would think this would be a real heavy show, but I don't think Carrie has ever laughed so hard on the podcast at the ridiculousness of this story. Weekly Segments: Pro-Life 101: A Lesson from Louise Brown Link of the Week: Heritage House (HH76.com)

  • #36: Post-Election Reactions; John Hopkins Researcher Denies Abortion's Impact on Women

    16/12/2008 Duração: 35min

    In this episode, the Life Report team give their reactions to the presidential election and discuss a recent story about a John Hopkins researcher claiming that abortion does NOT have a negative impact on women! (Carrie had some strong opinions about this one...) Weekly Segments: Pro-Life 101: Inconsistencies Everywhere Link of the Week: HDRC.org (Human Development Resource Council)

  • #35: NY Has Extremely High Abortion Rate Despite Free Birth Control

    16/12/2008 Duração: 32min

    In this episode, Josh, Liz, Jon and Walter Hoye discuss a fascinating news story that seems to debunk a common pro-choice argument... Weekly Segments: Pro-Life 101: What Does Fetus Mean? Link of the Week: www.OMSoul.com

  • #34: Moment of Truth / YouTube Response

    26/11/2008 Duração: 40min

    In this episode, Josh, Liz, Jon and Walter Hoye respond to an audio clip from Fox's "Moment of Truth" show. After the break they discuss some positive AND negative comments from their YouTube video about George Carlin.

  • #33: Reaching the African-American Community. Special Guest - Walter Hoye

    18/11/2008 Duração: 31min

    Walter Hoye from the Issues4Life Foundation stopped by our studio to record a few shows with us. This first show is more of an interview with him, regarding the amazing work he does to reach the African-American community with the pro-life message.

  • #32: Listener Mail - Thoughts on Choice; Stupid Picture of Josh; March of Dimes; Redefining Death

    14/11/2008 Duração: 27min

    We're back! Thanks again for your patience, as I took a break from editing podcasts while taking care of my brand new baby boy. But we're back in the saddle again, with regular podcasts going up every Tuesday! This is a listener mail show, covering several topics, with a few funny videos to check out as well!

  • #31: Listener Mail - Vasectomies, Abortion as a Civil Rights Issue, 'Abortion Changes You' Campaign

    14/11/2008 Duração: 28min

    It's time for another listener mail show! Josh, Carrie and Jon respond to emails about whether a vasectomy is an abortion, how framing the abortion issue as a civil rights issue is a good strategy with pro-choice people, and commenting on the "Abortion Changes You" campaign.

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