Destiny Church of Jacksonville, FL



Welcome to the podcast for Destiny Church of Jacksonville, FL. We hope our messages encourage and challenge your walk with Jesus Christ. It is our heart that you would grow in both your desire to know Jesus and to make Him known. If you are ever in Jacksonville we would love the opportunity to worship with you.


  • Upgrade your Praise

    21/01/2018 Duração: 50min

    You are in for a real treat today! Continuing in our series "Upgrade", Pastor Chris goes old-school with some lessons in Hebrew on the different words used in the Old Testament for praise. If you think that this is going to be some dry, boring, foreign language study, you couldn't be further from the truth. Today's message has all the potential to upend some old and tired (and consequently lifeless) ideas about what praise is and how it is to be expressed. Come and learn what good things The Master says about praise!

  • The Greatest

    14/01/2018 Duração: 34min

    When you consider the idea of service, what do you think about? A lot of folks think of it as part of an occupation; like at a restaurant or an automotive garage, and although I'm sure you could classify a portion of today's message in that context, it goes far beyond any occupational designs. Pastor Chris continues in the new series "Upgrade" and frames the idea of servanthood as one of the earmarks of greatness. Only in the Kingdom does it make any sense that if we want to be the greatest, we must truly humble ourselves in the service of others.

  • Increase

    07/01/2018 Duração: 39min

    What kinds of things are you hoping for in 2018? New relationships? Perhaps a promotion? Maybe you're hoping for more direction toward your purpose. Maybe it's discovering that you have a purpose! Pastor Chris starts the new series "Upgrade" today and with it, a challenge to look at things a little differently. God is always doing something new and sometimes we need to trade our tired excuses that keep us tied to what God has done in the past and jump headlong into the work He is wanting you to be a part of today. So please, if you're thinking that 2018 is just another year, think again, and join us on this most excellent journey.

  • The Challenge of Change

    31/12/2017 Duração: 42min

    Change: It can represent a great many things to different people; but for almost everyone, change is inevitable and as we close the books on 2017, you can bet that 2018 will have many opportunities for change. Maybe you're in a place right now that you need to change, but you lack the knowledge or strength to move forward. Pastor Chris boldly lays out some practical, Biblical steps to tackle those challenges that hold us back from God's best in our lives. Make 2018 the best year of your life: Make the decision to be all-in for God!

  • The Tale of Two Kings

    24/12/2017 Duração: 29min

    Can you believe that Christmas is here already? It seems that the busier we are, life just slips right by us and before you know it, we've missed that miraculous birth in the most humble place possible. Not literally of course, but you get the idea. Today, Pastor Chris takes us on a journey back in time to investigate the life of king Herod and how his rule compared and contrasted to the Kingdom that Jesus would bring at His birth. We hope you have a most joyous Christmas this year filled with the true treasures of friendship, love, and most of all the gifts of redemption and salvation through Christ Jesus.

  • All I want for Christmas

    17/12/2017 Duração: 36min

    It's Christmas and you can bet that it would be almost impossible to count all of the sermons and plays and special services going on throughout the world all pointing the same glorious event: The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As far as birthday's go, it's the most significant in human history. Today however, Pastor Chris takes some time to look at the life of Mary and more importantly, the call of God in Mary's life, or better yet the unusual and inconvenient nature of God's call. Maybe you're experiencing a call that you can't explain or understand. Today's message will definitely encourage you to be obedient, even when things don't make sense.

  • Panim El Panim

    10/12/2017 Duração: 33min

    Hello and welcome to the Podcast of Destiny Church of Jacksonville! As many of you already know, Pastors Chris and Jodi Tomlinson left Christ's Church in Roswell, New Mexico over 5 years ago to start this ministry. Today you are in for a real treat because their former Pastors, Gerry and Rebecca Chavez, came to visit and brought a powerful word that will reignite your passion for the Presence of God in your life. You don't want miss this one!

  • Go!

    06/12/2017 Duração: 38min

    Pastor Chris concludes the mini-series "On Your Mark" with a bang much like you'd hear at the start of a foot race. Of course, our commission has so much more at stake than a foot race. The trouble is, there's a lot of us who don't know just how much authority and power has been granted to us to reach the lost and to speak life and hope to the world around us. Whether it's the workplace, school, or even bigger, like a community or even a nation; God has a place for you to go! Our prayer and hope is that you are encouraged and inspired by these messages. What's God doing in your life today? Let us know by visiting our website and click on on the Testimony button to share your story.

  • Get Set

    26/11/2017 Duração: 41min

    When you hear the announcer's voice over the loudspeaker saying "Get Set!", you know it's just a matter of seconds before the crack of the starting pistol sends runners on their way. Today's message from Pastor Chris Tomlinson will encourage and prepare you to "Get Set" for the next thing that God is bringing your way. No matter where you are in your walk or what season of life you are living, God is ready for you to use your gifts to further His Kingdom! He has a plan that has always had you in mind, are you ready to set your mind and hope on discovering that plan and going for it?

  • Superficial Giving

    19/11/2017 Duração: 49min

    What do you think most people think about when the subject of giving is brought up for discussion? A better question might be, does the subject of giving ever come up in your discussions? In the church, there's no question that giving and all things money have been abused to the point where it's rarely taught correctly. God is a giver and giving is a big deal and anyone who has ever decided to become a generous and consistent giver will testify to the blessing that follows. Yes, it's about money, but it's about so much more, too. Dr. Mitch Arbelaez will encourage and educate you in this lively message. If you're giver, you already know the secret. If you're not, don't wait, start today! It will be one of the best decisions you will ever make.

  • Homecoming

    12/11/2017 Duração: 47min

    We are so blessed and excited to have Avi Mizrachi, the director of Dugit Ministries in Tel Aviv, Israel, as our special guest teacher. In today's message, he draws on his Jewish roots, family history, and Biblical prophecy to show that Israel (and the world!) is in the midst of millenia-old promises being fulfilled. There's no doubt that we are in a unique point in history and some would even say we are even seeing end-time prophecies coming true. So keep looking up! Jesus is coming back soon! You'll be encouraged, challenged, and amazed by Avi's message of hope and homecoming.

  • On Your Mark

    05/11/2017 Duração: 32min

    It sounds like the start of a race, right? "On your mark" signifies that it's time to get to your post and be prepared for what's next. Today's message from Pastor Chris speaks to the person in that starting place, but he also speaks to the notion of the marks of a follower of Christ; those character traits and attributes that set believer (and The Church) apart and offer a hopeful and eternal worldview. So join us as we begin this new mini-series and invite your friends and family to listen in as well! You're guaranteed to be challenged and encouraged.

  • My Sphere of Influence

    29/10/2017 Duração: 53min

    If you've been a Christian for any length of time, there's no doubt that you've heard that people are watching you. Sure, you do have those watching, hoping that you may slip-up. But it goes well beyond that. You have been given an opportunity to actually influence the people and situations that you encounter every day, and our guest teacher Mark Harrell breaks down those areas of influence and the steps necessary to bring those people and places around you into the Kingdom of God.

  • The Weight

    22/10/2017 Duração: 46min

    If there's one thing that's been the primary focus of Pastors Chris and Jodi Tomlinson, it's the Gospel of Jesus Christ; The Good News! We, having accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior, have been set free from the power of sin, death and hell, and that's the best news anyone could ever share! But today, Chris wants you to focus your attention on some of the other things that get in the way of all that God has for us; things that in and of themselves are not necessarily sin, but weights and burdens that we collect and carry until we're ultimately shackled by them. If you are bound up by all of the good things in your life, this is your opportunity to take a load off and get some rest.

  • Storm Warning

    08/10/2017 Duração: 28min

    Living in Northeast Florida, it's a fairly common occurrence; the dreaded storm warning. Sometimes it's Nor'easter sweeping in with buckets of rain and a steady wind. Sometimes it's a hurricane that brings with it destruction and loss. Either way it's safe to say that we're never far from the next warning, and that's exactly where our own Pastor Jodi Tomlinson speaks from in today's challenging but encouraging message. Thank you so much for joining us today! If you have been encouraged by today's message or any of our past messages, please let us know. Follow us on Facebook

  • The Seven Seas (C's) of Freedom

    01/10/2017 Duração: 43min

    Good morning and welcome to the Podcast of Destiny Church of Jacksonville. Pastor Chris and a team of our men have joined up again with Dirty Feet Missions to minister in Haiti, so this week we are honored to have our own Christian Brown teaching today and you don't want to miss it. The idea of freedom has been a recurring theme over the past few weeks and today's Word will give even more solid strategies to help you live in freedom and to help others to do the same.

  • It's Your Approach!

    24/09/2017 Duração: 38min

    When you think of renewable resources, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Energy? Perhaps you thought about your recycling bins and separating your trash. Have you ever considered your mind to be the most valuable renewable resource you have? In today's message, Pastor Chris shares some guidance on how to overcome some of those deeply-rooted behaviors and reactions by allowing God to change the way we think about things. Simply put, we can renew our minds. No one is immune from problems, but we certainly have the ultimate Resource to help us overcome any obstacle.

  • It's Not Over

    17/09/2017 Duração: 40min

    We are still in the recovery phase of hurricane Irma here in the Jacksonville area, and there couldn't be a more appropriate title to today's message. Many here have lost a lot and some have lost everything to the storm, but like Pastor Chris say's, "it's not over"! Today we'll learn that even in the worst of situations, faith, praise, and the right perspective can lead to the miraculous. Please continue to pray for all of those affected by this year's storms.

  • 7 Steps to Freedom: Part-2

    27/08/2017 Duração: 37min

    Last week, Pastor Chris really dug in to some of the consequences of unresolved conflict and started to show us how we can move toward Godly conflict resolution in 7 steps. Today, he concludes both the message and our series, "Relationship Status: It's Complicated". There has been some very solid and practical Biblical wisdom shared over the last few weeks as it pertains to building and maintaining healthy, Godly relationships. We hope that you have been blessed by what you've heard and we hope and pray that your relationships are better for it. Thanks for joining us!

  • 7 Steps to Freedom: Part-1

    20/08/2017 Duração: 35min

    Conflict. It's easily one of the most avoided aspects of our relationships, but not dealing with conflict will at the very least weaken our relationship and sometimes it will totally destroy them. Resolving conflict with people, especially those who are closest to us, can help our prayer life. It can open the doors of God's blessings and overall, just make us happier, Godlier people. So come along with us today as we dig into some practical, Biblical wisdom.

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