Christ Community Sunday - Olathe Campus



This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Olathe Campus.


  • He’s Really Alive…Now What? [Easter 2023]

    09/04/2023 Duração: 27min

    John 20:1-18 // Nathan MillerThere is only one tomb that remains empty. One search that doesn’t ultimately end in death. And He is also searching for you.There is nothing about you, that if He finds out, He’ll walk out of the room. Nothing. He already knows. No matter the darkness, shame, or disappointment. No matter how many demons. Literal or metaphorical. He calls you by name. Let Him find you.What does Mary do next? Her despair is converted to hope! Her tears to laughter. So she goes back to her people. His people. This new family. She can’t keep it in!She essentially preaches the first Christian sermon. The model for every sermon ever since. “Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Cross [Behold your King 14]

    02/04/2023 Duração: 36min

    John 19:17-30 // Tom NelsonHe who is stripped naked and nailed to the cross who appears completely powerless, is actually the one who is all powerful. Jesus is the one who is really in control. No one takes Jesus’ life, Jesus gives it up.  John includes Jesus' final words on the cross, “It is finished,” not only to indicate that Jesus really died, but that his death accomplished something very important, his death had great meaning.  Here we discover John’s most compelling irony. An irony John does not want us as readers to miss. Jesus’ tragic death is actually a great triumph! What sure seems like a great and unspeakable tragedy is actually an unimaginably great triumph of the Triune God.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Kingdom [Behold your King 13]

    26/03/2023 Duração: 30min

    John 18:28-19:22 // Nathan MillerLet sacrificial love rule you (surrender to the Crucified King). For when we are gripped by His way. And we receive His love. We don’t have to rule ourselves anymore. We’re adopted into a new family. We’re given a new identity. You are set free from the tyranny and fragility of having to define yourself. We’re also set free from the whims of letting just anyone rule over us. And our obsession with safety and comfort. You are now secure in the love of the one who, even though He was in complete control every moment, went to His death for you. And He will never leave you.He will come again. He will reign forever. For Jesus is both the Lamb who was slain. Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Prayer [Behold your King 12]

    19/03/2023 Duração: 31min

    John 17:1-26 // Bill GormanWhen in John’s gospel we overhear what God the Son prays to God the Father for us in prayer, out of all he invites the Father to do, his central focus is to reveal his glory. Maybe more helpfully labeled beauty, this glory is the catalyst to life-giving change the world over. You can’t help but wonder if Dostoevsky was right: beauty can save the world. Join us to find out how on earth that could actually be possible.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Betrayal [Behold your King 11]

    12/03/2023 Duração: 32min

    John 18:1-27 // Nathan MillerJesus knows what it’s like. This is so important. No matter what you’ve done, where you’ve been, or how much you’ve been hurt. Jesus knows what it’s like. I’m sure you’ve had a moment in your life where something difficult happens. And someone says to you: I know what you’re going through or I know how you feel or something very well-meaning. But you also know they have no idea what it’s like or how you feel. It almost makes you feel even more alone, doesn’t it? That will never be true of Jesus. Jesus felt it all. The range of every human emotion. Grief, loss, disappointment, sadness, loneliness, temptation. Betrayal, rejection, and denial. What other God can say that? Only ours. Only Jesus.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Hour [Behold your King 10]

    05/03/2023 Duração: 33min

    John 16:16-33 // Jonathan NeefTime is weird. Although time always marches on, how we experience our day-to-day experience of time is influenced by our mood, age, culture, and conditions. And when Jesus describes sorrow lasting only a “little while,” how are we to take that? What does that mean for your anticipation of Jesus in your pain today?Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Departure [Behold your King 09]

    26/02/2023 Duração: 38min

    John 16:1-15 // Nathan MillerThe Holy Spirit is like a preacher who lives within you. Weird, right? And yet, if we’re honest, there are so many voices we’re constantly listening to. I hear them. Don’t you? Voices of inadequacy, shame, rejection, despair, selfishness, entitlement, and anger. There are always “sermons” going on inside our brains. So many of them are destructive and misleading.The Holy Spirit is also trying to preach to you. Trying to raise His voice above all the rest. But you really have to listen. And His sermon is always about Jesus. Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Witnesses [Behold your King 08]

    19/02/2023 Duração: 35min

    John 15:18-27 // Tim MillerWhen we endure and thrive by the power of the Holy Spirit, we demonstrate and proclaim the good news of the transformative power of God to a lost world.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Counselor [Behold your King 07]

    12/02/2023 Duração: 41min

    John 14:15-31 // Gabe CoyleOne of the most important questions to ask is not just “what is God” or “who is God?” but “Where is God?” Interestingly enough, Jesus makes it clear that to answer that question we must also ask “Where am I?”Join us as we continue walking through the Gospel of John to explore where God longs to live most. Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • The King’s Friend [Behold your King 06]

    05/02/2023 Duração: 32min

    So what Jesus is saying is  If you remain connected to me. If you abide in me. If you rest in me. If you remain in me. If you intentionally cultivate intimacy with me. In the quiet places. Where no one is watching. In prayer. In meditation on my words. Then you will bear fruit.Because to be connected to the true vine also means that we are connected to the other branches. There is no such thing as an isolated Christian without community in the New Testament.Jesus says If you remain connected to my people. If you come to church. If you meet in small groups. If you pray and worship together. If you bear each other’s burdens. Then you will bear fruit.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Father [Behold your King 05]

    29/01/2023 Duração: 27min

    If Jesus knows where we are going, that means He literally has forever to answer my prayers, and somehow, in some way, what I’ve asked for will eventually be satisfied. Maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not even for 10,000 years. But it will come.And if Jesus knows that ultimately, He is everything I need -- the way, the truth, and the life -- then every prayer we pray in His name, is actually a request for more of Him. Isn’t it? Whether we realize it or not. And church, the longer I’ve followed Him, the more I’ve realized and even experienced that that actually is what I want. More than anything else. That prayer is much less about getting stuff from God. And much more about reorienting my dependence and my attention on receiving more of God. More of His presence, more of His comfort, seeing more of His love. Even when it feels like He’s not answering me in the way that I want.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Word [Behold your King 04]

    22/01/2023 Duração: 29min

    John tells us about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It’s a biography of the most influential and important person who ever lived. And John wrote this not because he thought it was interesting. But because he believed that trusting in Jesus, that Jesus’ offer to follow him in all that we do, was the most important invitation of all time. And that to miss out on that offer would be the most tragic, heartbreaking, but avoidable mistake any person could ever make. And this passage we just read is the warning. It’s the thing we wish we had AFTER we make a mistake. But we have it now. On the cross, Jesus proves that whatever the cost may be for following him, his cost to find you was higher. Don’t say no to him. Don’t. Even if you are here and you don’t yet know what to make of all of this. Don’t close yourself to it. Don’t walk away. Don’t say no to the one who does not say no to you.Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • The King’s Love [Behold your King 03]

    15/01/2023 Duração: 32min

    We should be known by our love. And that love is defined as a basin and towel of humble service, even to those who would deny us and betray us.He washed us clean of our guilt and shame. And we still deny Him. We still betray Him. Even so, He loves us like this. Let Him wash you. Let Him serve you. And then join Him in doing the same.And when we do? Just think of the impact we can have. Social historians point out this is one of the primary reasons the Christian movement grew in the first centuries. We actually loved like this. Across ethnic lines. Across socio-economic lines. Even towards our enemies. And it literally changed our world.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Fruit [Behold your King 02]

    08/01/2023 Duração: 30min

    Well, I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The good news is, you don’t have to wonder. Jesus tells us right up front what He wants from us. He’s very clear about the cost of following Him. There’s nothing hidden here. No fine print. That’s the good news.The bad news is (depending on your perspective), He wants it all. Everything. He wants your family, reputation, that relationship, finances, and success. He wants your health, your work, your sex life, and your lifestyle.The good news is, you don’t have to guess. The hard news is, He wants your very life. But. You will never get a better offer than His. Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Burial [Behold your King 01]

    01/01/2023 Duração: 26min

    A common cliche today is “I’ll believe it when I see it,” but when we come with the posture of faith we say, “I believe it, so I see it.” This is because the Truth is a person to trust, not an argument to defend. Jesus is our King, and he needs no defending.  Join us as allow our hearts to begin to soften by the faith-building narrative of Christ’s final week on earth, and to truly see our King for who he is. As we do this, we’ll come to learn together that, when it comes to the crucified Christ, you have to believe him to truly Behold Your King. Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • Praise the King [Advent 05]

    25/12/2022 Duração: 17min

    It’s one thing to ponder gift ideas for people we love. It’s a totally audacious task to wonder what God wants for Christmas. Or is it?  Join us this Christmas as we look at what God wants from us and for us as we celebrate the birth of our King and Savior Jesus Christ!Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Victory [Advent 04]

    18/12/2022 Duração: 33min

    You need a “Who” more than you need a “Why.” And you have one. His name is Jesus. So what does the Psalmist do? As dark as this Psalm is, he erupts into praise, and he tells his friends. This is who our God is!But I’m guessing, not all of us are there yet. I know Christmas can be a really hard time of year for many of us. We feel all this pressure to be happy. And we believe God is with us. But perhaps you still feel so alone.Have you told Him how you feel? You don’t have to hide it or sugarcoat it or pretend it isn’t true. But you do have to bring it to Him. He can take it. Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Rescue [Advent 03]

    11/12/2022 Duração: 42min

    Christmas always comes with its fair share of surprises, but advent is meant to cultivate anticipation. Throughout the history of the church, Advent has been a time to return to practices of anticipating our promised King’s return. But the question remains: What will this coming king do? How will he relate with and act toward his people? Join us as we seek to not forget all the King’s benefits in the matchless chapter of Psalm 103.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Character [Advent 02]

    04/12/2022 Duração: 33min

    THIS is the King we need. The fulfillment of Psalm72, and every earthly ruler. This One knows the needy. This One finds us precious. This One is with the needy now and forever. He is with us both now and forever.He actually knows what it’s like to be in need. Entering our world as a helpless baby. No less a King and yet still so vulnerable. For He sympathizes with our weakness. He longs to sit with us in them. And went to a cross to overcome them.Are you expecting your King to join you in your need? Not just fix it. Sometimes that’s not what’s best. But to join us in it.   And your need is all you need to bring Him.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The Promised King [Advent 01]

    27/11/2022 Duração: 34min

    Sermon Notes: Requests:

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