Christ Community Sunday - Olathe Campus



This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Olathe Campus.


  • David and the Census [David 13]

    06/08/2023 Duração: 32min

    2 Samuel 24 // Jonathan NeefHow would you write the ending of your story? Surely you would want to be seen in the best light possible right? Well, the ending of Samuel shows David as the chief of sinners. But while His sin is great, God’s Mercy is Greater. Today we see the story of sin, wrath, repentance, and mercy. Praise be to God the mercy extended to David is extended to us through the cross.Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and Absalom [David 12]

    30/07/2023 Duração: 35min

     2 Samuel 14-18 // Brooks NesseAt this stage of II Samuel, we reach what seems to be a total spiritual eclipse, where darkness seems to be so prevalent that you struggle to see a world where the God of light is working. But it's here in the darkness that we see God break-in in the most unexpected ways with the most unexpected people. But I will warn you, with all that being said, today’s story doesn’t have a happy ending either but I want to show you glimpses of God’s plan still pressing on despite humanity doing all it can to thwart it. But God’s promises are more enduring than the sins of his people. Our sins do not have the power to thwart the promises of God, therefore we have hope. Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and His Children [David 11]

    23/07/2023 Duração: 41min

    2 Samuel 13:1-9 // Jonathan NeefSermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and Nathan [David 10]

    16/07/2023 Duração: 31min

    2 Samuel 12:1-25 // Nathan MillerSin exposed can lead to grace. When we get caught. Or when we have the courage to confess. It’s a wake-up call. It’s a fire alarm going off in the middle of the night, warning you that if you want to live, you’ve got to leave the building. It’s a light shining in the darkness. You didn’t even know you were walking along the edge of the cliff, headed for disaster. But now you can see the better way.For David repents. Which means he recognizes his sin (finally), owns it (without excuses), accepts the consequences for it, and turns away from it as quickly as possible. That’s grace. That’s the gift of God.And this same hope can be given to us!Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and Bathsheba [David 09]

    09/07/2023 Duração: 32min

    2 Samuel 11:1-27 // Nathan MillerWhere will I turn when I fail? The question isn’t whether or not you’re going to fail. The question is what will you do with your failure? Will you turn before you become the villain?Hiding always leads to more shame. Duplicity never leads to happiness. Self-justification only brings about deeper inadequacy.King David is a colossal disappointment. But he was never meant to be the ultimate hero we need. Yet, what’s so amazing to me, is that our God is so big, so forgiving, so loving, that He actually uses even this to bring about our rescue.And where Adam and Eve failed. And where David failed. And where you and I fail. Jesus succeeds. Jesus passes the test.Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and Mephibosheth [David 08]

    02/07/2023 Duração: 29min

    2 Samuel 9:1-13 // Jonathan NeefWe are in the place of Mephibosheth. We are orphaned from our heavenly father, we are crippled and broken by sin, we are poor and needy. Yet God in his Love searches for us and seeks us out. He calls us to himself and lavishes his steadfast and enduring love toward us. He offers us a seat at the table, riches, an inheritance, a place in His kingdom. Why would God be so generous towards us? Because of His covenant and loyal love toward His Son. Just as David demonstrated steadfast love toward Mephibosheth because of His love for Jonathan. So also, in a much greater way, God demonstrates his love toward us because of Jesus.Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and the Promise [David 07]

    25/06/2023 Duração: 30min

    2 Samuel 7 // Jonathan Neef Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and The Ark [David 06]

    18/06/2023 Duração: 33min

    2 Samuel 6:1-15 // Nathan Miller When God manages us, He rescues us. He becomes the sacrifice for us. And instead of our death, He dies, and gives us life.And that same God reaches out to us. Not to destroy us but to redeem us. To offer His presence to us. And to make us whole. Jesus is the true Ark, believe it or not, for He is the presence of God. He’s not a symbol of the presence. He is God's presence.And He is the ultimate sacrifice, on the cross, that allows us to enter His presence. With boldness. With confidence.It’s fatal to try to manage God. But there’s so much joy when we let Him manage us. Which will you do?Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • 2022 Christmas Eve Service

    16/06/2023 Duração: 52min

    After millennia of promising a king would come, he finally appears, and it’s almost completely overlooked by the world. In the shadow of a massive empire, comes the king over all, and he came for us. Join us this Christmas Eve as we take time to notice and celebrate the birth of the promised king!Prayer Requests:

  • David and Saul [David 05]

    11/06/2023 Duração: 34min

    1 Samuel 24 // Jonathan Neef Will we trust God for His way and for His timing?What if this costs us our chance to seize everything we ever wanted? What if this is our moment to make it happen? Will we capture it? Or let it slip away?We are going to look at two men, the first two kings of Israel named Saul and David. We are going to see how God asks them to wait. And we will see how they respond to the waiting. One of them waits on God with a posture of open hands. The other grasps for control and seizes his moment.David trusted in God’s word, more than he trusted the opportunity, the voice of his men, or even what he wanted.Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • David and Jonathan [David 04]

    04/06/2023 Duração: 36min

    1 Samuel 18-20 // Nathan MillerAs Jonathan was nearly pinned to the wall by a spear, Jesus was pinned to the cross, truly dying in our place, so that we could live. And just as Jonathan found a way to rescue David, Jesus does the same for us.But the difference is, when Jonathan died he stayed dead. And there is no earthly friendship that can possibly meet all your needs. For all of our friends will one day die. Except for Jesus. For He came out of the ground alive. Offering everlasting friendship to all who come to Him.While we need our earthly friends, we can learn from David and Jonathan what biblical friendship looks like. There’s only One friend who can meet your deepest need. And His name is Jesus.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • David and Samuel [David 02]

    04/06/2023 Duração: 24min

    1 Samuel 16:1-13 // Nikki DiekerBut when God sees our hearts, those of us who have been redeemed by him, what he sees is Jesus, Jesus interceding for us. The one who paid the cost of our sins, he reconciled us, through his death to present us holy, faultless, and blameless before God. We don’t have to earn his love or acceptance, we can’t. When God looks at our hearts, because of Jesus, he doesn’t see our sin, he sees his precious child. God sees you, sees your heart and he loves you. For those of us who feel unseen, we probably won’t be revealed as royalty in the midst of those who have overlooked us, we may not have a David moment, but we are seen and deeply known by our God.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • Knowing Jesus

    28/05/2023 Duração: 37min

    John 14:6 / Bishop Mugisha SamuelSermon Notes: Requests:

  • Hannah [David 01]

    14/05/2023 Duração: 34min

    1 Samuel 2:1-10 // Nathan MillerGod will never forget you. Take your heartbreak to Him. Hannah brings her tears, her bitterness, her anger, her disappointment, her loneliness. She holds nothing back because she knows she is not forgotten.We are never expected to hide how we’re feeling. We don’t have to clean ourselves up before we go to Him. And the Bible gives us countless examples of deep heartbreak poured out to God. The Bible is emotionally honest and shows us a God who welcomes our emotions.God will never waste your heartbroken prayers. The best tool you have when you go to God in prayer, is your need. It’s your dependency. The struggle He gave Hannah was intentional. Which means, her suffering was not meaningless. And it was not wasted.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • Go in His Name [Now What? 04]

    07/05/2023 Duração: 27min

    Acts 1:1-11 // Nathan MillerThe Ascension means Jesus will return to be with us forever. He’s coming back. He will remake this world. And all who have lived for His Kingdom will live with Him forever.Jesus will return. This is our great hope. And we need it. It has sustained followers of Jesus for over 20 Centuries as they bear witness to the risen and reigning King Jesus. In all kinds of difficult circumstances.There are still people who haven’t heard the news that Jesus is King, that their sins can be forgiven, and that death doesn’t have to be the end of their story. But one day? One day Jesus. The same Jesus will return in the same way. And when he does heaven and earth will be One.Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • Care for his Sheep [Now What? 03]

    30/04/2023 Duração: 35min

    John 21:1-25 // Jonathan NeefWhat is Jesus's response when his followers fail him? If you’re a Christian here today… If you’ve trusted and followed Jesus, for any length of time, you’ve probably asked that question. I know I have many times.And even if you’re here today and you’re not a Christian… if you’re exploring following Jesus, this is one of the most important questions you can ask about the Christian faith. It is one of the most questions you must ask about any spirituality, religion, or worldview: What happens when I crash and burn? What happens when I fail? When I don’t live up to the ideals and expectations?Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • Receive His Spirit [Now What? 02]

    23/04/2023 Duração: 30min

    John 20:19-23 // Nathan MillerJesus breathes life into us so that we can breathe life into others. That’s the Now What? The answer to our longing. This is our Why? as Christians. This is why Jesus didn’t just show up to the disciple and take them directly to heaven. WE were ashamed but are now forgiven. And we get to bring that to others. WE were afraid behind locked doors but we’re given peace. And we get to bring that to others. WE were dead but now alive. And we get to bring that to others.  Jesus breathes life so that we can breathe life. And with this comes a new purpose, a new posture, and a new power. A new purpose, a new posture, and a new power.Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • Receive His Spirit [Now What? 01]

    16/04/2023 Duração: 35min

    John 20:24-31 // Nydiaris Hernandez-SantosWe are going to see his resurrected body and stare at the mark of the nails in his hands and the scars that the spear left in his side, and we are going to have no choice but to bow before him and worship him who overcame death so that we may have life.On that day, he will wipe the tears from our eyes as we stand before him wearing our own scars, the scars that abandonment, disease, and trauma left. On that day we will stand before him pointing at our scars and shouting with joy, “Jesus, look! I overcame because you did.” On that day the martyrs throughout the centuries that have given their lives for the name of Jesus will stand before him and say, “Jesus, look! I overcame because you did!”Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • He’s Really Alive…Now What? [Easter 2023]

    09/04/2023 Duração: 27min

    John 20:1-18 // Nathan MillerThere is only one tomb that remains empty. One search that doesn’t ultimately end in death. And He is also searching for you.There is nothing about you, that if He finds out, He’ll walk out of the room. Nothing. He already knows. No matter the darkness, shame, or disappointment. No matter how many demons. Literal or metaphorical. He calls you by name. Let Him find you.What does Mary do next? Her despair is converted to hope! Her tears to laughter. So she goes back to her people. His people. This new family. She can’t keep it in!She essentially preaches the first Christian sermon. The model for every sermon ever since. “Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • The King’s Cross [Behold your King 14]

    02/04/2023 Duração: 36min

    John 19:17-30 // Tom NelsonHe who is stripped naked and nailed to the cross who appears completely powerless, is actually the one who is all powerful. Jesus is the one who is really in control. No one takes Jesus’ life, Jesus gives it up.  John includes Jesus' final words on the cross, “It is finished,” not only to indicate that Jesus really died, but that his death accomplished something very important, his death had great meaning.  Here we discover John’s most compelling irony. An irony John does not want us as readers to miss. Jesus’ tragic death is actually a great triumph! What sure seems like a great and unspeakable tragedy is actually an unimaginably great triumph of the Triune God.Sermon Notes: Requests:

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