Minute To Freedom



A series of inspirational seed thoughts to brighten your day.


  • People Pleasing

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever found yourself doing things you didn't want to do, just so others would like you?  That was something I learned when I was young.

  • Courage

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    When I started dealing with the effects of growing up in an alcoholic family, I was so bound up in the fear and terror of what I had lived through as a child, that those emotions were all I could see for a long time.  Yet later I started seeing how much courage it took for me to confront those issues!

  • Parents and Paradox

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever felt like you had a love/hate relationship with a parent?  When I was in my '30s, the thing I wanted most was not to end up being like my Dad. Then I realized with a shock that I had become just like my Dad.

  • Seeking Outside Help

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Has it ever seemed like your problems are bigger than you can deal with on your own? When I sought the help of professionals, it gave me invaluable insight and assistance in dealing with my carryover issues from childhood.

  • Progress

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever taken a step forward and not long after found yourself two steps behind where you started?  At times I was growing faster than my mind could accept - I was trying for revolutionary progress.  These days, I am better off trying for evolutionary progress.

  • Low Self Esteem

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have friends ever told you to give yourself a break?  Did it ever seem like you didn't think much of yourself?  I had that experience a lot, where someone would try to compliment me or say something nice to me, and I would find a reason not to believe them.

  • Being Gentle With Myself

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever felt like you're being too tough on yourself?  It often seemed like I was doing that - nothing I ever did measured up, and I would focus on the strikeout I had in the softball game, rather than the 3 hits and the great catch I made in the outfield.

  • Learning to Feel Joy

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Has it ever seemed like it's hard to feel happiness or joy?  Easy to feel pain, but tough to feel excitement?  I discovered that when I was growing up in an alcoholic family, every time I felt excited and joyful about something I did, I got put down or hurt.

  • Owning My Talents

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever felt like you can't appreciate your talents the way you could for someone else? I could tell you that David was a gifted speaker, or a talented athlete, but I couldn't see the same thing about myself.

  • Denial

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Has it ever seemed like you had blinders on about your world? I did for a number of years.  If I was in denial about my behavior, I actually couldn't see what I had done, although my actions were obvious to everyone around me.

  • Fear of Success

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever found yourself more comfortable if things didn't work out, than if you succeeded?  I was once told it looked like I was not afraid of failure, but afraid of success.  The statement rang true.

  • Release Anger But Don't Hurt

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever felt like you had to hold on tightly because if you let your anger surface, it would just explode?   I was like that in my mid '30.  It was affecting my health, and I finally had to face how angry I was.

  • Spacing Out

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever had something traumatic happen, like a family crisis, and you found yourself just spacing out?  I would do that - be frozen to the spot and not able to take action.

  • Dependent Personality

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever felt like your world rotated around someone else, and that person had the ability to determine your happiness?  For me it almost felt like a physical craving that I had to be around the woman I was involved with, and sometimes I would do crazy things.

  • Not Being A Victim

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever felt like a victim?  Like everyone was out to get you? I was hurt as a child, I was victimized.  No doubt about it.  But if I carry that mentality into adulthood, it's now a problem that I'm carrying.

  • What Am I Doing For Fun?

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever felt like you were too serious? That it was tough to let go and just have fun? When a friend asked "What are you doing for fun?" it used to bug me, because I couldn't come up with many examples of fun in my life.

  • Frightened by Angry People

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever been frightened by an angry person? I'm sure most of us have at some point.  But for me being around anger brought up a deep terror.  Because I knew from growing up in an alcoholic household how anger could explode, and how dangerous that could be.

  • Helping Others

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever felt like you just weren't being useful?  That your problems were so overwhelming that they became your whole world?  Yet there's a great deal of truth in that old saying, "you don't get it until you give it away."

  • Willingness

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Have you ever felt like you just didn't want to look at the problems that were plaguing your life?  I was like that for many years, and yet - it didn't make those problems go away.

  • Being Self Critical

    25/01/2011 Duração: 01min

    Has it ever felt like you were being too critical of yourself? That whatever you did, it wasn't good enough?  If I got a 98 on a test, I beat myself up over the 2 I missed rather than feeling good about the high score.

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