Ani-gamers Podcast



Discussion, analysis, and sardonic commentary about anime, manga, and video games old and new, hosted by Evan Minto and David Estrella. Guests include reviewers, industry folks, and fellow podcasters. New episodes every two weeks.


  • AGP#059 – Fish Heads and Erased with Bill Zoeker


    Evan managed to convince David to watch Erased, so this episode the hosts sit down with freelance video producer Bill Zoeker (currently working at Crunchyroll) to talk about the popular anime series. Having an extra person on the show and having a series with so much to talk about resulted in us going WAY overtime, so this episode is almost two hours long! Topics include fish tails vs. fish heads on a mermaid/merman, the power of #branding in Shadow of Mordor, and whether the weird age differences in Erased are more or less OK than the one in Garden of Words. SPOILER ALERT: We spoil Erased late in the show, but we give a spoiler alert before it happens. Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#058 – Two Moves, More Than Enough to Kill Anything on the Map


    Being away for conventions means that David and Evan have a lot to talk about this episode, which runs over an hour long! Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice gets some hate at the top, followed by OpenToonz, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Fire Emblem: Fates, Final Fantasy XIII, and a little bit of Erased. Topics include: Mr. Lord of Rings, Galeforce (a.k.a. the greatest handgun ever made), and Fire Emblem's tendency to be lookin' like Goku. Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#057 – Inferno Cop v Dinosaur: Dawn of Justice (Genericon 2016)


    Just when you thought it was time for us to get back to our regularly scheduled programming, both of our hosts went back to their old college anime/sci-fi/gaming con, Genericon, which Evan was once the chair of. (Evan Minto, by the way, is our absent-minded host who forgot to introduce himself this episode.) We got a chance to sit down with Nick Grippo, the Public Relations Coordinator (Evan's old job!) and Guest coordinator for the convention on Saturday night, the busiest night of the weekend. Topics include reverse Chinese foot-binding, the legend of Genericon's baked beans, and Brony terrorism. Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#056 – Ninja Slayer Catches 'Em All at Katsucon 2016


    Katsucon 2016 was quite a show, with a Saturday fire alarm, lots of hotel vandalism, and a snowstorm at the tail end that left the Crunchyroll team stranded in DC for a day. Luckily, that meant that there was time to record a special Ani-Gamers Podcast episode featuring Evan, Crunchyroll's Danika Harrod (@danikaharrod) and Sam Wolfe (@_samtaro), and Space Opera Satellite's Patrick (@PatzPrime). Plus, we got a brief visit from Ninja Slayer co-author Phillip "Ninj@" Morzez! Topics include scratch-and-sniff arcade machines, the legend of Vic Mignogna's fire alarm-pulling antics, and drunken Pokémon fans. Keep in mind that the CR folks (Evan, Danika, and Sam) are NOT speaking as official Crunchyroll representatives here, so the opinions they express do not represent Crunchyroll or its affiliates. Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#055 – Super Mario 64 Petting Mini-Game


    Somehow David and Evan manage to spend another half hour talking about Fallout: New Vegas and Final Fantasy, but after that the hosts discuss the removal of some controversial Fire Emblem: Fates features in the English version, Evan shames David for being an idol-liker, and they both trade thoughts on the Shuzo Oshimi manga Inside Mari. Topics include bangin' mini-games, literal objectification in idol games, and our favorite anime VHS tapes. Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#054 – Why Do Guns Have to Exist?


    Despite our assurances that this would be a short episode, it still ended up being nearly 50 minutes long! Some of that is spent discussing timely anime subjects like Erased, Lupin III, and Dagashi Kashi, but there's also some video game talk (more Fallout and Final Fantasy) and then a bunch of gaming-centric listener questions. Topics include "possibly one of the worst anime seasons in recent memory," ill-advised compilation albums, and the glory of Robert E. O. Speedwagon. Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#053 – The Imperfect Insider


    We're back in our first episode of 2016 with a mix of light novels (Kizumonogatari), video games (Fallout: New Vegas and Final Fantasy VI), and anime (The Perfect Insider). Topics include the anime-only lifestyle, embarrassing Zelda confessions, and the best damn OP animation of 2015. Listen until the end for a Kizumonogatari giveaway! Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#052 – The Violence AND the Banging


    To make up for last episode's audio issues, we recorded a slightly longer one this time, featuring a bunch of video game talk (including more Battlefront) and, yes, anime. Topics include banging the wrong person, Metal Gear Solid references, the moneymaking power of Anime Lesbians, and anime burnout. Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#051 – A Cry Jam Session


    We promised a new episode every two weeks, so, uh, please don't be angry that this episode is a little messed up. Audacity skipped every couple of seconds for most of the recording, but Evan scavenged what he could. In what's left of the episode, David and Evan discuss hilariously long Fallout: New Vegas quests, melodramatic crying in the AnoHana live-action drama, and a tiny bit of Star Wars: Battlefront (you'll need to buy the DLC for our full opinions). Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#050 – A New Beginning


    Would you look at that, we hit 50 episodes! It only took us... seven years! To celebrate, we're aiming to put out episodes more regularly, though if you've been listening long enough you know to never trust any Ani-Gamers Podcast-related promise. This time David and Evan sit down to talk about what they've been up to lately, which includes being behind on the Fallout series, disappointed in Ninja Slayer, and confused by the new Ghost in the Shell movie. Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#049 – The REAL Mako (AnimeNEXT 2015)


    Evan flew back East for AnimeNEXT this year, and he figured he'd mark the occasion with a now-rare treat: an actual podcast episode. Our guests include a bunch of super-cool folks you may recognize: Ani-Gamers' own Ink (@AnimatedInk), Anime News Network writer and prolific con panelist Mike Toole (@MichaelToole), longtime translator Neil Nadelman (@docsane), and returning podcast guest Patrick (@PatzPrime) from The Cockpit. Topics include: cool '80s anime Future Police Urashiman, Studio TRIGGER guests, English-speaking Japanese animator Aya Suzuki, the inherent superiority of East Coast anime con panels, and "ancient" anime conventions from before the year 2010. We tried recording this using two different portable recorders, and we think it came out pretty listenable. Show notes and links after the break. Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#048 – Writing About Anime & Manga (Anime Destiny 2014)


    After being a guest on Mike Toole (@MichaelToole)'s "Writing About Anime for Fun and Profit" panel at Otakon 2014, I hosted a similar panel at tiny college con Anime Destiny back in December. The guests are Nate Ming from Crunchyroll News and the Crunchyroll Newsletter and YouTuber Nick Robinson (@Babylonian), formerly of Revision3/Fandom Beat, Anime Vice, and Unwinnable. Topics include how to get noticed, our inspirations, and the importance of puns. Yes this podcast took forever to come out, but if it makes you feel better, it only took me a couple days to edit it and release it once I got my hands on the file. Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#047 – E3 2014 and a Mitch Dyer Reunion


    We didn't do any E3 coverage on the blog this year, but seeing as Evan is now rooming with former Ani-Gamers Podcast co-host Mitch Dyer (a.k.a. @MitchyD), he figured "why not get Mitch on to talk about E3?" Topics include Nintendo goggles, the "difficulty" of adding women to video games, space simulation games both real (No Man's Sky) and vapor (Infinity), and Smash Bros: MUGEN Edition. Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

  • AGP#046 – Kill la Killin' It at FanimeCon 2014


    Evan's not flying back to New Jersey for AnimeNEXT, but he did attend FanimeCon 2014 in San Jose, CA. In this podcast, recorded on the fourth and final day of Fanime, Evan sits down with his Crunchyroll coworkers and arch-frenemies, Victoria Holden (@SailorBee) and Danika Harrod (@DarlingDaniChan) and cosplay photographer Ben Lam to talk about the con. Topics include Kill la Kill cosplay, Anime Hell, anime triathlons, and the "flipping off Evan" meme. This podcast was recorded in a hotel lobby, so the audio has a lot of background noise. Sorry! Send us feedback at! Show notes, links, comments, and more can be found at

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