


Choosing2Change is a community where everyday people can find inspiration to make small changes that ultimately result in complete life transformation.


  • Episode 18 - A Really Rough Week, Part 1

    03/05/2015 Duração: 2541h00s

    A Really Rough Week, Part 1 - Nolan shares about a recent week that was charged with a great deal of emotional gravity, and this episode specifically deals with him processing the 20th anniversary of his Momma's death

  • Episode 17 - Stacey Morris

    30/04/2015 Duração: 7867h00s

    Episode 17 - Stacey Morris shares an incredible 2 hour conversation with Nolan discussing the power of harmful words, destructive habits, rebelling against society's expectations, and learning how to truly love ourselves, flaws and all.

  • Episode 16 - Willpower vs. Waypower

    27/04/2015 Duração: 1390h00s

    Willpower vs. Waypower - Lack of willpower is often blamed for us not reaching our goals. Nolan argues that we don't reach our goals more often because our visions are weak and our reasons are not compelling enough.

  • Episode 15 - Eric Turner talks about the power of overcoming addictions, facing our fears, and achieving our goals in this incredible interview!

    23/04/2015 Duração: 5304h00s

    Eric Turner talks about the power of overcoming addictions, facing our fears, and achieving our goals in this incredible interview!

  • Episode 14 - You are a Masterpiece

    19/04/2015 Duração: 2281h00s

    Today's lesson will challenge you to think about how unique you are, what your purpose in life is, and why your story matters.

  • Episode 13 - Eric Thacker

    16/04/2015 Duração: 5773h00s

    Eric Thacker has lost almost 200 pounds over the last year in his transformation journey. In this episode, learn how Eric has turned a broken road full of obstacles into a path of healing and hope!

  • Episode 12 - Am I Still Mad at God?

    13/04/2015 Duração: 2380h00s

    Nolan openly discusses how he has processed his pain and channeled his frustrations through leaving behind his 15+ year career in ministry in order to become the man he is today.

  • Episode 11 - Cat Arnett

    09/04/2015 Duração: 4924h00s

    Cat Arnett shares her powerful life story including her struggles with weight, the root causes of her battle with the scale and self-image, and her journey of discovering her "true self."

  • Episode 10 - Measuring What Matters

    06/04/2015 Duração: 2761h00s

    Measuring What Matters: Tracking progress in pursuing our goals is critical to reaching them, but not all measurements are created equal. This episode shares which measurements are immensely more helpful to you than a scale is in a weight loss journey.


    02/04/2015 Duração: 3952h00s

    Michael Mullins spent many years being known as "the funny fat guy," but in this heartwarming interview, Mike shares the significant pain that always lurked below the surface. He and Nolan also discuss the incredible power of their friendships despite the fact they are "polar opposites" in many ways.

  • Episode 8 - Everyone has "Down Days"

    30/03/2015 Duração: 1655h00s

    In this edition of The Choosing2Change Podcast, Nolan discusses the resources and areas of refocus he will utilize to neutralize those negative emotions that attempt to drag him down.

  • Episode 7 - Kristin Pasquill

    26/03/2015 Duração: 4431h00s

    Kristin Pasquill openly shares her struggles with emotional eating and self-image issues, as well as encountering temporary success with losing 100+ pounds twice through restrictive dieting and countless hours in the gym but regaining the weight (and more) both times. Kristin also discusses the personal freedom she has found through DDP YOGA and following its nutrition plan. Her lifestyle changes and results will be inspiring to everyone who listens to her story!

  • Episode 6 - Personal Value and Self Worth

    22/03/2015 Duração: 971h00s

    Personal Value and Self Worth are the cornerstones of creating a successful and meaningful life. In this episode talks about why low self-worth is an issue many of us face and provides a solid strategy of deepening our sense of personal value.

  • Episode 5 - Josh McAdoo

    19/03/2015 Duração: 6201h00s

    Episode 5--Josh McAdoo is this week's spotlight interview guest on The Choosing2Change Podcast. In this interview, Josh candidly shares his struggles with his desire to be healthy both in his body and his mind. Nolan and Josh also talk about how their friendship was formed through their final stages of becoming certified as DDP YOGA Level One Instructors.

  • Episode 4 - the Core Values of Choosing2Change

    16/03/2015 Duração: 2018h00s

    Episode 4--In this Monday Motivation Teaching, Nolan shares the three guiding principles behind the Choosing2Change philosophy (reTHINK: reNEW: reDO) and how they provide a solid foundation for anyone desiring to discover meaningful growth or lasting life change.

  • Episode 3 - Christina Russell

    12/03/2015 Duração: 3804h00s

    Episode 3--Christina Russell shares her amazing journey of overcoming the pain of devastating loss and deep depression in this week's Choosing2Change interview spotlight. Christina also gives insightful advice and powerful motivation for anyone who is battling depression or who wants to take another step toward significant life change.

  • Episode 2 - Motivation Monday

    09/03/2015 Duração: 2432h00s

    Episode 2--This Monday Motivation Teaching focuses on discovering "why" we want "what" we want. We also explore what it means to make a real DECISION to change, and why it's critical to cut the anchors to the pain in our past in order to embrace a new and bright future.


    07/03/2015 Duração: 3637h00s


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