Optimize Paleo By Paleovalley



Take control of your health by moving beyond the Paleo template and learning about cutting edge health strategies that really work. This podcast will give you tips and tricks from the mouths of experts and common folk alike who discovered exactly what it takes to THRIVE. Join Chas and Autumn Smith, loving and passionate husband and wife and founders of Paleovalley.com as they guide you on the journey to cultivate vibrant health and wellness.


  • EP277: The Chicken Industry Exposed with Matt Wadiak

    10/03/2022 Duração: 40min

    Over 99% of chicken in America is produced by two companies and raised in ways that can negatively impact human and environmental health.  The worst part is, even labels like “cage free” and ‘free range” don’t actually mean what you think they do.  Which is why in this week’s podcast, with CEO of Cooks Venture and pioneering pastured chicken farmer, Matt Wadiak, we break down the major problems with the chicken industry and where you can find truly high-quality chicken. Here are the topics we cover… The main problems with the conventional chicken industry Free range vs. cage free vs. pasture-raised The #1 cause of death worldwide (and how conventional chickens contribute!) The 3 additives in the chicken industry you need to know about The problem with organic chicken The inhumane practices used in big chicken Why conventional chicken farmers suffer The company that helps verify chicken quality What chickens should actually be eating The uncommon chicken feed that regenerates the soil  The nutrients that are

  • EP276: Organ Meats: The Forgotten Superfood with Ashleigh VanHouten

    17/02/2022 Duração: 47min

    Did you know that the most nutrient-dense foods in the world are not plants?  Despite what you may have heard, organ meats are gram-for-gram the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.  Which is likely why, whenever I eat them, my energy levels go through the roof! And given that most of us are deficient in at least one nutrient today (according to the USDA), organ meats are one of the most important things you can eat to ensure all of your nutrient bases are covered.  The only problem?  Most people are grossed out by the thought of eating organs or do not like the taste.  Thankfully, there are ways to benefit from organ meats even if you do not like the taste, which is what today’s fun podcast with author, speaker, health coach, and self-proclaimed muscle nerd, Ashleigh VanHouten is all about! Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen… The #1 mistake women make when trying to lose fat  5 powerful reasons to eat organ meats How to get the benefits of organs without the taste The gateway organ meat (the organ

  • EP275: Diet & Lifestyle Strategies for a Healthier Heart with Dr. Jack Wolfson

    20/01/2022 Duração: 46min

    According to the CDC, one American dies every 36 seconds from heart disease.  And though many Americans believe avoiding saturated fat will reduce heart disease risk, most people don’t know that recent research has revealed the paleo diet can reduce heart disease risk by… Improving glucose control Reducing waist circumference  Increasing weight loss Improving cholesterol levels Reducing calorie intake Improving blood pressure So if you’re ready to learn about the recent research and how to eat and live for a healthier heart check out today’s podcast with author, board-certified cardiologist and Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, Dr. Jack Wolfson. Here are some of the highlights… Is coffee beneficial for heart health? The best diet for heart health  The link between leaky gut & heart health The #1 strategy for heart health The best foods for heart health The worst foods for heart health Are veggie oils harming your heart? Can french fries be heart healthy? Carb cycling for heart health? Is the

  • EP274: The Truth About Red Meat, Plant-Based Burgers & Grass Fed Beef with Dr. Stephan van Vliet

    30/12/2021 Duração: 01h10min

    There are many hotly-debated questions in nutrition today including… Is grass fed beef healthier than conventionally raised beef? Are plant-based burgers nutritionally equivalent to grass fed burgers? Does eating red meat really increase risk for disease?’ How many grams of protein do we need each day?  And while almost everyone has an opinion on the topic, in today’s podcast you can learn about ground-breaking research conducted by Dr. Stephan van Vliet, a nutrition expert and researcher from Utah State University, that provides fresh insight to these important questions.    His research chips away at dietary dogma and dangerous misconceptions that have created massive dietary confusion and I could not be more excited to share it with you! Here are some of the highlights. Is grass fed beef healthier than conventionally raised beef? How much protein do we really need each day? The importance of secondary compounds (And why they matter for human health.) Does red meat increase the risk of disease? Eggs whit

  • EP273: Root Cause Solutions for Mental Health Issues with Dr. Elena Villanueva

    09/12/2021 Duração: 50min

    A 2010 study published in Plos One found that 5 of the 10 most violence-inducing drugs were antidepressants.  Alongside antidepressants, 6 sedatives/hypnotics and 3 medications for attentional issues were also associated with increased violence.  And while pharmaceutical therapies can work for certain individuals, they clearly cause (sometimes scary) side effects, do not work for everyone, and most importantly, do not address the root cause.  Tune in to this week’s fascinating podcast with Dr. Villanueva, Creator of the Healthy Body Restoration System and Balance your Brain Program, as we discuss the true causes of mental health issues, the limitations of conventional therapies and holistic strategies for better mental health. Here are some of the gems you’ll learn:    The limitations of mental health conventional treatments The true causes of mental health issues Commonly used meds that cause violence  The link between antidepressants and school shootings How antidepressants alter brain function Her #1 stra

  • EP272: The Dangers of GMOs & Glyphosate with Jeffrey Smith

    24/11/2021 Duração: 49min

    A 2019 survey of over 3,000 participants noted considerable improvements in the following conditions by avoiding genetically modified organisms (GMOs)... Digestive issues (85.2%) Fatigue (60.4%) Overweight or obesity (54.6%) Brain fog (51.7%) Food allergies/sensitivities (50.2%) Mood issues (51.1%) Memory (48.1%) Joint pain (47.5%) Gluten sensitivities (42.2%) Insomnia (33.2%) Skin conditions 30.9% Hormonal problems (30.4%) Musculoskeletal pain (25.2%) Autoimmune disease (21.4%) Eczema (20.8%) Cardiovascular problems (high blood pressure) 19.8% And while this survey was conducted in a group that may be more sensitive to GMOs, I think it’s important to acknowledge that GMOs do have health and environmental risks. According to Jeffrey Smith, GMO advocate and this week’s podcast guest, novel developments in genetic engineering may possibly contribute to future pandemics. Listen in to learn why GMOs are dangerous, how to identify them, how to get involved in regulating their use and so much more! Here are some

  • EP271: A Breakthrough Natural Solution for Anxiety, Insomnia & Brain Fog with Cameron George

    04/11/2021 Duração: 48min

    Several studies have shown a spike in anxiety, depression, and insomnia within the last year. In fact, people are 3x more likely to have anxiety or depressive disorders (vs. 2019) and insomnia rates are up 37%.  And while many people turn to alcohol, drugs, or benzos to calm down, there’s an evidence-based, natural solution that comes with side benefits rather than scary side effects.  That solution is Tru Kava.  I learned about Tru Kava in March of last year, and have been using it to help me chill out and get more deep sleep ever since! It works as an alcohol replacement and sleep tonic, AND it can also improve mental clarity.  Please note: if you search “kava” in google you will most likely find that kava causes liver issues, but please know that the kava that caused liver issues was made by a pharmaceutical company and is NOT the same as Tru Kava or the kava that has been used and revered for over 3000 years in places like Vanuatu.   It makes me so sad to think that people will miss out on the incredible

  • EP270: Transforming Your Menstrual Cycle Into a Superpower with Dr. Stephanie Estima

    14/10/2021 Duração: 58min

    Many women today experience their menstrual cycle as a burden, rather than a superpower.  (I know because that used to be me.) But the truth is, when we understand our cycle and the natural rhythm and hormonal shifts it creates, we can leverage those changes to accomplish some pretty amazing feats.  For example, there is a GREAT time of the month to eat more protein and build muscle.  There’s also an ideal time to be social and work for tips.  And there is a surprisingly perfect time to reflect and reevaluate.  When you don’t understand your cycle, these changes can seem overwhelming and unpredictable, but when you do, you can feel empowered and effective.   So if you’re ready to turn your cycle into a superpower check out this week’s podcast with the brilliant and beautiful, Dr. Stephanie Estima. Her knowledge is truly transformative.  Here are some of the fascinating tips we cover... Her favorite protein for gaining muscle mass 2 simple steps for building muscle  Why insulin is important for women The best

  • EP269: Lose Weight, Prevent Disease & Find Your Perfect Diet Using CGM with Carlee Hayes

    30/09/2021 Duração: 48min

    A recent Stanford study revealed that 80% of healthy people had blood sugar spikes.  Why does this matter?  Because blood sugar spikes are dangerous when they occur often enough or for long periods of time and can cause... Weight gain  Cravings Energy dips Mood crashes  ...and increased risk of conditions such as insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, reproductive issues, and cancer.  But the silver lining is there is now a way for EVERYONE to see exactly what is happening with their blood sugar in real-time using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).   Wearing a CGM allows you to identify the foods that are not working for you and find YOUR perfect diet. This is exactly what we talk about in today’s podcast with glucose expert and Lead Dietician at Nutrisense, Carlee Hayes. Here are some of the valuable insights we discuss... Signs you have a blood sugar issue What a blood sugar expert eats for breakfast How to break a fast The best time to eat carbs  The best time to eat carbs around a workout My #1

  • EP268: Transforming Negative Thought Patterns for Hormonal Balance with Megan Blacksmith

    16/09/2021 Duração: 55min

    Many people today suffer from hormonal imbalance.  And while dietary change, detox, and supplements can be extremely helpful, sometimes it’s not enough.  In fact, repeated negative thoughts (and thought patterns) can release stress hormones that wreak havoc on hormonal balance no matter how many other positive changes you make.  So if you’ve done all the right things and STILL suffer from hormonal issues, then today’s podcast with certified holistic health coach, FDN practitioner, and hormone expert, Megan Blacksmith of Zesty Ginger is for you! Here are some of the topics we cover: The food sensitivity that can cause only neurological symptoms The link between your thoughts and food sensitivities  How to access your intuition One simple step for building confidence How thoughts affect neurotransmitters and hormones A 4-step process for transforming your beliefs and thought patterns The different emotional states of your cycle (and why it’s helpful to know them!) The best time of your month to slow down, be p

  • EP267: Happy Hormones & Getting Pregnant Naturally with Marc Sklar

    02/09/2021 Duração: 44min

    According to the CDC, approximately 9% of men and 10% of women between the ages of 15-44 struggle with infertility.  I was one of those people.   There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to start a family and finding out it is going to be a long road.  Fortunately, you do not have to struggle like I did and there is a lot you can do to improve the quality of your egg and sperm and increase your chances of conceiving naturally! So if you or someone you love is trying to conceive, tune in for this week’s podcast with Harvard-trained fertility expert Dr. Marc Sklar as we chat all about simple, natural baby-making strategies! Here are the fascinating topics we cover... Is fasting good for reproductive health?  The time when fasting may not be helpful  Why infertility rates are rising The best foods for fertility  Foods that interfere with fertility  The best first step for improving fertility with food His fertility smoothie recipe Does royal jelly work for fertility? The 3 big dietary mistakes he sees wom

  • EP266: Weight Loss, Hormone Balance & Overcoming Stress Addiction with Dr. Mariza Snyder

    05/08/2021 Duração: 48min

    One of the biggest lies women have ever been told is that weight gain and hormonal havoc is inevitable as you age.    The truth is: you can stay healthy, energized and balanced regardless of your life stage.    So if you are doing all of the same things you’ve always done and yet you are… Gaining weight Suffering from low energy Experiencing mood issues  Losing muscle Or just not getting the results you used to, check out this week’s incredible podcast with women’s hormone expert and #1 National Bestselling author, Dr. Mariza Snyder about what it takes to age gracefully. Here are some of my favorite takeaways... The one food to avoid after 40 Why women gain weight even when they don’t consume sugar in perimenopause Her favorite weight loss strategy for women over 35 How to reset circadian rhythm for healthier hormones The common habit that leads to hormonal havoc The safe window for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy The risks and benefits of hormone therapy Why stress is not a "slight edge" Signs yo

  • EP265: The Benefits of Melatonin for Immune Health, Sleep & Colic with Dr. Mona Fahoum

    16/07/2021 Duração: 34min

    We’ve all heard the benefits of melatonin for sleep, but it may surprise you to know that melatonin can also support… Brain health Mitochondrial function Circadian rhythm  Inflammation reduction And maybe even immune health.  Its impressive antioxidant potential is thought to be the reason for its many benefits, but what most people don’t know is that there are certain types of melatonin that research has shown are far more potent (in their ability to reduce oxidative stress) than others.  There are also certain supplements (hello Essential C Complex) that have been found to make melatonin even more effective in terms of its antioxidant potential.  So if you want to learn more about the best way to use melatonin to improve your health please tune into this week’s podcast with hormone expert and Director of Clinical Services at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, Dr. Mona Fahoum!  (We are also offering a fun giveaway and discount you can learn more about at 30 minutes in!) Here are some of the fascinating

  • EP264: How to Nourish Your Body During and Post Pregnancy with Stephanie Greunke

    23/06/2021 Duração: 47min

    A 2019 study revealed many pregnant women today do not meet the recommended intakes for nutrients like:  Magnesium  Vitamin D  Vitamin E  Iron Vitamin A Which is scary given that inadequate nutrition can negatively impact baby’s development, mom’s health AND how mom feels (physically & emotionally) in her postpartum period.  This is exactly why I invited one of my favorite experts in the wellness world, the Whole30’s dietician, Stephanie Greunke, on the show to teach us all how to not only survive pregnancy and the postpartum period - but to THRIVE through it.  Here are some of the topics we dive into... The most important nutrients for pregnancy Medications that can deplete moms How to prevent morning sickness (and why it happens!) The link between nutrient deficiency, pregnancy, and mental health issues Common nutrient deficiencies in paleo dieters Her 3 favorite nutrient tests  Important foods for the first trimester Foods to focus on for the second trimester How many carbs do you really need for a

  • EP263: Is Mold Damaging Your Health? (and What to Do About It!) with Ryan Monahan

    03/06/2021 Duração: 57min

    It’s not talked about nearly enough, but chronic symptoms such as nasal congestion, postnasal drip, eye swelling, runny nose, headache, and facial pain can be indicators of mold illness. In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, 96% of sinusitis is due to mold and fungal overgrowth.  Which is why in this week’s podcast with my friend, mold expert (and fellow FDN practitioner), Ryan Monahan, we talk all about the many, underappreciated ways mold can negatively impact your health.  Most importantly, we talk about how to identify, diagnose and treat mold illness. Here are some of the other fascinating topics we cover…. The #1 food contaminated with mold Common symptoms that may indicate you are suffering from mold illness The real reason you get coffee jitters The healthy foods that can make mold issues worse Why and how mold is so damaging The common conditions linked to mold issues  What mycotoxins are - and why they matter The best test for determining if there is mold in your home. The biomarkers that clue you

  • EP262: How to Fast for Weight Loss, Detox, Hormonal Health & Anti-Aging with Dr. Mindy Pelz

    13/05/2021 Duração: 49min

    We’ve all heard about the impressive benefits of intermittent fasting, but did you know the benefits of fasting (detox, fat burning, anti-aging, immune support) kick in at different times?  A “gut health” fast, for example, should be a little longer than one for fat burning or detox.  And if you’re a woman, there are certain times in your menstrual cycle where you may want to stop or limit fasting.  In other words - in order to experience the many benefits of fasting - you need a sound strategy.  Which is why in this week’s podcast with fasting expert Dr. Mindy Pelz, we talk all about how to create a fasting rhythm that supports your unique health goals.  Dr. Mindy is brilliant, energetic and her science-backed approach will inform and inspire you, I promise  Here are some of the topics we delve into…. The researched-backed benefits of fasting Why fasted exercise can be beneficial Why fasting helps you feel calm The 3 different reasons you should fast The anti-aging hormone released when you fast for 13 hour

  • EP261: How to Use Essential Oils to Improve Brain Function & Reduce Stress with Jodi Cohen

    22/04/2021 Duração: 41min

    Today we are all looking for simple ways to reduce stress and support overall wellness.  And while we often talk about food, in this week’s podcast with Jodi Cohen (best-selling author and founder of Vibrant Blue Oils), we take a deep dive into how essential oils can be used to support brain chemistry and overall health.  We also talk about how to shift out of STRESS mode and into relaxation mode instantly. This little-known superpower is one most of us could use now more than ever! Here are some of the other gems you’ll learn... How to know which essential oils are best for you The 5 things to balance for optimal health The best oil for reducing stress What the vagus nerve is and why it matters How to easily access the vagus nerve How to shift into rest-digest-regenerate mode instantly How to eat to absorb more nutrients when you eat How to hack a panic attack  The best oils for reducing anxiety and depression How to improve flow in the body (and why it matters) How to nose breathe to calm down Why essentia

  • EP260: Healing Allergies, Asthma and Eczema in Our Kids with Dr. Nelli Gluzman

    01/04/2021 Duração: 49min

    Approximately 1 in 10 kids in the US are diagnosed with asthma, allergies or eczema. The good news is - these conditions are NOT solely the result of faulty genes and you can reverse them! Which is why this week’s podcast with head physician at Blossom Pediatrics, Dr. Gluzman, is all about helping our littles heal for good from these all-too-common conditions. Here are some of the gems we covered... The 2 ingredients you should always avoid (and ‘healthy’ foods they hide in) The common breakfast food Dr. Gluzman HATES for kids (and her favorite alternatives) The food you should eat daily to keep the doctor away Why environmental allergies can still be food related Why allergies are not normal How to get our kids to eat fermented foods The real reason our kids crave sugary foods How to get your kids to consume veggies (even greens!) Why broths and stocks are important for our kids Her favorite functional medicine tests for kids The commonly consumed food that feeds yeast Her favorite anti-yeast supplement Her

  • EP259: Healing Estrogen Dominance with Magdalena Wszelaki

    11/03/2021 Duração: 48min

    Many women today believe symptoms like… Mood swings Lumpy breasts Heavy periods Anxiety Hair loss Sleep issues ...are just part of a healthy menstrual cycle. But the truth is, though these symptoms are common, they are not normal. And they may indicate a serious, often overlooked condition, called estrogen dominance. Which is why this week’s podcast guest, hormone expert and best-selling author, Magdalena Wszelaki, teaches us all about estrogen dominance (in men and women) and provides simple steps you can take to rebalance your hormones naturally. (She also tells us how we can win a FREE copy of her new book!) Here are some of the fascinating tidbits we cover… The food that kills cancer stem cells Why a healthy gallbladder matters for hormonal health How to fast for a healthy cycle The helpful herb for heavy periods Why mouth taping can improve hormonal health Normal and not-so-normal- PMS symptoms What carrying weight around your hips says about your hormones The main cause of breast cancer in the U.S. T

  • EP258: Optimizing Your Genes for a Resilient Immune System with Dr. Stephanie Davis

    18/02/2021 Duração: 43min

    It has become clear this year that immune responses to similar exposures can be wildly different. And while the reasons were once a mystery, advancements in genomics are now providing answers. In other words, we are now better able to understand why one person gets sick and another remains healthy despite similar exposures. Most importantly, we are now better able to provide targeted interventions that help people get well and stay well. And in today’s podcast, one of my dear friends and a 15 year veteran of functional medicine, Dr. Stephanie Davis, teaches us about 4 genetic markers you can monitor to assess your immune function and simple strategies for building your resilient immune system.  (This podcast goes way deeper than most conversations around immune health today, so get ready to take notes!) Here are some of the awesome tidbits you’re in for: The 2 nutrients that are critical for immune health The “healthy” food that can hamper immune health The nutrient that improves zinc absorption How to keep

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