Optimize Paleo By Paleovalley

EP272: The Dangers of GMOs & Glyphosate with Jeffrey Smith



A 2019 survey of over 3,000 participants noted considerable improvements in the following conditions by avoiding genetically modified organisms (GMOs)... Digestive issues (85.2%) Fatigue (60.4%) Overweight or obesity (54.6%) Brain fog (51.7%) Food allergies/sensitivities (50.2%) Mood issues (51.1%) Memory (48.1%) Joint pain (47.5%) Gluten sensitivities (42.2%) Insomnia (33.2%) Skin conditions 30.9% Hormonal problems (30.4%) Musculoskeletal pain (25.2%) Autoimmune disease (21.4%) Eczema (20.8%) Cardiovascular problems (high blood pressure) 19.8% And while this survey was conducted in a group that may be more sensitive to GMOs, I think it’s important to acknowledge that GMOs do have health and environmental risks. According to Jeffrey Smith, GMO advocate and this week’s podcast guest, novel developments in genetic engineering may possibly contribute to future pandemics. Listen in to learn why GMOs are dangerous, how to identify them, how to get involved in regulating their use and so much more! Here are some