Soul-hearted Living With Dr. Debra Reble



Soul-hearted living is a heart-centered podcast guiding you on your soul's journey.


  • 3 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Through Expanding Your Present Awareness

    30/09/2020 Duração: 20min

    Are you ready to be liberated from your anxious thoughts? Is anxiety a constant struggle? Does it keep you from feeling joy, happiness, and inner peace? In this episode, Dr. Debra guides you through 3 anxiety-reducing practices that expand your present awareness.

  • Your Soul Legacy: Leaving a Legacy of Love

    16/09/2020 Duração: 13min

    With everything going on in the world today, you may feel helpless and powerless to change anything. You may feel that chaos and uncertainty are out of your control. Dr. Debra shows you how you can make a difference by heeding your soul's call to action and leaving a legacy of love.

  • 4 Ways to Be of Service Without Losing Yourself

    02/09/2020 Duração: 14min

    Are you a caretaker or a caregiver? Are you able to balance your own needs with the needs of others? Dr. Debra shows you four ways that you can be of service without sacrificing your won health and well-being.

  • 5 Positive Changes to Embrace from Your Spiritual Quarantine

    20/05/2020 Duração: 10min

    This quarantine has challenged us to let go and become clear of what's truly important in our lives. It has given us the opportunity to create a new normal. Dr. Debra shares 5 positive shifts to embrace during your spiritual quarantine.

  • 3 Ways to Hold the Space of Hope for Yourself and the World

    06/05/2020 Duração: 09min

    Hope makes it possible to not only endure these uncertain times but to make the best of this challenging situation. In this episode, Dr. Debra shares 3 ways to sustain hope for yourself and the world. By doing so, you can become an ambassador of love and a beacon of light in the world. 

  • 3 Keys to Building Your Spiritual Resilience

    08/04/2020 Duração: 13min

    Spiritual resilience is the key to joy, happiness, and leading a soul-hearted life. It gives us the strength to not only rise above adversity but to use it as a springboard for personal growth. In this podcast, I share 3 sacred strategies to build your resilience and take you from surviving to thriving your life.

  • 5 Ways to Stay Calm in Uncertain Times

    01/04/2020 Duração: 13min

    It's not easy staying calm in the midst of chaos. You may feel more edgy, anxious, and uncertain than usual. In this podcast, I share my top 5 ways to stay calm in uncertain times and to see it as an awakening of our consciousness and the healing of our world.

  • Holding the Space of Love for a Miracle

    25/03/2020 Duração: 14min

    Fourteen years after being diagnosed with breast cancer, I'm reminded daily of my spiritual ability to hold the space in love for miracles. Sometimes the miracles are disguised as a life-threatening disease. I share my miraculous healing journey with breast cancer that changed my life.

  • Take Your Power Back by Choosing to Respond

    11/03/2020 Duração: 11min

    Our lives are made up of a series of choices. The most powerful choice we can make is to respond rather than react to whatever happens in our lives. Debra shares 3 ways to take your power back and be responsive to life.

  • 4 Ways to Create Powerful Soul Intentions

    26/02/2020 Duração: 11min

    Dr Reble walks you through 4 steps to creating powerful soul intentions to inspire the divine life you want. Your intentions are your memo to the universe and divinely direct your energy to creating what you want. 

  • Re-scripting Your Anxious Thoughts Into Empowering Affirmations

    12/02/2020 Duração: 11min

    Dr. Reble teaches you a powerful anxiety soothing strategy to shift your anxious thoughts to empowering affirmations. This sacred strategy not only shifts your thoughts from negative to positive, but it also begins to change the neuropathways in your brain. And the best part is it takes only a few minutes to do and can be used anytime and anywhere.

  • 3 Simple Anxiety-Soothing Strategies to Take You From Panic to Peace

    29/01/2020 Duração: 12min

    Debra shares 3 anxiety-soothing strategies to move you from panic to peace. Anxiety affects the physical, emotional and spiritual areas of your life. These strategies include one for each area: grounding your energies, dropping into your heart space, and rescripting your anxious thoughts into empowering affirmations.

  • A Sacred Chat with Your Anxiety Journal Practice

    15/01/2020 Duração: 12min

    Debra walks you through a 4 part: Having a Sacred Chat with Your Anxiety Journal Practice. You can embrace anxiety as a spiritual guide by taking time to dive deep and see what it's trying to tell you. This powerful exercise will help you get to the heart of your anxiety and the guidance it's giving you.

  • Celebrating the Holidays Free of Expectations

    25/12/2019 Duração: 12min

    Celebrating the holidays free of expectations can be challenging. How many of us dread the holidays because we have difficulty saying no, not falling into obligations, or setting energetic boundaries with family members? Here are a few ways to shift from expectations to positive intention and enjoying your holiday season.

  • 5 Ways to Preciously Care for Yourself During the Holidays

    11/12/2019 Duração: 12min

    The holidays don't have to be hectic or overwhelming. By practicing sacred self-care, you promote well-being, inner peace, and joy while still having energy for others. Taking precious self-care is non-negotiable and must be an essential part of your self-love practice especially during the holidays.

  • 5 Supportive Ways to Regain Balance in Your Life

    27/11/2019 Duração: 11min

    Dr. Debra helps you prioritize the aspects of your life that matter most and what's non-negotiable to your soul and do more of this. She walks you through 5 supportive ways that take you from feeling off-center to feeling energetically balanced.

  • Embracing Anxiety as Part of Your Spiritual Guidance System

    13/11/2019 Duração: 11min

    Dr. Debra helps you learn to embrace anxiety as part of your spiritual guidance system. We all have a spiritual guidance system (SGS) and once we view anxiety from this perspective, we can use it to guide our lives.

  • Stepping Out of the Shadows of Shame and Into Self-Love

    30/10/2019 Duração: 12min

    Dr. Debra shares her own journey of healing feelings of shame and coming into self-love. She helps you to identify the shame messages you have absorbed and how to release and heal them. 

  • 8 Ways to Energetically Detox Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

    16/10/2019 Duração: 11min

    Dr. Debra gives you 8 sacred strategies to detox your energies and restore balance to your body, mind, and spirit. The Soul-Hearted Living Podcast is dedicated to anyone desiring to open to more positive energy flow which brings about clarity, vitality, and well-being. Our intent is to provide heart-centered practices to guide you on your soul's journey.

  • Inviting In Your Beloved Soul Partner

    24/09/2019 Duração: 13min

    Dr. Debra shares 6 sacred strategies that help you call in the beloved partner you envision. Using the law of attraction or the law of love, she helps you become the beloved partner with yourself which sets the stage for your true partner to come into your life.

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