Pastor Bill's 2015 Audio Archives



Want to catch up on Pastor Bill's messages from 2015? Now's your chance!


  • Preach The Gospel, 5.6.15 - Audio

    06/05/2015 Duração: 33min

    Before Jesus returned to Heaven, He gave a mandate to preach the Gospel to every creature because the Gospel is God's power. Receive an understanding of the importance of preaching the Gospel.

  • Speak Right Things #3, 5.3.15 - Audio

    03/05/2015 Duração: 49min

    In the third series of Speaking Right Things, receive an understanding of how faith involves the heart and mouth being in sync; how our attitude towards God's Word determines the place He holds in our lives; and how meditating on God's Word is the key to developing the kind of faith that moves mountains and enables us to overcome the world.

  • Prayer For America, 4.29.15 - Audio

    29/04/2015 Duração: 26min

    We're here to stand in the gap. You have a plan for this nation. We are here to humble ourselves and pray. We declare Jesus is Lord. President, Congress, Senate, Media, Hollywood, pornography. God's purposes fulfilled.

  • Speak Right Things #2, 4.26.15 - Audio

    26/04/2015 Duração: 48min

    The enemy will use natural reports, adverse circumstances and our emotional feelings to dictate to our speech. He knows by getting us to complain and murmur about things, he can control our lives. God wants us to agree with His Word so He can bless us, deliver us, heal us and meet all of our needs. One way we agree with God is by speaking right things

  • Managing Emotional Feelings, 4.22.15 - Audio

    22/04/2015 Duração: 56min

    The objective of the Christian life is to have the life of God within to manifest without. To achieve success, we must manage our emotional feelings. If we don't, instead of releasing the life of God through our emotions, we'll release the character of a soul that's under the influence of darkness. Receive an understanding of how we can manage our emotional feelings..

  • Speak Right Things, 4.19.15 - Audio

    19/04/2015 Duração: 41min

    As believers, we have the privilege of declaring who we are, what we have and what we can do, all because of what Jesus did for us in His substitutionary work on Calvary. Jesus shed His blood and became what we were to make these confessions possible. He is the High Priest of our confession and longs to hear our declarations of faith so He can present them to the Father on our behalf.

  • Breaking Strongholds, 4.15.15 - Audio

    15/04/2015 Duração: 56min

    As it goes with our soul--which is our mind, will, and emotions, it goes with our well being. In order to prosper in our Christian walk, the mind needs to be renewed, our will needs to be established and our emotions need to be held in check or managed. Receive an understanding of breaking emotional strongholds.

  • Mission Accomplished, 4.12.15 - Audio

    12/04/2015 Duração: 46min

    Jesus succeeded in fulfilling the Abrahamic Covenant, in destroying the devil and his works, and in restoring man’s relationship with God. Now, we must be Born Again, receive the Holy Spirit and walk worthy of our calling in Christ..

  • Forever Defeated, 4.8.15 - Audio

    08/04/2015 Duração: 53min

    Receive an understanding of how God forever defeated Satan through the process of the incarnation, the crucifixion, the resurrection and the coronation of Jesus--who conquered Satan for all of us.

  • The Empty Tomb, 4.5.15 - Audio

    05/04/2015 Duração: 40min

    We celebrate the greatest event ever to occur in the realm of human experience. An event so significant, it’s been referred to as the Greatest Working of God’s Mighty Power. An event so significant, without it, mankind is left in a state of hopelessness. The event being an Empty Tomb. Christ’s resurrection from the dead. An event that involved three powerful manifestations of God’s power according to Peter in ACTS 2:24,31.

  • Calvary's Three Crosses, 4.3.15 - Audio

    03/04/2015 Duração: 45min

    The three crosses on Calvary were for Jesus, a sinner on one side and a sinner on the other side. They represented three choices: Redemption and suffering--a decision made by Christ; Rejection and scoffing--a decision made by one sinner; Reception and surrendering--a decision made by the other sinner. This is a representation of the ultimate choices we all must make and will affect how we live now and where we will spend our eternity.

  • How Deep Is Our Love, 3.29.15 - Audio

    29/03/2015 Duração: 37min

    The same attitudes that existed in the last week of Jesus' earthly ministry told in John 12:9-14, still exist today: Those who are only concerned about getting their material and external needs met; Those who want Christianity destroyed and uprooted from society; and Those who want to see and know what it truly means to be a follower of Jesus. How deep is your love for Christ?

  • About Fasting, 3.25.15 - Audio

    25/03/2015 Duração: 26min

    There are several scriptures about Fasting and the importance of it in our lives as doers of the Word-- to ask for God's help; to express sorrow for sin; to obtain favor; to add sincerity to prayer; to rid ourselves of pride; to humble ourselves; to pray for the needs of others; to overcome temptation; or to activate the Spirit. Receive the blessing of an understanding about Fasting through God's Word.

  • Quench Not the Spirit, 3.18.15 - Audio

    18/03/2015 Duração: 51min

    Our heart's desire should be, to be filled with fresh oil daily. Receive an understanding of the need to maintain our zeal and spiritual fire and the scriptures Paul gave us with a list of commands to help keep us on track. Do you desire to be filled daily with fresh oil? Are you on fire for God?

  • Heavenly Worship, 3.15.15 - Audio

    15/03/2015 Duração: 43min

    Revelation 4 - 22, talks about the Rapture and hereafter. Receive a blessing in the teaching about the Heavenly Worship before God's throne, which is situated in Heaven; Jesus--the Lion of Judah--who prevailed in His earthly mission and is the only one worthy to loose the seals on the scroll needed to be broken to make way for His Second Coming.

  • Great Power, 3.11.15 - Audio

    11/03/2015 Duração: 51min

    In Acts 4:29-33, Great Power and Great Grace was among all of the multitude of the believers who prayed with one heart and one soul. The Holy Spirit is still moving with Great Power today as He did then. God wants us to be grounded and rooted in The Word and then invite the Holy Spirit to empower, lead and guide us and manifest His presence in and through our lives through gifts, signs, wonders and miracles. Prayer produces Power to save, heal and to transform.

  • Be Not Deceived, 3.8.15 - Audio

    08/03/2015 Duração: 46min

    James is considered to be the proverbs of the New Testament and provides practical wisdom for daily Christian living by outlining the faith life through genuine religion, genuine faith and genuine wisdom. He challenges all believers to "WALK THE WALK" and not just "TALK THE TALK," presenting 60 obligations in 108 verses. His epistle refutes the idea that one can continue in sin after conversion. He makes it clear that Christians who err from the truth endanger their souls.

  • Spiritual Power #5, 3.4.15 - Audio

    04/03/2015 Duração: 55min

    Romans 5:17 states all power and authority has been given to one man--Jesus Christ. Jesus is the head of a new breed, appearing in the presence of God for us. By giving us the power of attorney, we have the right to release God's power in the problems we face in life.

  • Spiritual Power #4, 2.25.15 - Audio

    25/02/2015 Duração: 37min

    All things were created by God with the capacity to hear and obey--bones, wind, trees, rocks, graves--all things. When we walk in holiness and pray in the Spirit, we generate His power through prayer--releasing that power with His Word. Instead of begging God to do something about our situation, He wants us to command the situation to line up with His Word. Jesus tells us in MT. 17:20, LUKE 17:6, and MK 11:23, all things will obey when we speak words of faith over it.

  • Come Up Hither, 2.22.15 - Audio

    22/02/2015 Duração: 56min

    In Revelation 4:1, after Jesus had addressed the 7 Churches, He spoke with a voice like a trumpet saying, "Come up hither", which is described as the Rapture of the Church where we are caught up to be with the Lord. Receive the blessing of an understanding of the Rapture of the Church and living Rapture-Ready.

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