Gear Change.



Gear Change. A series by James Price. Fast information for when your time is poor, and you know the best time for change is now. This series provides insight and advice with a focus on improving productivity and sustainability for aged care providers in Australia. A series that you can squeeze in during your lunch hour and then share the ideas with the rest of your team in the afternoon.


  • S2 E2 Coaching & Co-sourcing

    29/04/2020 Duração: 03min

    Research tells that 45% of people fail to keep their resolutions past February and only 19% keep them for 2 years. So, what’s the secret to keeping a resolution, how do we make change stick?   Well they say a problem shared is a problem halved and where we seek help, we are most likely to succeed. In health and fitness, we have long been exposed to the notion of a personal trainer and in business we are familiar with performance coaches.  The key to achieving the desired results is to measure against your targets on a regular basis and set those targets based on what we understand is possible. James Price outlines how Mirus helps organisations measure realistic targets. 

  • S2 E1 Are you looking forward?

    09/03/2020 Duração: 03min

    ‘And now my friend, the first rule of Italian driving. What’s a behind me is not important’. Using Franco, our esteemed Italian driver as an analogy, his rear-view mirror is no longer there to distract him. Instead he can look forward out of the windscreen and be more focussed on the road ahead and beyond.

  • S1 E7 Measurement of Management

    22/10/2019 Duração: 02min

    Or is that the management of measurement? Either way we can’t manage what we can’t measure. Read more here:

  • S1 E6 Does Average Work For You?

    22/10/2019 Duração: 03min

    Interesting fact. The average shoe size for ladies in Australia is size 7. Did you hear about the shop that only sells size 7 shoes? On open day, 20 ladies turned up all ready to buy new shoes. The thing is, 10 people were size 6 and the other 10 were size 8! On average they were size 7! Read more:

  • S1 E5 Since when did "HOPE" become a Strategy?

    22/10/2019 Duração: 03min

    “Please put your hand up if you have a share trading strategy?” It was 1996 and I was attending an investment seminar where the presenter asked the audience this very question.  I did not put my hand up, but I watched as many in the room did. “OK, keep your hand up if you can take a holiday, share with me your investment strategy and let me trade like you?” I think only one person left their hand held high at this point. Read more:

  • S1 E4 Simplify, then add Lightness : UX

    22/10/2019 Duração: 02min

    In my previous professional life, I helped design processes for a business from the ground up, from a blank sheet of paper if you like. One of the designers in my team sought to build processes that were ‘elegantly simple’. In a sea of people who translated the value with complexity and confusion, it was a refreshing way to think and something that stuck with me for years. Read more here:

  • S1 E3 Fit for purpose: Co-design

    13/09/2019 Duração: 02min

    I once wore a pair of Doc Martens on a ski trip. This seemed like a great idea at the time. I had plenty of time to reflect on my decision as I lay on my back, having slipped on the snow, compacted hard just like concrete. The Doc Martens looked like they could do the job, I was assured by the salesperson that they would do the job, and yet there I was, literally seeing stars. It’s often the case that things are designed for one situation and applied to others in the hope that they will work. If you prefer to read, please visit our blog by clicking here.

  • S1 E2 Biometrics + Do we need them?

    13/09/2019 Duração: 04min

    I clearly remember the days working at my local supermarket and the drive to start my shifts in my Ford Fiesta. It was the 1.1 ‘L’ if anyone is interested . . . One of my first tasks before starting a shift was to swipe my employee magnetic card. A magnetic card! Pretty risky considering anyone could have clocked on for me and I would have totally gotten away with it right? Well no actually. At the start of my shift, my manager would expect me to be present. If I failed to be present, management checked to see if I had clocked in. If I had not, my name was called out over the supermarket PA system and the search for James would begin! Fast forward and we have replaced the magnetic card with biometrics to enhance security and reduce time theft. Wait. What? If you prefer to read, please click here.

  • S1 E1 Love for Spreadsheets

    04/09/2019 Duração: 06min

    I love a good spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are versatile and convenient, and you can use them for a variety of operational tasks including financial models, tables, lists, but really, should we be using them to manage rosters? If you prefer to read, please click here to visit our blog.