Burton Bible Basics And Beyond



Paul specializes in bringing Bible concepts into focus so that anyone can understand the word of God in its proper context. With years of science teaching under his belt, he delves into the Bible with the heart of an archaeologist! Join him in the adventure of a lifetime!


  • Unique Bible

    08/02/2019 Duração: 27min

    The Bible is unique among religious writings. Listen to learn how the Bible is different and what that means for your life.

  • The Seventh Commandment- God's Plan for the Sexual Relationship

    21/05/2018 Duração: 30min

    Join Paul as he delves into the topic of physical intimacy and God's perfect plan for singles and married couples. In this episode, he presents research and solid, Biblical advice for everyone living in the world today - covering topics from marital fidelity to cohabitation prior to marriage.

  • The Sixth Commandment - Do Not Murder

    01/05/2018 Duração: 27min

    The sixth commandment that God thundered from the top of Mount Sinai forbade the Israelites to murder. He demanded a respect for life and it's Source. Join Paul as he explores the broad implications and applicability of this powerful commandment.

  • The Fifth Commandment: Honor Your Father and Mother

    11/04/2018 Duração: 31min

    This commandment just may be the key to healing our broken nations and homes. Join us as Paul illustrates the importance of both honoring our parents and teaching our children to honor us. When we honor our parents (worthy or not), we honor God. By properly training our children to honor us, we can set them on a course to honor God with their lives and reach the ultimate goal of eternal life with Him.

  • The Fourth Commandment: The Sabbath

    11/04/2018 Duração: 32min

    God commanded the Israelites to honor the sabbath and keep it holy. While the other commandments are restated under the new covenant, this one is not. So, how can and should we apply it to our lives? Join Paul as he investigates the scriptures and pulls the practical applicability from this commandment into the 21st century.

  • The Third Commandment: Honor the Name of God

    11/04/2018 Duração: 25min

    The fourth commandment that God gave to the Israelites from Mount Sinai instructed them to keep His name holy, not using it "in vain." What does it mean to use the Lord's name in vain? Join Paul as he delves into the scriptures, showing how we can honor God through a proper relationship with His holy name.

  • The Second Commandment: No Graven Images

    11/04/2018 Duração: 30min

    In this lesson, Paul explores the fourth of the ten commandments which prohibits the creation and worship of any graven image. What does that mean for us today? We don't bow to statues! Listen to this powerful lesson and find out how you can enrich your Christian walk and keep your heart free from any form of idolatry.

  • The First Commandment: Love the Lord Your God

    11/04/2018 Duração: 31min

    The first commandment instructs the Israelites to love God above all else, but how do you actually do that? What does that mean? What does that look like in real life? Join Paul as he illuminates the truth of God's word and illustrates how we can love God more.

  • Introduction to The Ten Commandments

    03/04/2018 Duração: 19min

    As part of God's covenant with the Israelites, He gave the 10 Commandments. While we are no longer bound by the old covenant, the commandments provide a backbone of moral behavior that can guide us in Christian living. This episode was recorded live. Join Paul as he introduces this fascinating study with the historical setting and other interesting and applicable insights.

  • Resurrection Significance

    03/04/2018 Duração: 28min

    This was recorded live on Easter 2018. Join Paul as he explores the importance and significance of the resurrection of Christ and why it still matters today.