Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio



Central Baptist Church is located in the community of Niles, Ohio; between the towns of Warren and Youngstown. We meet regularly at 11 am for our Sunday Morning Worship Service (Sunday School starts at 10 am) and at 6 pm for our Sunday Evening Worship Service (kids activities start at 5:30 pm). Check out our at www.centralbaptistniles.weebly.com and enjoy Pastor Dan's two weekly sermons.


  • "Conflict Resolution According to Jesus" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio 03242019


    Sunday morning, we continued in Luke 9 and talked about how Jesus resolved conflict.  All of us have been through conflict and most of us would rather avoid it yet conflict is a part of life.  Jesus dealt with His fair share of conflict.  Thus, finding a conflict resolution strategy based on the example of Christ is the best way to learn how to deal with conflict.  In Luke 9:51-56, Jesus gives us a three-step approach to handling conflict; THINKàCORRECTàACT.  THINK before you act, CORRECT yourself and ACT like Jesus.    Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio On March 24, 2019 Sermon Title: "Conflict Resolution According to Jesus”Scripture Text: Luke 9:51-56 https://archive.org/download/ConflictResolutionAccordingToJesusCENTRALBAPTISTCHURCHNilesOhio03242019/Conflict%20Resolution%20According%20to%20Jesus%20-%20CENTRAL%20BAPTIST%20CHURCH%2C%20Niles%2C%20Ohio%2003242019.mp3

  • "Achieving Greatness" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio - 03172019


    This Sunday morning, we talked about achieving greatness in the eyes of God.  In Luke 9:46-50 we come across an argument that the disciples were having amongst themselves.  They were trying to figure out which one of them would rank the highest when the kingdom of God came upon the earth.  Of course, Christ is the greatest and any attempt to put one’s self above Him is futile.  Yet, Jesus did tell us how we can be considered “great.”  In our text we found that true and genuine greatness, according to Christ, involves three things: (1) Humility, (2) A love for the needy, and (3) team work.  Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio On March 17, 2019 Sermon Title: "Achieving Greatness”Scripture Text: Luke 9:46-50 https://archive.org/download/AchievingGreatnessCENTRALBAPTISTCHURCHNilesOhio03172019/Achieving%20Greatness%20-%20CENTRAL%20BAPTIST%20CHURCH%2C%20Niles%2C%20Ohio%20-%2003172019.mp3

  • "The Transfiguration of Jesus" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio 03032019


    Sunday morning, I preached about the Transfiguration of Jesus.  This was a very heavy sermon from a theological perspective, yet I ended it with one basic point of application: We all need to open our hearts and minds so that we can see the glory of Christ.  Often, we are distracted from the works of God taking place all around us.  To frequently we focus on the chaos which surrounds our lives and are blind to God’s glory. Stop what you are doing and focus yourself on the work of the Lord.  Put your full trust in Him.       Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio On March 3, 2019 Sermon Title: "The Transfiguration of Jesus" Scripture Text: Luke 9:28-36 https://archive.org/download/TheTransfigurationOfJesusCENTRALBAPTISTCHURCHNilesOhioMorningService03032019/The%20Transfiguration%20of%20Jesus%20-%20CENTRAL%20BAPTIST%20CHURCH%2C%20Niles%2C%20Ohio%20Morning%20Service%2003032019.mp3

  • "What is Truth?" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio - 02242019 (Evening Service)


    On Sunday nights I have been preaching a follow up sermon to the theme of our Sunday School lesson from earlier in the day.  Sunday morning, we talked about being deceived by false teachings.  John the Apostle has a lot to say about this subject.  His first epistle (1 John) focused quite a bit on combating the false teaching of false prophets.  In 1 John 4:1-6, the Apostle tells us how to combat the false teachings we face?  He tells us to test every teaching (to see if it is from God) and to resist the temptation to fall prey to these false doctrines.  Sermon by Pastor Dan SquezelloAt Central Baptist Church, Niles, OhioOn February 24, 2019 (Evening Service)Sermon Title: "What is Truth?"Scripture Text: 1 John 4:1-6 https://archive.org/download/WhatIsTruthCENTRALBAPTISTCHURCHNilesOhio02242019EveningService/What%20is%20truth%20-%20CENTRAL%20BAPTIST%20CHURCH%2C%20Niles%2C%20Ohio%20-%2002242019%20Evening%20Service.mp3

  • "Misidentification" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio 02172019


    Hey, here is Pastor Dan's sermon from CBC's morning service.  Listen to it directly (or download to your computer) through the link below to archive.org (our hosting site) or subscribe to FBCW's "podcasts" channel.  You can download the "podcasts" app to most of your smart phones by going to your app store (purple app with something that looks like a person on it).  Once you have it on your phone just search for "Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio" and you should see a picture of the church.  Sunday morning, we attempted to identify Jesus.  I talked to my congregation about how people, through out the past 2000 years, have misidentified Christ.  As Christians, it is our number one Job to tell others about Who Jesus Is!  He is the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.  AND, most importantly, He is the Savior of all the world.  If you turn your complete trust over to Him then you will be saved!  Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist C

  • "On the Job Training" - MORNING SERVICE 01272019


    We began the 9th chapter of the gospel of Luke by looking at the story of Jesus sending His twelve disciples out on their own for the first time.  There is a lot Christians today can learn from this event.  Followers of Christ are equipped to serve God through the Holy Spirit.  We are instructed in our service of the Lord through God’s Word.  And we need to trust and obey God’s calling for us to serve Him. Can you honestly say that you trust and obey God today? Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On January 27, 2019 Sermon Title: "On the Job Training" Scripture Text: Luke 9:1-6 https://archive.org/download/onTheJobTraining/OnTheJobTraining-MorningService01272019.mp3

  • "True Worship" - EVENING SERVICE 01062019


    On Sunday Evenings my sermon text comes from the theme of our Sunday School lesson from earlier in the day.  Yesterday morning we finished the unit titled “The Full Picture of Christmas”; which focused on different individuals or groups of people within the Christmas story.  Yesterday we looked at the wisemen and how they worshiped Jesus.  In continuing in the theme of worship, I decided to study through a good portion of the 4th chapter of John and the story of Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan Woman at Jacob’s Well.  During this divine interaction, we learn a lot about proper worship of our Lord.  Sermon by Rev. Dan SquezelloAt Central Baptist Church, Niles, OhioEvening ServiceOn January 6, 2019Sunday School Unit Title: “The Full Picture of Christmas” Sunday School Session Title: “The Wisemen’s Worship”Sermon Title: “True Worship” Scripture Text: John 4:1-30, 39-42https://archive.org/download/TrueWorship_674/TrueWorship-EveningService01062019.mp3

  • "The Miracles of Christ" - MORNING SERVICE 01062019


    Yesterday we returned to the Gospel of Luke.  We looked at the story of Jesus casting out the many demons of a demonic man who lived amongst the tombs.  After Christ “cured” the man, we found two completely different reactions to the miraculous power of Christ.  The first was one of fear and rejection.  The people of the area completely rejected what took place (and Jesus) because of fear.  The second reaction was one of faith and obedience.  The formally possessed man wanted to leave with Jesus but Christ told him to stay and tell those around him about what took place; which is what he did.  My question for you is “What is your reaction to the miracles of Christ?”  One of fear and rejection or one of faith and obedience? Choose Jesus today.  Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On January 6, 2019 Sermon Title: "The Miracles of Jesus" Scripture Text: Luke 8:26-39 https://archive.org/download/TheMiraclesOfCh

  • "The Coming Messiah" - EVENING SERVICE 12232018


    This Sunday evening, we focused on Micah 5:2, “But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel.  His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity.”  I find it amazing that this passage of scripture was written hundreds of years before Christ yet there is so much in it that applies to us today.  Of course, the most important part, is that the long awaited for Messiah has been born to us.  Praise God!Sermon by Rev. Dan SquezelloAt Central Baptist Church, Niles, OhioEvening ServiceOn December 23, 2018 Sermon Title: “The Coming Messiah” Scripture Text: Micah 5:2https://archive.org/download/theComingMessiah-EveningService12232018/TheComingMessiah-EveningService12232018.mp3

  • "The Word Among Us" - MORNING SERVICE 12232018


    This Sunday morning we took a break from the gospel of Luke to talk about the Christmas story.  I preached from John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”  Now, to be honest, when we think about Christmas this is not a verse that often comes to mind.  BUT, in reality, this verse sums up the entire Christmas story.  Jesus, the Word, came to earth, dwelt among mankind and put the glory of God on display for all to see.  This is what we celebrate, every year, at Christmas.  God’s ultimate plan to save all the earth began when Jesus was born; our redemption began on Christmas day.  Make that the reason for the season! Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On December 23, 2018 Sermon Title: "The Word Among Us" Scripture Text: John 1:14 https://archive.org/download/theWordAmongUs_365/TheWordAmongUs-MorningService1223

  • "Facing the Storms of Life" - MORNING SERVICE 12162018


    Sunday morning we looked at the story, according to Luke, of Jesus calming the storm.  I pointed out that all of us face hardships or “storms” in life.  You are only fooling yourself if you think your life is burden free; we all face trials.  BUT, we do not have to face them alone; Jesus can face them with us!  In my text (Luke 8:22-25) Jesus asked the question, to His disciples, “Where is your faith?”  So that is my question to you; when you face difficulties in life, where is your faith?  Do you put your full trust in Jesus Christ?  Or do you put your faith in any number of other things?  My hope is that you trust Jesus with all your heart! Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On December 16, 2018 Series: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke Sermon Title: "Facing the Storms of Life" Scripture Text: Luke 8:22-25 https://archive.org/download/FacingTheStormsOfLife_983/FacingTheStormsOfLife-MorningService12162018.m

  • "Are You Dedicated?" - MORNING SERVICE 12092018


    On Sunday morning we continued our study of Luke 8 and responding to the Word of God.  We talked about being part of Jesus’ family and looked at His dedication to us and what a Christian’s dedication to Him should look like.       Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On December 9, 2018 Series: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke Sermon Title: "Are You Dedicated?" Scripture Text: Luke 8:19-21 https://archive.org/download/areYouDedicated/AreYouDedicated-MorningService12092018.mp3

  • "Responding to the Word of God" - MORNING SERVICE 12022018


    On Sunday morning I preached what could easily be considered a follow up text for last week’s message about “the sower and the seed.”  Jesus’ “parable of the lamp”, from Luke 8:16-18, talks about responding to God’s Word.  I told my congregation that Christians need to respond to God’s Word, and the Gospel message of Jesus’ death and resurrection, by (1) Speaking the Word [evangelism] and (2) Hearing the Word [personal discipleship].  Christians need to constantly grow in their faith by talking to God through prayer, listening to Him through His Word and fellowshipping with Him through His Church.  If we are actively “hearing” the Word of God then we will be much more effective at “speaking” the Word of God to others around us.       Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On December 2, 2018 Series: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke Sermon Title: "Responding to the Word of God" Scripture Text: Luke 8:16

  • "Entering the Gates of God" - EVENING SERVICE 11252018


    On Sunday nights I preach a sermon that is a follow up to what we studied in Sunday School earlier in the day.  Sunday morning, we finished up the unit is titled “How to Pray” by talking about thanksgiving and how we need to pray a prayer of thanksgiving to God.  God is the only source of your blessings.  Who else are going to give credit to for all the blessings you have received?  Yourself?  Only God is worthy of your thanksgiving.  But, how should we react when we are in the presence of God (in worship or when we die)?  What should our response be?  The second half of Psalm 100 gives us the answer.  Sermon by Rev. Dan SquezelloAt Central Baptist Church, Niles, OhioEvening ServiceOn November 25, 2018 Sunday School Unit Title: “How to Pray”Sunday School Session Title: “A Prayer of Thanksgiving”Sermon Title: “Entering the Gates of God”Scripture Text: Psalm 100:4-5 https://archive.org/download/EnteringTheGatesOfGod_783/EnteringTheGatesOfGod-eveningService11252018.m

  • "Embrace the Gospel" - MORNING SERVICE 11252018


    On Sunday morning I preached about one of Jesus’ most well-known parables; the parable of the sower and the seed.  Each soil type, where seed fell, represents a reaction humanity may have to the gospel of Christ.  To sum everything up; you can either react to the gospel message of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ by embracing it or by rejecting it.  If you reject that gospel you are on your own.  The works or fruit of an individual shows where their heart is; so don’t think you can fool anyone.  How are you going to response to Jesus?  Are you going to accept His gift of salvation?  Or are you going to reject it?  The choice is yours, choose wisely.  Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On November 25, 2018 Series: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke Sermon Title: "Embrace the Gospel" Scripture Text: Luke 8:4-15 https://archive.org/download/embraceTheGospel/EmbraceTheGospel-MorningService11

  • "Going to Confession" - EVENING SERVICE 11182018


    On Sunday nights I preach a sermon that is a good follow up to what we learned in Sunday School earlier in the day.  Our current Sunday School unit is titled “How to Pray.”  Each session of the Sunday School will look at a portion of the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6.  This week we talked about Matthew 6:12-13, “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”  Last night we continued the idea of confessing our sins to God by talking about what will happen when we confess our sins.  Sermon by Rev. Dan SquezelloAt Central Baptist Church, Niles, OhioEvening ServiceOn November 18, 2018Sunday School Unit Title: “How to Pray”Sunday School Session Title: “A Prayer of Confession”Sermon Title: “Going to Confession”Scripture Text: 1 John 1:9 https://archive.org/download/GoingToConfession/GoingToConfession-EveningService11182018.mp3

  • "The Christian Church" - MORNING SERVICE 11182018


    On Sunday, November 18, 2018, we continued our way through the Gospel of Luke by looking at a summarization passage that gave us some insight on those who were following Jesus.  We learned that this group was made up of the twelve disciples and “many women.”  I told my congregation that a local church needs to be a (1) Gospel Driven Church, (2) Welcoming and Loving Church and (3) Financially Generous Church.  Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On November 18, 2018 Series: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke Sermon Title: "The Christian Church" Scripture Text: Luke 8:1-3 https://archive.org/download/theChristianChurch/TheChristianChurch-MorningService11182018.mp3

  • “Praising God When the Answer is NO!” - EVENING SERVICE 11112018


    On Sunday nights I preach a sermon that is a good follow up to what we learned in Sunday School earlier in the day.  Our current Sunday School unit is titled “How to Pray.”  Each session of the Sunday School will look at a portion of the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6.  This week, for the second week in a row, we looked at the fourth line of the prayer (verse 11), “Give us this day our daily bread” and focused on praying for others.  Last night we talked about praising God when His answer to our prayers is “no.”  I focused on facing hardships and trials head on and praise God no matter what the outcome of these tribulations are.  Sermon by Rev. Dan SquezelloAt Central Baptist Church, Niles, OhioEvening ServiceOn November 11, 2018 Sunday School Unit Title: “How to Pray”Sunday School Session Title: “Praying for Others”Sermon Title: “Praising God When the Answer is NO!”Scripture Text: 1 Peter 1:3-9 https://archive.org/download/PraisingGodWhenTheAnswerIsNo/PraisingGodWhenTheAnswerIsNo

  • "Forgiveness, Salvation and Peace" - MORNING SERVICE 11112018


    Sunday morning, I spoke about how all of humanity can receive forgiveness, salvation and peace through Christ.  We looked at the story of a sinful woman anointing Jesus’ feet with an expensive perfume at the home of a Pharisee named Simon.  This woman, who must have been looked at as one of the worst of the worst sinners in the community, was able to find forgiveness, salvation, and peace through Jesus; just like each and every one of us could.  Trust Jesus in all parts of your life today.     Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On November 11, 2018 Series: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke Sermon Title: "Forgiveness, Salvation and Peace" Scripture Text: Luke 7:36-50 https://archive.org/download/ForgivenessSalvationAndPeace/ForgivenessSalvationAndPeace.mp3

  • "Reject or Accept" - MORNING SERVICE 11042018


    Yesterday morning we talked about the message of Jesus and John the Baptist and asked ourselves the question: “Are you going to reject Jesus or accept Jesus?”  John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah and Jesus is the Messiah.  They both had powerful messages for their listeners and Jesus’s gift of salvation is something that everyone needs.  There is no way to get to heaven on our own; we need Jesus.  Are you going to accept Jesus and the forgiveness He offered You?  Or are you going to reject Him and continue living your lives separated from God?  A life without Christ is one on the “highway to hell.”  Turn your life over to Christ today.  Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On November 4, 2018 Series: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke Sermon Title: "Reject or Accept" Scripture Text: Luke 7:18-35 https://archive.org/download/RejectOrAccept/RejectOrAccept-MorningService11042018.mp3