Stories Of A Sparrow



All of us have been through something that has changed us, or maybe something that we felt ruined us. Instead of these moments defining us, what if the healing that took place afterwards and the sharing of those stories are what changes you and not just you but others around you? We want people to not be ashamed of their stories and know the impact it can have on another person. Instead of people saying, oh its a long story we want them to say, you gotta head this story, it will change your life. By allowing Jesus to take our imperfections and pain, He turns them into something beautiful. We are redeemed and can use our past hurt, failures, shortcomings, victories, and journeys to bring hope to the stories that are still in writing.


  • Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 17

    02/12/2019 Duração: 34min

    Holiday Episode

  • Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 12

    22/10/2018 Duração: 33min


  • Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 11

    08/10/2018 Duração: 30min

    Boundaries:  In this Episode we are talking about Boundaries, what it means to have boundaries and how they can be a healthy good thing in your life and in your relationships. We believe we should all have them in our relationships in the workplace and in our family. First we talk about how Boundaries are a personal thing, we cannot control or set boundaries for another person, so we have to set our own property lines in relationships with other people. We can only control us, our actions, our emotions. Then we go on to discuss what it looks like to say, NO. We can become so addicted to saying yes to please people or to not cause them harm or inconvenience them, and we often put everyone else's needs before our own. It is okay to say no, you have to draw the line and see what you are sacrificing for yourself or your family. We talk about what it looks like to live in freedom and not be bound to making other people happy. We talk about how sometimes boundaries can be difficult to set in a relationship because

  • Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 10

    24/09/2018 Duração: 42min

    Let's talk baby:  In this Episode we try to break the silence a little and have a conversation about sex that a lot of people aren't having but maybe should be. We talk about some of the things we have struggled with individually such as sexpectations, negative feelings towards sex, self confidence and not loving the way our bodies look, hurt carried from before marriage, battles of the mind, feeling like a 'Velcro Mom'. We talk about the importance of  communicating with your spouse about sex about any struggles you are having concerning sex but to also share your likes and dislikes, God made us all different and we need to be able to tell our husbands what is going on in our heads when it comes to sex, they want to know! The three of us grew up in similar environments where sex wasn't really talked about except to tell us not to do it, and where there is some truth and well meaning behind that approach, there was also a lack of explaining the gift it is from God to a husband and a wife and how i

  • Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 9

    10/09/2018 Duração: 32min

    In this episode we discuss our struggle with the comparison game. The pressure that we feel on a daily basis to keep up. Thanks to social media we are constantly surrounded by people we don't even know who seem to have it all and have it all together at the same time! It's this highlight real life that draws us in and makes us feel very boring and lacking in the life we have been called to live. We start to question why, why can't I look like that? Why can't I have their house or their belongings, why can't I have the money to vacation there? We get sucked into this fake world that we cannot live up to and when we are driven by what we lack, we will never find happiness, joy or contentment. We talk about what it looks like to raise kids while navigating comparison and the expectations that we put on ourselves to have the most perfect Pinterest party or to breastfeed or bottle feed, or to give your kid the best Santa presents. Our challenge to ourselves and you is to continue to pour truth into your life, to s

  • Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 5

    12/03/2018 Duração: 19min

    Jodi's Story

  • Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 4

    26/02/2018 Duração: 31min

    How to Share Your Story:   In this episode we explain what we are talking about when we say, “share your story”. We explain what it means to us, our hearts behind it. During the episode we give practical tips on how to discover your stories and ideas on how to share them with others. We each share a significant story about our experiences or past struggles and how we shared them or continue to share them and what came from us opening up and being vulnerable. It’s important to not compare your story to someone else’s, it doesn’t matter big or small, God can use it. So often we listen to the lies of, “my story doesn’t matter, or it’s not big enough or important, no one can relate to it.” Or we let the fear that we will be judged keep us quiet. But it is important to get out of our own way because we don’t know the impact sharing can have on someone else or the healing that can take place. Practical ways we challenged you to know your story was writing it out and praying over it, many times we don’t realize wher

  • Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 3

    12/02/2018 Duração: 29min

    Life Giving Friendships:   This episode is near and dear to our hearts due to the friendships with each other that has come from this podcast. The number one thing in starting or finding a friendship is creating the space for it to happen. Don’t get caught up in the lie that someone already has a friend so they do not need you as a friend. Life giving friendships should change you for the better, their presence in your life changes you, they give you confidence and receive your vulnerability with openness and reciprocation. Life giving friends are the ones who know what you deal with and are that voice of truth and reason to guide you to a better place. They pour truth and scripture into your life, they help change the negativity in your life into something positive. Don’t be scared to BE the life giving friend to other people, be bold, reach out send that text, ask to get coffee (or tea). :) Friendships take work, don’t be afraid to have the tough conversations and put in the work to show that their friendsh

  • Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 2

    29/01/2018 Duração: 33min

    Tune in to this episode to hear us talk about appearance and all the different ways we can stumble and fall into the trap of having to appear perfect to earn others love and even our own acceptance. Learn what a “nerdle” is and how we all have obstacles that keep us from embracing the fact that we are beautifully and wonderfully created. 1 Peter 3:3 states “what matters is not your outward appearance but from what comes from within”. This verse is so much at the heart of what we want you to walk away with from this episode. What we are doing in our hearts, that is what matters! We were put on this earth to love God and love others. Stop the negative talk and the lies that the enemy wants you to believe and rest in the truth that you are enough. Look through the eyes of your loved ones, your friends, your family, see yourself as they see you and even more importantly as your Heavenly Father sees you. Stop the comparison game and learn to love and accept who you are! Resources talked about in this Episode: The

  • Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 1

    15/01/2018 Duração: 25min

    In this episode we break down the topic of identity. We share what things in our lives the three of us have turned to define ourselves  while we try to discover, "who am I". If you were to tear through all the layers, much of what we struggle with comes from us putting our identity in the wrong things. For you, whether it’s a role such as being a mom or a wife, or maybe it’s your job, or the things you own. It could be a skill or a hobby you have or maybe it’s a mistake or a struggle that you constantly remind yourself of. All of those things make up your life and what you do but they do not define you. If you put all your hopes and dreams and wants into one area of your life, you are going to be let down and will always go through these phases of not knowing who you are. We believe the only identity that will leave you fulfilled, happy and living a life of purpose is being the daughter of the King, Jesus Christ. We all have something that we struggle finding our identity in, so where are you looking, what mu