Good Evening: An Alfred Hitchcock Presents Podcast



Good eeevening and welcome to a podcast review of Alfred Hitchcock Presents, hosted by sisters Annie and Kathryn. Every week, the sisters review a new episode of the classic anthology series first brought to television sets by the Master of Suspense himself. Mystery? Check. Trivia? You got it. Humor? Attempted. It's Good Evening.


  • Episode 116 - The Three Dreams of Mr. Findlater

    29/12/2022 Duração: 34min

    Ernest Findlater is an upper crust gentleman with a simple desire: he wishes to be whisked away to an island paradise where he can be doted on by a loving young woman named Lalage—a far cry from his actual stuffy reality and acrimonious marriage. For a time, Ernest’s desires are confined only to his daydreams, but when he finds a gun in an abandoned car, another dream begins to take shape: a dream of murder most foul. With the help of his imaginary girlfriend Lalage, Ernest begins to painstakingly plot both his wife’s demise and his own airtight alibi. But could it be that all of Ernest’s scheming is in vain?    Burn-o-Meter: N/A Overall Rating: 7.5 fake mustaches

  • Episode 115 - Flight to the East

    09/11/2022 Duração: 40min

    When former nurses aide Barbara meets war correspondent Ted on a flight out of Nairobi, the two strike up a conversation about the courtroom drama surrounding a man, Sasha Ismael, called “Sasha the Terrible” in the press. Ted reveals his involvement in the case, including his growing belief that Sasha took the fall for a man named Arthur Hill. Ted, who claims to have been searching for Arthur ever since Sasha’s execution, runs into trouble when he kills Sasha’s father in what he claims to be self-defense. Barbara listens attentively to Ted’s story. But could there be more behind Barbara’s calm demeanor and constant supply of Ted’s favorite cigarettes?    Burn-o-Meter: 6.5 Overall Rating: 6.75 cigarettes of an unnamed brand

  • Episode 114 - The Jar

    27/10/2022 Duração: 59min

    In this year’s Halloween special, Annie & Kathryn discuss a classic Ray Bradbury adaptation from the Alfred Hitchcock Hour. When Charlie Hill visits a local carnival, he becomes entranced by the mysterious contents of a jar on display. Convinced that owning such a wonder will earn him respect in his rural community, Charlie purchases the jar and sets up regular viewings in his home. There, townsfolk speculate on the meaning of the jar—each with a tragic, poignant, or eerie observation to make. But Charlie’s wife Thedy Sue is unamused by the goings-on. Thedy and her lover formulate a plan to humiliate Charlie, but is Thedy underestimating Charlie’s profound attachment to the jar? And will the nightly viewings turn into a genuine horror show?   Burn-o-Meter: N/A Overall Rating: 9 Thedy Sue Hill ribbons

  • Episode 113 - Mother, May I Go Out to Swim?

    12/10/2022 Duração: 53min

    John Crane has it made. He lives rent-free in a gorgeous apartment, dines on the dishes of a private chef, and enjoys the affection of one very special woman: his mother. But everything changes when John takes a trip to Vermont and falls in love with a self-reliant immigrant named Lottie. After a whirlwind romance, John proposes to Lottie, but when Claire, his mother, shows up on the scene, there’s immediate tension between the women. Eventually, Lottie suggests that she and John take Claire away to their favorite waterfall spot, where they can privately tell Claire about their engagement. John, convinced that Lottie wants him to push his mother off the waterfall cliffside, works himself into a frenzy . . . with surprising results.    Burn-o-Meter: 1 Overall Rating: 5.25 waterfall nudges

  • Episode 112 - The West Warlock Time Capsule

    28/09/2022 Duração: 40min

    George Tiffany lives a pleasant, quiet life with his wife Louise, running a well-regarded taxidermy shop and cuddling up in his favorite armchair in the upstairs apartment. But all of that changes when Louise’s little brother, Waldren, shows up. It’s one thing when moocher Waldren claims George’s chair as his own and insists on keeping the house stuffy to suit his mysterious, lingering illness. It’s another when Waldren’s demanding behavior runs Louise’s health into the ground, leading to her hospitalization. When George attempts to send Waldren on his way, Waldren won’t take a hint . . . or even a hearty push. But could it be that George’s current project—a taxidermied horse doubling as a time capsule—could hold the morbid key to his predicament?    Burn-o-Meter: N/A Overall Rating: 8.5 human-shaped time capsules

  • Episode 111 - The Greatest Monster of Them All

    14/09/2022 Duração: 53min

    When cheapskate producer Hal, unscrupulous director Morty, and rudderless screenwriter Freddie join forces on their next B movie, they hatch a plan to resurrect the Greatest Monster of Them All: old 30s horror legend Ernst Von Croft. Von Croft is committed—perhaps a little too committed—to his comeback role. Freddie is happy just to have a job. Hal’s eager to make a quick buck. And Morty has a “comedic” film trick up his sleeve that no one expects. But after Von Croft is devastated by a humiliating screening, will he end up having the last laugh? Or . . . will we? Burn-o-Meter: 8.5 Overall Rating: 2.5 B movie comebacks

  • Episode 110 - Post Mortem

    24/08/2022 Duração: 47min

    Judy, lover of bubble baths, has one simple goal: she wants to live a small, comfortable life while safely saving away her late husband’s insurance policy money. Of course, a heated bathroom would be nice . . . but Judy prefers to keep her savings safe—even if her new husband Steve has other ideas. Then, Judy is informed that her late husband bought a winning ticket in the Irish Sweepstakes that’s worth $1.4 million in today’s money. The only catch? She doesn’t know where the ticket is—until she realizes that the ticket is six feet under, buried in her husband’s best suit. Judy decides to exhume her husband’s body against Steve’s wishes, but could she be unearthing a terrible secret, as well?   Burn-o-Meter: N/A Overall Rating: 7.75 electric heater splashdowns

  • Episode 109 - Apex

    03/08/2022 Duração: 37min

    Claude and Margo have a blissful relationship. They’re even picking out fabric swatches for their home together. There’s only one issue: Claude’s rich wife, Clara. When Clara confides in Margo that she might divorce Claude on suspicion of unfaithfulness—thereby ruining Claude’s career and financial prospects—Margo and Claude decide that the only solution is to murder Clara . . . and fast. When Margo loses her faith in Claude’s ability to get the job done, she takes matters into her own hands. But in this twisted tale of rose petal tea and golf clubs, an ironic twist is just around the bend. Or just outside Clara’s front door, as the case may be.    Burn-o-Meter: 7 Overall Rating: 6.25 cups of rose petal tea

  • Episode 108 - Madame Mystery

    21/07/2022 Duração: 49min

    Young Jimmy Dolan is on the cusp of PR greatness . . . according to Jimmy. When older Hollywood star Betsy Blake—otherwise known as Madame Mystery—dies in a speedboat accident just days after wrapping a new film, it spells potential disaster for the film’s box office reception. But the ever-resourceful and free-from-scruples Jimmy has devised a plan to give Betsy the ol’ Rudolph Valentino treatment. To that end, he convinces his talented writer friend Steve to help him with the campaign. Jimmy’s plan, including his well-planted rumors that Betsy might still be alive, seems to be going off without a hitch. But could this PR scheme be closer to the truth than Jimmy thinks? And just how well does Jimmy know Madame Mystery?   Burn-o-Meter: 5.5 Overall Rating: 6.5 sleeps in the deep

  • Episode 107 - A Night with the Boys

    06/07/2022 Duração: 42min

    When newlywed Irv loses a week’s worth of wages after gambling with an uncharitable boss, he frets over explaining the loss to his pregnant wife, Frances. Inspired by a chance encounter with a local cop, Irv fakes a mugging as a cover story for the lost money. But then Frances presses Irv to report the mugging and, even worse, a sixteen-year-old kid is brought in for the crime. Will a guilt-stricken Irv end up telling the truth to the police? Or could there be a twist ending waiting in the dark alley around the corner?    Burn-o-Meter: 9.5 Overall Rating: 5 fake cheek cuts 

  • Episode 106 - The Legacy

    15/06/2022 Duração: 53min

    Irene Cole is considered by all around her to be a mousy, ordinary housewife who is—gasp!—over the age thirty. Her wealth, however, is anything but ordinary, and that’s what keeps her rubbing shoulders with the wealthy elite of Palm Beach. There, on winter vacation, she receives the unexpected attention of a race car-driving prince, who—to the shock and wonder of all around Irene—appears to fall head over heels in love with her. And when the prince cannot convince Irene to leave her loveless marriage, he threatens suicide. Could there be more than meets the eye to this star-crossed romance? Or is it, truly, just a royal snooze fest?  Burn-o-Meter: 10  
Overall Rating: 2.25 playboy princes 

  • Episode 105 - Dead Weight

    02/06/2022 Duração: 43min

    When Courtney Masterson and Peg Valence are caught unawares by a Zodiac Killer-esque assailant, they manage to turn the tables and lock the man in Courtney’s trunk. But the couple is then left with a dilemma: if they turn in the Lovers' Lane killer, word will get out that Courtney was out necking with . . . his mistress, not his wife. What follows for Courtney is a great debate between two unsavory options: be blackmailed by the assailant or . . . turn the gun on him. And when Courtney ultimately makes his decision, he’s in for an ironic twist. Burn-o-Meter: 3.5
 Overall Rating: 6.75 Courtney Nesbitt Mastersons 

  • Episode 104 - The Changing Heart

    11/05/2022 Duração: 39min

    When young man Dane sees a watchmaker named Klemm about a repair, he meets Klemm’s enchanting granddaughter, Lisa. Young loves soon ensues, but the domineering Klemm refuses to give his blessing to the proposed marriage. When Dane leaves town and Lisa falls gravely ill, the ever more controlling Klemm becomes obsessed with finding a “cure” for his granddaughter. In the end, when Dane returns to town, he discovers that Lisa seems to be alive and well . . . but with a shocking change of heart.    Burn-o-Meter: 3.5 Overall Rating: 6.75 changed hearts

  • Episode 103 - The Baby Sitter

    27/04/2022 Duração: 42min

    When one of babysitter Lottie Slocum’s clients—a separated wife named Mrs. Nash—winds up murdered, all eyes turn to Lottie for answers. As she fields questions from a police sergeant, the women’s club, and her nosy friend Blanche alike, Lottie grows more concerned about her safety . . . and her figure. Lottie is determined to protect the good name of Mr. Nash, but could it be that her former employer is not the knight in shining armor that she’s imagined him to be? Burn-o-Meter: N/A Overall Rating: 8.25 cherry chocolate with tutti frutti milkshakes

  • Episode 102 - Services Rendered

    06/04/2022 Duração: 49min

    After receiving a blow during a freak accident on the city streets, a young man comes to a shocking realization: he can’t remember who he is. Over drinks with a stranger, he attempts to piece together his identity using two items he finds in his pocket: a thousand dollar bill and the name and address of a local doctor. When the young man visits the doctor, he receives a diagnosis of amnesia, but he’s no closer to solving his problem . . . until sudden recall results in a shocking—and unintentionally funny?—twist.  Burn-o-Meter: 10 Overall Rating: 3.25 falling 2x4s 

  • Episode 101 - Incident in a Small Jail

    23/03/2022 Duração: 38min

    When mild-mannered traveling salesman Leon Gorwald is caught jaywalking in a small town, he’s promptly locked up by a power-tripping cop—without his one phone call or the chance to promptly speak with a judge. But soon, what’s only a big inconvenience turns into a life-or-death scenario when a man is jailed next to Gorwald for the brutal murder of a local girl . . . and the citizens of the town are out for blood. Will Gorwald survive a terribly timed case of mistaken identity? And could it be that there’s more to this mousy haberdashery salesman than meets the eye? Burn-o-Meter: 3.5 Overall Rating: 8.25 jaywalking tickets

  • Episode 100 - The Indestructible Mr. Weems

    24/02/2022 Duração: 43min

    When four members of a fraternal lodge purchase a plot of land, intending to convert it into a cemetery, they run into one small hiccup: No one wishes to be their first customer. One of the brothers proposes a solution: Why not offer a weekly allowance to a lodge member who’s at death’s door, in return for his promise to be interred in their very own Elysium Park? Soon, however, what once seemed like good business sense turns into a major headache. The trouble is this: Mr. Weems simply won’t fulfill his duty to the lodge and . . . well, die.  Burn-o-Meter: N/A Overall Rating: 5.75 vacant burial plots

  • Episode 99 - The Canary Sedan

    10/02/2022 Duração: 40min

    When clairvoyant Englishwoman Laura Bowlby arrives in Hong Kong, she’s almost instantly drawn to a black sedan—a car that she correctly intuits was once painted canary yellow. While adjusting to life in a new country and feeling Isolated within a loveless marriage, Laura begins to hear a ghostly woman’s voice in the canary sedan. She soon finds herself increasingly entranced by the mysterious woman’s past . . . but could it be that it’s terribly entwined with her own present? Burn-o-Meter: 8.5 Overall Rating: 6.75 canary sedans 

  • Episode 98 - There Was An Old Woman

    26/01/2022 Duração: 43min

    They’re baaack! Annie & Kathryn return after their hiatus with a real humdinger of an episode to ring in 2022. Hitchhiking grifters Lorna and Frank happen upon an old woman who’s rumored to be hiding a million bucks in her mansion. Soon, the couple realize that Miss Monica Laughton is hosting dozens of invisible family members for a funeral—invisible guests, that is, for the mourning of an invisible corpse. After threatening their victim, Lorna and Frank’s plan seems to be panning out. But is it possible that Miss Monica, like her invisible houseguests, is more than meets the eye?  Burn-o-Meter: 5.5 
Overall Rating: 9 mice cupcakes

  • Episode 97 - Sybilla

    15/09/2021 Duração: 47min

    Horace’s new wife Sybilla appears to be the perfect housewife. If by “perfect” you mean a perfectly acquiescent milquetoast saint. Horace? He doesn’t buy it. Soon, he feels trapped by her kindness, helpfulness, and—the horror—improved food. The only solution? Murder. But when his plan is thwarted, Horace becomes convinced that Sybilla is blackmailing him with a copy she’s made of his tell-all diary. Will “love” conquer all in this truly bewildering melodrama? Burn-o-Meter: 8 
Overall Rating: 1 copied diary

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