General Damage



General Damage is a free-for-all discussion podcast run by 3 guys who want to talk about their nerdy interests. (Because this is a totally original idea.)


  • General Damage Episode 86 - Rampage, another game to movie adaptation


    It's episode 86 and man did we have an interesting week. The Rampage movie trailer dropped and boy... it's a trailer. Deadpool dropped another amazing teaser and Nick and Will saw Thor 2.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube. 

  • General Damage Episode 85 - Another Blizzcon and still no Warcraft 4


    Here it is the latest episode of General Damage. Blizzcon has come and passed, leaving behind many awesome trailers and announcements. Too bad there's still no Warcraft 4 and that's a real bummer. Disney announces their exciting new plans for the Star Wars franchise and EA kills the mood with an unnecessary purchase. Also Will brings some exciting Transformers news to the table.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube. 

  • General Damage Episode 83 - Skill Trees within Skill Trees


    This week we got an extra special episode because the gang was all together in California!! On top of that they had an actual live audience and Shane's girlfriend Ashley was there too! The gang talks about the upcoming Wolfenstein release, Dead by Daylight's newest killer, and Will's love/hate relationship with Fortnite.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube. 

  • General Damage Episode 82 - The Crotch Taunt


    Hello Everyone! It’s that time again for another Episode of the podcast from the GD crew. This week it’s just Shane and Nick for a while until Will shows up a little later in the show. They talk about the Black Panther trailer and how they are both super excited for it. Nick has an interesting conversation with some social media/game devs with a game he is a fan of and wants to play, Dreadnaught. Shane talks about his love and frustrations with Dead by Daylight game. And the guys mourn the closure of Visceral games by EA, a move that shocks them and one they really don’t agree with. Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube.

  • General Damage Episode 81 - It's time for The Last Jedi Hype


    It's been another nine episodes so Will get's his time to do the intro! This week Shane talks about the return of Junkenstein's Revenge. Nick brings up the play to win faster issue with Shadow of War. Nick and Will saw "It", while Shane watched the My Little Pony movie with his girlfriend. Nick and Will discuss the latest Star Wars trailer.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube. 

  • General Damage Episode 80 - Rated E for: Even your Wife


    Hey there everyone!! We made it to 80 episodes!! This week the guys are talking about the Rick and Morty season 3 finale. The guys discuss how obnoxious fans can be and how developers like Jeff Kaplan have to combat toxicity within video games. Nick talks about his experience with Cuphead, which leads to the guys discovering something that in E rated game that floors them.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube. 

  • General Damage Episode 79 - Joining the Ricky and Morty Club


    Hey there listeners and welcome to the first official episode of Fall. As we go into the new season the guys review the list of upcoming game releases. New trailers for Red Dead 2 and Monster Hunter World dropped. Will has flashbacks of his Fallout disappointment Nick was finally able to watch "Rick and Morty" and he really enjoys it.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube. 

  • General Damage Episode 78 - The Next Tomb Raider


    It's that time again for a fresh episode of the GD podcast. This week the guys talk about the first trailer for the Tomb Raider reboot. ​Shane talks about his excitement for the Zone of the Enders remaster. JJ Abrams has been chosen to direct Star Wars Episode IX and the guys are kinda surprised.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube. 

  • General Damage Episode 77 - Pennywise is a pretty cool guy.


    Hey there listeners! This week on General Damage the guys talk about Bill Skarsgard's (Pennywise) interview with Jimmy Kimmel. Will shares his unexpected trip to the hospital.​ Nick gives his opinion on Seth McFarlane's The Orville. Shane talks about being conflicted with episodic games, while Nick talks about the simple pleasures of city building in 1849. Also here is a link to Jamestown. While the guys didn't really talk about the game, it's definitely one Will and Shane recommend playing. P.S. After doing some post-recording fact checks we realized Shane kinda jumbled his info on Roanoke. Please forgive him, he's on eastern time and records around midnight.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube. 

  • General Damage Episode 76 - We don't need to protect video games


    ​Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of General Damage. This week the guys talk about the overboard criticism of game journalist Takahashi's Cuphead gameplay. There's a small discussion about Stephen King's IT and how the movie will exclude the book's most disturbing scene, which is for the best of everyone. Nick and Will give their opinions on War for the Planet of the Apes and Shane explains why Cars and Cars 3 are the only movies in that franchise.Finally the guys muse over the question of the day: "Who would be the most unexpected director for Star Wars Episode VIIII?"Note: After recording this episode, I came across this article which explains that sewer sex written in "IT" was a lot longer and more graphic than I originally thought. So as you listen to today's episode and get to that topic in the recording, know that we're not trying to downplay it because it is a part of Stephen King's story that we all find unnecessary and really creepy. 

  • General Damage Episode 75 - The collectibles you have no room for.


    Hey there listeners this week we're talking collectibles on the podcast! Street Fighter turns thirty and Capcom decided to re-release a special cartridge of the game. Nintendo kinda shafts the US with their special packaging for the classic Gold and Silver 3DS release. Nick talks movies: Passengers = BAD, Hacksaw Ridge = GOOD (No surprise there.)Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube.

  • General Damage Episode 74 - Blizzard, the Disney of Video Games


    Pull up a chair by the hearth! We've got another episode, just for you!! This week we explore the concept of BioMutant, a game very reminiscent of both Too Human and Jade Empire. Blizzard flexes their animation muscles with shorts for Mei, Junkrat, and Hearthstone. DC is pulling out the stops with a new character pack for Injustice 2, as well as, revealing "The Batman who Laughs" in Batman Metal.Nick's question of the day: Is it possible to film a Warhammer 40K movie?Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube.

  • General Damage Episode 73 - Discord taking a stand


    The past weekend was pretty rough with the events in Charlottesville. Here at General Damage we want our listeners to know that our group does not tolerate bigotry and fascism. We are also proud to say that Discord has also taken an active stand against hate-speech and intolerance.In other news Will finally saw the Dark Tower and he has some opinions to share.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube.

  • General Damage Episode 72 - The Problem with Artificial Difficulty


    Will's back! And it's been another 9 episodes! WHAT''RE THE ODDS! Nick finally knocked a game off his backlog and needs a recommendation for the next one. Will laments about Sundered a fun metroidvania game that gets ruined by Artificial Difficulty. The guys discuss the split of Anna Faris and Chris Pratt and how nice it is to see them being treated like people. Nick rants about Game of Thrones and how fan speculators are driving him up the wall.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube.

  • General Damage Episode 71 - Terry Crews isn't Doomfist.


    On this episode of General Damage, Shane does the intro and Will is on vacation...again? There was some unexpected controversy with Game Grumps' Dream Daddy and the artist ohnips. ArenaNet recently announced Path of Fire, the latest expansion for Guild Wars 2. Overwatch released it's latest hero Doomfist and the fan reaction was very underwhelming. It looks like the Dark Tower will not be as we hoped. For some reason Death Wish is getting a remake and we're not sure why.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube.

  • General Damage Episode 70 - Wait, we missed Comic Con?


    In a surprise twist, Comic Con was last week and the guys kinda forgot to pay attention! They did catch some sweet new trailers like Ready Player One and Stranger Things. Thor: Ragnarok released a sick new trailer, which has the guys on the Marvel hype train again. Shane saw Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets and hated it. Will saw Baby Driver was actually quite impressed. Honestly it's been a whirlwind of a week.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube.

  • General Damage Episode 69 - Spoilercast: Aunt May is my mom.


    After many months of talking about it, the guys FINALLY saw Spiderman: Homecoming. This week they'll give their opinions on the movie as well as some other big news. We've got the first ever female Doctor for Doctor Who. We've got the season premiere for Game of Thrones, featuring Ed Sheeran. We also have a trailer for the Shape of Water, Del Toro's latest film. The big question of the day: Whose mother is basically Aunt May?Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube. 

  • General Damage Episode 68 - Will's RTX Recap


    Another RTX has come and gone. Will made his second trip out to Austin and has comeback to share his experience. Last week was Summer Games Done Quick, which turned out to be a record breaking year for them. There's talks of a Furiosa prequel to Fury Road and Amazon is producing a new live-action The Tick show.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube.

  • General Damage Episode 67 - And I'm... Shane?


    Alright listeners we got an exciting episode with Nick, Will, and not Shane? This week Shane's girlfriend Ashley will be taking his slot. We haven't heard from Ashley since episode 26 and it was due time she make a return. Topics include Will's upcoming RTX trip, the intricacies of commissioning artwork, and Nick's ever growing back-log of video games.Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube.

  • General Damage Episode 66 - Villains who're, pretty, alright.


    Here we go! It's another episode of General Damage!! The new Jumanji trailer dropped this week and it's not sitting so well with Nick and Will. Oats Studio dropped some interesting videos that are showing off how strong a director Niell Blomkamp is. The whole gang has finally seen Wonder Woman and leads to the question: When will we get an epic comic book villain, in the movies?Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on iTunes, and YouTube.

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