Shaun D Wilson: D Is For...



I am Shaun D Wilson and people sometimes ask what the D stands for. Often I answer with inanities like Danger, Diablo, Dashing and Dorking. Thus I have the basis for these improv character sketches.


  • Shaun Drug Addict Wilson

    15/07/2008 Duração: 05min

    A public service message that will tell you the hard fictions about addiction. Shaun Drug Addict Wilson is a recovering addict who wishes to draw your attention to a terrible drug that is prohibitively expensive, socially acceptable and enjoyed by sophisticated ambassadors throughout the dubbed advertising world of the past.

  • Shaun Dastardly Wilson

    20/06/2008 Duração: 03min

    It’s Shaun Dastardly Wilson. Make sure you listen to his top tips for being dastardly and the extraordinary tips of young (J)(T)immy. Just a quick note: this installment contains approximately 100% less D. Bowie than originally recorded.

  • Shaun Darling Wilson

    20/03/2008 Duração: 06min

    Shaun Darling Wilson is a dandy of a socialite so why not allow him to engage you in conversation at his birthday party. You look absolutely smashing by the way. Have you lost/gained/kept the same amount of weight?

  • Shaun Documentary Wilson

    22/02/2008 Duração: 07min

    ‘D is For’ returns with a bang with a contribution from the wonderful contributor Mr. Shaun Documentary Wilson. Shaun Documentary Wilson will take you through an informative journey of a subject very close to all of us while not all losing his sanity and saying indefensible things about my beloved medium of radio. Shaun Documentary Wilson; a fitting start for the new run of hopefully reasonably regular podcasts from the man who bought you a strawberry muffin.

  • The Game Show

    11/10/2007 Duração: 01min

    This does not fit the format of the regular podcast but it is totally improvised so it's allowed in place of a 'D is For...'. It was created for my radio show which is one the many projects that have kept from the podcast.

  • Shaun Desolate Wilson

    31/07/2007 Duração: 06min

    Shaun Desolate Wilson is on a mission. Where the hell can he watch ‘Mirrormask’ and ‘Labyrinth’ before he leaves town?

  • Shaun Deejay Wilson (Part II)

    13/07/2007 Duração: 08min

    Finally it’s the sequel to ‘Shaun Deejay Wilson’ the imaginatively titled ‘Shaun Deejay Wilson (Part II)’.  That’s right he’s back to complain about the music the station plays. What did you say? People were clambering for more OK! I’m not selling out with the sequel; I’m just giving the people what they want. It’s good stuff honest. It’s a sequel in the sense of video games, albums and books as opposed to movies i.e. good. At least I think it’s good, I did it a while back so I can’t quite remember. I know I at least liked it and after all I am the ideal tastemaker of the early 21st century.

  • Shaun Dramatist Wilson

    03/07/2007 Duração: 05min

    It's Shaun Dramatist Wilson!!! Three !s hmmm, leading up to insanity. Only four more !s to go. This SDW is making a few pitches and its hot stuff so don’t you be pinching any of his ideas. You’d be stealing from one of the greatest actors, directors and screenwriters of our generation or summin.    And remember kids don’t just sample the Doctor Who theme to get a hit single, cause it’s been done. Use the theme from Shaft as well.

  • Shaun Dream Wilson

    27/06/2007 Duração: 08min

    A really bizarre and inaccurate dramatisation of a dream I had. I don’t expect you to be able to follow it. Though I never understand my dreams, so why should you?   Originally this was going to have something to so with the character Dream from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series but then it turned into this. I actually did I rather crap show that I didn’t use based on Dream’s brother Destruction but I dropped it because it was well… rubbish. Don’t be surprised though if the rest of the Endless show up at some point, after all they all start with ‘D’.

  • Shaun Disc Jockey Wilson

    20/06/2007 Duração: 04min

    DJ SDJW is a conflicted man who was always destined to become a dance floor DJ despite his bad patter. Find out about his life, his times and his social inabilities. Backgammon is not that good or bad? You decide!

  • Shaun DVD Wilson

    14/06/2007 Duração: 10min

    Out now: the special 2 disc DVD version of 'D is For...' featuring commentary from the directors, bonus scenes and y'know bonus stuff irrelevant to the main product. The bonus material is now also available in the podcast form of Shaun DVD Wilson. As far as I'm aware this is the first DVD release of an audio product. Actually it's not a DVD release is it, it's just a format I used to improvise sketches around. Well done you've seen through my lies.

  • Shaun Diseased Wilson

    05/06/2007 Duração: 06min

    A show I made a while back during which I was indeed infected with illness. As a result much of this is an exorcism of my feelings relating to illness. This monologue however begins to become illustrated; mostly by sketches related to the literature of my childhood. I know that sounds boring but it probably isn’t and if you love whinging you’ll love this. I’d say it’s like the playwright Alan Bennett if he was a bit more rubbish and not from Yorkshire. Oh and I’ve never worked Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. So basically it’s nothing like Alan Bennett.   Looking back I’m amazed that this is any way coherent (ah the wonders of editing) and I think it’s a good if somewhat uncharacteristically personal show.

  • Shaun Decapitated Wilson

    28/05/2007 Duração: 03min

    Shaun Decapitated Wilson is having some issues, he’s about to be executed and things are looking grim. How can the day improve? Well in that situation the most obvious improvement would for him not to be decapitated. But that’s way too obvious. For a twisted adventure; download in this direction.

  • Shaun Detective Wilson

    20/05/2007 Duração: 04min

    Shaun Detective Wilson is always on the trail of some wrong un’ whenever he’s on holiday and so he should be, for he is the greatest of all fictional amateur detectives. Be astounded with his fantastical methods of inquiry. Wonder in what direction his accent will head into next. Hear this the thrilling conclusion and beginning of this confusing case in one go. Only one man can solve the case: Shaun Detective Wilson. Probably.

  • Shaun Denial Wilson/Shaun Decaffeinated Wilson

    30/04/2007 Duração: 06min

    This is 'The Shaun Denial Wilson/Shaun Decaffeinated Wilson Show'! That's right; two SDW's for the price of one (well actually they are all free, but I dunno maybe bandwidth comes into it for you). You will also have the privilege of being in the audience while the show is recorded and enjoy the talents of the two warm-up acts: Peter Perkins and 'Brun'. If you're wondering why none of the audience laughs during the show you should realize that it's not a laugh out loud funny show, it's far more subtle. Actually I don't know why I bother with booking out the theatre and giving out the tickets really as the crowd always just concentrates really hard on the show and aren't really the laughing type. I could probably do the whole thing in a recording studio and there'd be no real difference!