Spoken Word (podcast) D Gene Kraus



Random Thoughts and Sermon Podcast of a Progressive UCC minister.


  • Hospitality


    Christians are called to move far beyond mere friendliness and engage in active acts of intentional hospitality. The Prodigal could find no hospitality until he returned home; his older brother could not bring himself to offer hospitality. Both missed the love and grace that was poured out by the extravagant hospitality of the father. As […]

  • Magnificat


    Tradition tells us that when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, she experienced the quickening of the life growing within her womb. Luke records the event and Mary’s soaring prayer hymn – the Magnificat. We explore how Mary’s Song can be our hymn of praise for the birth of the living Christ deep within our own […]

  • Abundance


    It is all too easy to see scarcity all around us. We never seem to have enough. Life in Christ offers a radically different view: God’s abundance overflows for the earth and all who make their home here. We explore the Parable of the Sower, Psalm 24:1, and the call of Peter as lessons in […]

  • 1 of 10


    Lives of those who are outcasts of society are transformed by Jesus proclamation of God’s extravagant and unconditional acceptance. 10 Samaritan lepers – rejected because of ethnic identity and rejected because of disfiguring disease – 10 are healed and Jesus proclaims them clean and acceptable to God and to the people of God. Only one […]

  • Celebration


    One lost sheep. One lost coin. One lost son. All three are found and great partying, feasting and partying ensue. This is true Christian worship — a celebration of the love and grace of God. Celebration (October 25, 2009)

  • Reconciliation


    Few can argue of the importance of reconciliation for those of us who follow Jesus Christ. Paul writes that we are called to a ministry of reconciliation. But can we be reconcilers without first being reconciled – with God – with ourselves – with others. Perhaps the most important, yet most difficult part of a […]

  • 04/10/2009

      “What do you mean by ‘justice?’” The question came from a member of the Bible Study class. We were discussing the relationship of Christian Mission to ministries of justice. This Sermon is one response to that question.   Jesus’ central message was one of change and transformation – not just of individuals, but of […]

  • Praying Through Your Anger


      Pray your way through anger and use all that bottled up energy for good rather than harm. Praying Through Your Anger (September 20, 2009)

  • Generosity


    Generosity is the act of giving all of our time, all of our talents and skills, all of our treasure and resources to proclaim the love of God in Jesus Christ. Traditionally, Christians consider the tithe as a measure of generosity when in fact, God is not satisfied when we keep 90% for ourselves. Instead, […]