The Tisch Jcast Network



Your Source for High Quality, Diverse On-Line Jewish Content


  • The Identities of the Prophets


    The Hebrew prophets inspired some of the most stirring, challenging, and influential books of the Bible. Their teachings left an indelible mark on both Judaism and Christianity. But do we really know them? The prophets are both familiar and misunderstood, ubiquitous and mysterious. Join Rabbi Michael Knopf (Temple Beth-El) and Reverend Hollie Woodruff (Seventh Street […]

  • The Prophets: An Interfaith Exploration (Part One)


    The Hebrew prophets inspired some of the most stirring, challenging, and influential books of the Bible. Their teachings left an indelible mark on both Judaism and Christianity. But do we really know them? The prophets are both familiar and misunderstood, ubiquitous and mysterious. Join Rabbi Michael Knopf (Temple Beth-El) and Reverend Hollie Woodruff (Seventh Street […]

  • Exploring the Hebrew Prophets


    In front of a live audience at one of the nation’s most historic Episcopal churches, Rabbi Knopf gives an introduction to the biblical Prophets, exploring their message, meaning, and enduring relevance. How do you listen to Tisch? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, RSS, it’s your choice!

  • The Mahzor’s Questions


    Many think of the prayerbook as a litany of statements and declarations. Yet the liturgy of the High Holy Days also poses questions. “When will You rule in Zion?” and “Where is the place of God’s presence?” are among the many questions we will ask — and that will be asked of us — during […]

  • The Bite That Changed History (Session Thirteen): The Roles of the Humans…


    Continuing their discussion of rabbinic interpretations of the Garden of Eden story in midrash Genesis Rabbah, Rabbi Knopf and his students discuss the man’s role in the story, and the reasons for the woman eating the fruit. How do you listen to Tisch? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, […]

  • The Bite That Changed History (Session Twelve): All About The Snake


    Rabbi Knopf and his students continue their discussion of rabbinic interpretations of the Garden of Eden story in midrash Genesis Rabbah. This episode delves into the enigmatic character of the snake. How do you listen to Tisch? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, RSS, it’s your choice!

  • The Book of Job and Judaism for Christians


    Rabbi Knopf discusses the Book of Job and Judaism with an audience of adult Christian students from St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia. How do you listen to Tisch? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, RSS, it’s your choice!

  • The Bite That Changed History (Session Eleven): The Serpents Motivation


    As Rabbi Knopf continues his exploration of rabbinic interpretation of the Garden of Eden story, a discussion about sexual intimacy and the motivations of the story’s serpent. How do you listen to Tisch? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, RSS, it’s your choice!

  • The Bite That Changed History (Session Ten): Parallels To Other Stories


    Rabbi Knopf continues his exploration of rabbinic legends on the Garden of Eden story, this time examining parallels between the Adam and Eve, Golden Calf, and Canaanite War stories. How do you listen to Tisch? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, RSS, it’s your choice!

  • The Bite That Changed History (Session 9): The First Commandments


    Rabbi Knopf continues his study of Midrash Genesis Rabbah’s discussion of the Garden of Eden. In this episode, Rabbi Knopf and his students talk about the origins of humanity, and the first commandments God gives to human beings. How do you listen to Tisch? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google […]

  • The Bite That Changed History (Session 8): The Origins of Humanity


    Continuing his exploration of midrash Genesis Rabbah, Rabbi Knopf and his students discuss whether there are appropriate limits to human knowledge, free will vs. determinism, and the origins of humanity. How do you listen to Tisch? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, RSS, it’s your choice!

  • The Bite That Changed History (Session Seven): The Tree of Knowledge


    Rabbi Knopf continues a conversation about Midrash Genesis Rabbah’s interpretation of the Garden of Eden story. This week, we discuss what kind of tree the Tree of Knowledge was, and why it matters. How do you listen to Tisch? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, RSS, it’s your […]

  • The Bite That Changed History (Session Six): The Tree of Life


    Rabbi Knopf continues his exploration of midrash Genesis Rabbah, exploring such questions as the size and function of the Tree of Life, the theological problem of evil, and the stubborn persistence of antisemitism. How do you listen to Tisch? You have a lot of options you know? iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, RSS, it’s your […]

  • The Bite That Changed History (Session Five)


    Rabbi Knopf discusses the relationship between the first human being in the Garden of Eden and the Holy Ark in the Temple, the possibility of Adam and Eve’s sin being a moral crime, and the apostasy of disparaging other human beings. How do you listen to Tisch? You have a lot of options you know? […]

  • The Bite That Changed History (Session Four)


    Rabbi Knopf discusses the meaning of God’s “placing” Adam in the Garden of Eden, diving into issues of predestination, human freedom, and humanity’s relationship with the rest of creation. *Please note that while this is episode three of this series, the first two sessions were not recorded for podcast. How do you listen to Tisch? […]

  • The Bite That Changed History (Session Three)


    Rabbi Knopf discusses what was created first, human beings or the Garden of Eden, and in so doing discusses the nature of time and space, as well as free will and determinism. *Please note that while this is episode three of this series, the first two sessions were not recorded for podcast. How do you […]

  • Essentials of Judaism: Medieval Jewish History Part 2


    Join us for Part Two of Rabbi Knopf’s Essentials of Judaism: Midieval Jewish History Class. The Middle Ages were a formative and tumultuous period in Jewish history, characterized by violent confrontations, colorful characters, dynamic cultural formation, and timeless scholarlship. Rabbi Knopf offers a rich overview of this critical and complex era. How do you listen […]

  • Essentials of Judaism: Medieval Jewish History Part 1


    Join us for Part One of Rabbi Knopf’s Essentials of Judaism: Midieval Jewish History Class. The Middle Ages were a formative and tumultuous period in Jewish history, characterized by violent confrontations, colorful characters, dynamic cultural formation, and timeless scholarlship. Rabbi Knopf offers a rich overview of this critical and complex era. How do you listen […]

  • Essentials of Judaism — God


    Rabbi Knopf gives an introduction to the Jewish conception of God and theology.

  • 2018 End Of Year Appeal


    In this episode of The JCast Journey, host Darone Ruskay returns for his semi-annual request for support. Have you been listening to JCast Network podcasts for days, weeks, months, years? Well as we say, podcasts are free to listen to, but not free to produce. Darone discusses some the cost of keeping the network afloat, and […]

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