Zoe Nightingale



You're Welcome is a satirical improv comedy show whose goal is to find and share peoples stories, from all over the world. Each episode is unique and can range from 5 minutes to an hour, and will feature a brand new topic usually with someone Zoe has just met. This podcast is not for the faint of heart, buckle up. ABOUT YOU'RE WELCOMELike most brilliant ideas, this show was started over a molotov concoction of alcohol and various illicit substances. Zoe had given up on her life long dream, of being the female Howard Stern years ago but finally set out armed with a folding table, a couple lawn chairs, and a foam board sign that read "Free Sex Advice." One by one strangers stopped what they were doing and sat down to talk to them about their lives. We'd like to take this moment to thank you for coming to our site and leave you with the eternal words of Oscar Wilde:"I was under the impression that inordinate joviality can atone for an entire lack of class" ABOUT ZOEWhen Zoe's Pre K teacher told her parents that she had best negative leadership qualities she had ever seen in 20 years of teaching," her family knew they were in trouble. After professionally taking up space all over the world for years, traveling extensively throughout South America and Europe, Zoe went to school in Charleston South Carolina, where she stuck bumper stickers like "Bush Lies" "Keep You Laws Off My Body" "It's a Choice Not a Child," on the back of her car and was then shocked when 8 tired super charged red necks hopped up on Mountain Dew would try to kill her. Since she was the sole representative for Yankees and Jews, she probably set both causes back a century. In college she lived with three wonderful European men who introduced her to the electronic music scene. The love of this music caused her to have brief yet passionate love affairs with Paris and Berlin, finally deciding to settle down and marry New York City. For the last 29 years hurricane Zoe has swept through countless countries leaving a cornucopia of chaos and laughter in her wake.


  • Thomas Morton Opened up Pandoras Box of VICES

    21/05/2024 Duração: 33min

    Introducing the ONE and ONLY Thomas Morton I am lucky enough to have met this spectacular combination of Clark Kent meets Martin Q Blank (the vinyl expert from Gross Point Blank). Thomas is a fucking mench, who has had spectacular luck 38 of the 41 years he's been alive but he has lived through his recent ring of fire and THANK GOD is still here to tell us the tale. A Vice writer, and television host for the last two decades, this little cutie and idiot savant (his words not mine) is here to talk to us about what it was like to be handed your DREAM job in his thirties and trolled the world to write for what was once THE COOLEST THING IN THE WORLD - Vice Media. This is just a mere smidgen of the rockstar shit that has done - but I decided to force him to give me a snippet of the dope ass shit he has done In his Lisa frank colored life. THANK YOU THOMAS You can learn more bout him here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Morton_(journalist) Follow me @drznightinlge Donate to my Patreon :www.patreon.com/oralfixatio

  • THE PANDA EXPRESS TRAIN TO EXTINCTION - Zoe Vs. Hong Kong Round 1 /2/3 AND 4

    18/04/2024 Duração: 01h12min

    WELCOME to Zoe Vs. China - four of my favorite episodes from my journey's out east. Now this has everything - tears - horror - love - struggle -heart - political unrest - regular peoples hopes and dreams to try to maintain a life in a place that is changing by the fucking second. First things first: China is insane. Hong Kong is literally like being inside of Tron. I have never in my life seen so much wealth, or been so unhappy with the cost of literally everything. It’s an amazing city, but its very difficult to live there. Some of the highest rents on the planet for the tiniest apartments, 29 dollars for a salad, you need to be a member of the Saudi Royal Family to buy gas, laundry detergent costs about one once of gold. However, it is a little fantastic shining metropolis inside of the big belly of the beast that is the People’s Republic of China. Millions and of people are everywhere. Everyone is in designer clothes, everyone has pockets full of cash and suitcases they are stuffing to the literal brim wit

  • WELCOME TO SLAB CITY : A Place for those who long to be FREE

    07/04/2024 Duração: 59min

    So...how did I end up in Slab City...? Well..it's a long story. But the short version is a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go to an anarchy festival next door to a meth head campground where people would be exploding home made bombs and setting cars on fire and I said....maybe? But my curiosity about Slab City had started years ago because let me just give you a brief description of what it is. Slab City is a plot of land that is still technically up for grabs out in the middle of nowhere 3 hours past Indio (Coachella) in California. Travelers, veterans, retirees, anarchists, transgenders, renegades from the law, meth heads, artists, counter culture champions, musicians, families, anyone and everyone can be found here in this tiny little oasis in the desert. There is no plumbing, electricity, mail, police, or taxes. It's a perfect little ecosystem of what can happen when humans are left to organize themselves from scratch and find ways to live in Harmony with nature while having their basic food, shelt

  • Big Trouble In Little Vagina - Best of Zoe Vs Porn World

    19/03/2024 Duração: 01h06min

    Back to basics, back to where I belong. In a broke down NJ poorly lit convention center surrounded by Porn Stars and the people who love them, and the last frontier for DVD sales. I don't know why I love places like this so much. It's full of such wonderfully weird people, and no one gives a FUCK. There is a freedom, and a overt grime that allows everyone there to relax. The moment you step inside those doors everyone is on the same playing field. Everyone's like yeah, I'm a pervert, I admit it, and so are you so let's have a great time. I was fascinated, still am about the bravery and circumstances that would lead someone to show their tuchus hole to the world. People always say I'm so free and shameless, well I would NEVER be brave enough to record any part of my naked body and put it out for general consumption.  So, I've interviewed ALOT of different people involved in various sex related businesses over the years, and here are some of my favorite interviews involving the porn world. These have been recor


    05/01/2024 Duração: 07min

    HAPPY FUCKING NEW YEAR. I am still deep in the weeds of untangling myself from the ROCKSTAR BlOWOUT me and my team put together so hopefully we can give the most love and best start possible to the people we love - the beloved warriors of NYC. It was just the most beautiful shit I've ever seen. YAY, however everything hurts. I am just a cicada shell and I of course blew out my voice AT MY FIRST cabaret show - god it was difficult but BOY WAS IT SICK AF. videos and photos posted soon. Song: Phillip Glass Knee #5


    20/12/2023 Duração: 35min

    I don't even need to describe this podcast BEST SHIT EVER - LOVE // EMPATHY // STRUGGLE // LIFE // DEATH ALL OF IT RIGHT HERE IN THE PALM OF YA HAND all fa free. YOU ARE WELCOME. OMFG BESTTTTT EVVVAAA Subscribe to my patreon - ALL MONEY HELPS ME ITS SO EXPENSIVE  https://www.patreon.com/oralfixation Follow me on instagram @drznightingale  check out all my shit on my webstie www.zoenightingale.com come to MY NEW YEARS eve cabaret and 15 hour party HOSTED BY ME THE DEVIL  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uranus-invasion-a-new-years-probe-tickets-769729099457?aff=oddtdtcreator&utm_experiment=test_share_listing

  • F$CK ART BASIL $$$

    14/12/2023 Duração: 35min

    ART BASEL. What is it exactly? It’s a big fuck off money laundering party where you'll see some of the most innovative art in the world but you have to search in between piles of excrement, so large, you'll think they're a set from Jurassic Park. I love artists, and I love creation in all forms, but what I don't love is that the wealthy gallery elite have sucked all of the soul and fun out of it. I am NOT saying that there isn’t bright spots of creative genius all over, all I am saying is the price tags are HILARIOUS and most of the ideas about as fresh as Monday night’s fish. What is art? I ask this question every year. Some of the things I see at Art Basel tread a VERY fine line between what I think is a discarded pile of trash and what is considered to be revolutionary art work. But...who am I to judge? Every year I go, and every year I'm left with the same question, WHY DOES THIS STUFF COST SO MUCH. Every year some guy with a german accent and cool colorful glasses explains it to me, but I still don't und


    05/12/2023 Duração: 13min

    Man it's been a whirlwind fall and fucking crazy winter already. I can barely keep up. Managing personal relationships, family, work, mental health, the cost of just barely paying my bills, it's just too fucking much. Take care of yourselves during December, watch your drinking, watch your overeating, watch your negative mental commentary and comparison thinking about you have have vs others, there's just something about the Christmas months that ramps up everything and pressure cooks anything you were hiding inside of you until you literally start to boil. I'm working on a multi part conversation about being jewish, growing up with zionists and what it's like to sit with the current political environment that surrounds Jewish identity and what you can do as Jew whether you are practicing or not to be a conscious participant in the dialogue, But it's complex and I want to really be thoughtful so while I make that here is a little tiny moment from the burn, that just made my heart a little lighter, All my love


    24/11/2023 Duração: 34min

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING !! Full disclosure - I've had a deeply twilight zone week of primordial ooze nonsense. I completely lost my shit not once, not twice, but THRICE THIS WEEK. Don't worry, it's not like it was public or anything...like at the self check out at CVS...or at Montgomery Mall Build A Bear, DO NOT WORRY, I kept it together. NOT. Listen. You can't fix things sometimes. Sometimes the repercussions of you and your families behavior cannot be rectified. Sometimes, your happiness and the very fabric of your being fundamentally makes people VERY MAD. Sometimes, YOU ARE an absolute dick who cannot see past their own nose and makes comments lacking empathy that can trigger someone without the proper armor to go to fucking war. So it goes. In these times, I feel like the only thing to do is laugh. These people, for a mere moment, felt like my family. Because when you laugh with someone you're no longer a stranger. So sometimes, in NYC, the whole city can BE YOUR FAMILY xoxoxox Z


    13/10/2023 Duração: 31min

    There I was, snug as a bug in a rug in my bed at 3 am last Saturday night, when my temporary Roomate and bff waltzes in with a gorgeous giant security looking mother fucker, and I immediately assumed he was there for some kind of nefarious sex adventure probably to be performed in my guest room. Nothing new. BUT IT TURNS OUT - he was STRAIGHT - and cuban - and had literally just gotten out of the Paramus NJ psyche ward. So naturally I whipped out my recorder and sat with him to learn about his life and last week and may I say, I have a new fear, of being involuntary committed to an institution. SO FUCKING SCARY. Stay safe out there kids...IT"S SPOOKY TIME. TEST YOUR DRUGS - be safe out there. ALSO come to my halloween party! It's going to be sick as fuck. That's a nightingale guarantee. BUY TICKETS HERE! bit.ly/BKCHAINSAW (also if you're poor and in Nyc and want to come hit me up I'll hook you up) If this show means anything to you and you've got a couple extra bucks a month be my patron! www.patreon.com/oral


    12/09/2023 Duração: 48min

    I AM BACK FROM MUDDDY MAN 2023 bigger, better, harder AND full of foreskin.  I am exhausted but I managed to finish editing the second part of my burn episodes from 2022. Basically these are the lost interviews I was never going to release because remembering the end of burning man was literally too tramatic to listen to, even the amazing parts which were many. So here it is in all it's sort of glory the good the bad the ugly.  *editors note for end of episode : I was invited to be a panelist to talk about Burning Mans Impact on Culture...something like this by a friend I respect and love dearly that works for BORG and I showed up in a full police latex ripped up terminator outfit on acid after spending days talking to the hidden people who build the infrastructure of burning man - who had told me things that crushed my soul - unreal rates of suicide, depression, addiction, and fear and I was full of a rage that couldn't be stopped.  What happened at that talk, to this day still fills me with a mixture of sha


    28/08/2023 Duração: 07min

      It's the first day of burning man and already I'm doing it differently.  90 min massage / facial (not the semen kind) sauna - meditating - writing out hopeful manifestations of a new kind of BURN for me because the old way needs to be reduced to ashes.  I believe this is actually my 10th year....I went for the first time in 2011 - and BM blew my mind apart. I reoriented my North Star and the Man became my ultimate Siren - even though every time he smashed me into pieces and eat my heart like it was Pringles.  I became obsessed with bringing everyone - convinced that I was the only one who could be their Shepard through this place of wonder but a place that could definitely kill you.  I BROUGHT MY WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY - and probably around 70 friends if I really think about it. Every year it became more and more my role - it became more and more work - less and less fun and continually drained every single resource I had most signiifgantly financially but also the amount of partying I was doing and the subse


    25/08/2023 Duração: 31min

    FUCK SHIT FUCK NOOOOOOOO FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK  I never planned on listening to these recordings, EVER. I planned on forgetting as much as possible as I could from my 9th burn almost in a row (besides covid) and taking a much needed and extended break from the place I have dedicated my life to for the last decade. HOWEVER as people all over the world begin to prepare for BURN 2023 I thought fuck it let's fucking go. So I dusted off my gdrive and iPhone recordings from exactly a year ago and started reliving in excruciating detail my burn from last year. AND NOW YOU CAN TO. BUCKLE UP, it's going to be a bumpy ride. EDITORS NOTE - the first half of these interviews I was shit face almost black out drunk - there was no way to edit the sound of my voice or questions enough to conceal it. so fuck it. Not my best interviewing whatever it is what it it is.  BURNER // DECOMPRESSION GUIDE PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS IF YOU ARE HEADING IN www.zoenightingale.com/the-burner-guide Find me at 4;30 and C - Camp RELAXOMTIC (RX) i


    25/08/2023 Duração: 18min

    NOOOOOOOOO what happnened to my plans? FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK Amy Van Doran - Celebrity Match Maker to the stars - friend - greatest story teller of all time and I had a plan. Plans Schmans. TO THE MONEY BURN WE GO Learn more about AMY, and join the Modern Love Club www.modernloveclub.com Donate to my patreon! www.patreon.com/oralfixation Read my BURNER GUIDE - voted best on playa - www.zoenightingale.com/the-burner-guide NEXT UP BURNING MAN 2022 EPISODES ARE UP! STAY TUNED FOR ALL THE MISERY AND THE LOVE AND SWEAT AND BLOOD           


    17/08/2023 Duração: 35min

    Welcome to the wonderful world of furry fandom, a magical world where everyone looks like some version of your favorite cartoon character and you can be literally anything, or anyone you want to be. Now, I know some of you may not understand this world, and neither really do I, but it doesn't matter because its just another way for people in this world to connect, find love, find friends, and express their creativity. It's not about sex, it's not lunatics who think that they actually are a dragon, it's people who have found a "fursona" that allows them to access parts of their personality that they otherwise wouldn't have been able to. I have ALOT of interviews, and I hope you are as excited as I am to open the door to this hidden world. I WILL BE AT BURNING MAN FUCK MY ACTUAL LYF  Come find me at CAMP RELAXOMATIC 4:30 and C inside the Village: The Institute  Don't forget to read my 100 page Burning Man Guide and Decompression Guides - written with a quill using my own tears and blood - found here:  https://w

  • Adolf Clit Tickler

    03/08/2023 Duração: 21min

    God gave men a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time - robin williams Good golly miss Molly I feel in love with this woman. DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. I mean I spent most of the interview mesmerized by her face and infectious laugh. I could go on forever about how lovely it is to see a sex positive Iranian immigrant create a empire out of dick picks. You just can't make this stuff up. She gave me a ton of free swag, a t-shirt with a little trump dick, fridge magnets, and my FAVORITE the gift wrapping paper. I'm going to buy anything and everything she makes. Thank you for inviting me into your home and allowing me to bask in your glow. Check out all her work at www.dicture.com Follow her on twitter&Insta @dickturegallery Check out ALL my work www.zoenightingale.com Follow me @genuinelyfalse (twitter) @drznightingale (insta)\ Support my patreon :oralfixationtv Music: Isn't it awefully Nice to Have a Penish Love Endevour - Alice Smith - Maurice Fulton Remix BEST

  • The Pretentious Prick

    27/07/2023 Duração: 32min

    Introducing Justin Ross Lee the "Super Charged Super Jew" who refuses to fly anything other than first class or private, runs a company called "Pretentious Pocket Square," which sells super d paisley silk pocket squares with names like,"the Bateman" "the Madoff." A guy who calls himself the "Jewish Robinhood" because he deigns to leave first class and pour the "putz's" in coach glasses of Moet. If you combined things like: Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Global warming, bottle Service, private Planes, South Beach, corporate greed, trust fund babies, herpes, russian prostitutes, Bravo TV, cocaine conversations, new money, all the Real Housewives, guys who don't wear socks, investment bankers, Republicans, Hermes belts, Dolce Gabbana anything, and put them into a blender and then added a dash of semen, a gallon a jet fuel, and a sprinkle of Vagisil and you would create the Molotov cocktail that is Justin Ross Lee. His ringtone is Ass n Titties by DJ Assault, claims he doesn't like Asian Women because he doesn't d


    20/07/2023 Duração: 19min

    I was invited to record You're Welcome at a Art Gallery opening for a realistic sex exhibit, but I had taken shelter in the summer air, because the inside of the pop up gallery literally smelled like the inside of an ovary. This was due to the lack of air conditioning in a alphabet city basement that was stuffed to the gills with 100 super quaffed/perfumed fashion week model/actor types all wearing Amish hats. My girlfriend described the smell as "mangey minge" I thought it smelled like the inside of an otter's pocket. I must say it lent a realistic atmosphere to huge paintings of double penetrated v's. ANYWAY as I was cooling off, and I see this wonderful man, who could have been a character in Zoolander, with what I thought was a hilarious fashion Snork Snorkel so obviously I forced him to come share what the deviled egg was going on. Basically he's a super lovely Cyborg who no longer identifies as human, and he's launching a campaign to open the first Cyborg Institute to help others use the same technology

  • Mercury is in Gatorade

    13/07/2023 Duração: 25min

    I met Skylove Solei at a private sound healing that featured water beds with the instruments hooked up to giant bass speakers that were UNDER the water beds so the vibrations literally blew open your third eye and blasted you into outer space. Sound crazy? IT WAS. It was at the Pyramids of Chi in Bali, a sacred hippie dippie next level yoga compound where people of all walks of life (as long as they are wealthy) come to harness their root chakras. Sometimes, when I write words like this, I feel like I've been abducted by yoga aliens and they are in fact now typing for me. He was all angles, all muscle, lean and mean and only dresses in the kind of fancy drapey white Tulumenti robes that is usually reserved for people who like to drink Kool Aid in group settings. He seemed to glide about the room. I could never hear his footsteps. He had a heart wrenching singing voice, and could play literally every instrument I've every seen at once time. He was cool as a cucumber, and I wanted to know everything about him.


    07/07/2023 Duração: 36min

    Introducing - Justin Jedlica - the human Ken Doll A plastic surgery aficionado who to date had over 800 procedures on his entire body. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, you name it, Justin has invented a way to modify it. Justin has been featured on countless interviews and TV programs, all which bottle him up into this packaged person, and routinely hyper fixates on his bod mod and rarely deigns to go beyond surface level to explore the bubbling geyser of identity, gender, abuse and sexuality struggles he has faced throughout his life. The more I learn about the pressures facing the LGBTQ+ community, the more I am blown away by the strength it requires to stand up to the prison like standards most cultures put around sexuality and stand proud and tall and say listen, this is who the fuck I am, deal with it. He is fascinating, and an incredible storyteller, and I am so thankful to him that he allowed me to meet the tiniest doll inside of him. Donate to my patreon so I can pay for real editing and mixing! It's

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