Native Wheelhouse



Michael Bailey, Michael McGuire, and Jake Adams talk about mobile software development for iOS and Android.


  • Android Oxford Comma

    09/03/2018 Duração: 29min

    Recorded in early 2017, Michael, Michael and Jake discuss the upcoming Android O release, including possible "O" dessert names, fonts and autosizing text. Android Oreo Ox-tongue Pastry Android Ice Cream Sandwich Google™ Strikes Bizarre Licensing Deal With Nestlé® To Name Next Android™ Kit Kat® - Tech Crunch Android Fonts in XML Fonts in Support Library Autosizing TextView NSAttributedString Spannable CoreText TextKit ChalkBoard Font Milanese Loop iPhone Smart Battery Case Music:

  • Peach Rings

    17/03/2017 Duração: 34min

    Peach Rings Developers (Michael, Michael and Jake) talk about Pokémon Go (still, really?) for possibly the last time. Also, we talk about candy we like. Also, testing. Pidgey grinding Quitter app Mike and Ike Berry Blast Dots Candy Mockable Android Jar Android Instumentation tests Espresso Testing with Xcode XCTest

  • Drink the Kool-Aid

    21/11/2016 Duração: 57min

    Drink the Kool-Aid Informal chat about Mobile software development. We update our thoughts on Pokémon Go, then we discuss BDD, Xcode 8, Android Studio 2.2, and build tools. Links for topics discussed in this episode: "The Pokéman" - Tim Cook LEGO™ plural Rent LEGO sets at AFOL - Adult Fan of LEGO Carthage iOS dynamic versus static library Swift BDD with Quick and nimble Xcode TestNavigator What's new in Xcode 8 Android Studio 2.2 ConstraintLayout How to file bugs for Android tools jstack IntelliJ community edition CLion Android SDK standalone xctool xcbuild AppCode Android test types (JVM & Instrumentation) AndroidJUnitRunner Android Testing support library Xcode Editor extensions Alcatraz doesn't work in Xcode 8 Xcode Server Shush app

  • How am I going to hack my libraries now?

    20/10/2016 Duração: 52min

    Michael Bailey, Jake Adams, & Michael McGuire discuss Pokemon GO, DLC/IAP, Swift 3.0, Kotlin, and speaking at conferences Check out our past episode at Subscribe on iTunes or Pocketcasts Homeschool Convention PokeStops, Lures Niantic Ingress Downloadable Content (DLC) Consumables Coolpad Rogue Coolpad Arise Vaporeon stampede Central Park, NYC Swift proposal 0117 Composition over Inheritance Raymond Chen, "The Old New Thing" Kotlin's default visibility should be internal Let pedestrians define the walkways Method Swizzling Get Started with Conference Speaking - Margaret Maynard-Reid Technically Speaking Newsletter Confessions of a public speakers - Scott Berkun GDG Phoenix

  • Pokémon NO

    02/10/2016 Duração: 30min

    Michael, Michael, and Jake discuss IDEs, tools, and Pokemon GO while seamlessly tying it all back to iOS and Android mobile development! Pokemon GO - iOS Permissions update Teens used Pokémon Go app to lure robbery victims, police say AppCode EAP 2016.2 Visual Studio Code YogurtEarl prompts release of upsource SourceKit IntelliJ - Resolving Conflicts Kaleidoscope 2 Jun 2014 - Swift looks like Kotlin