Southern Lights



Weekly Messages From Southern Lights Skye.


  • WHAT IS THE CHURCH: Discipleship or evangelism

    06/06/2020 Duração: 29min

    What is the Church and who is the Church for? Do we disciple or evangelise? Well both. The role of the Church is to draw the unchurched to Jesus (evangelism) and then grow the Believers to maturity in Christ (discipleship). The Church is therefore for all people; Jews and Gentiles, as we see in Acts 15 at the council of Jerusalem. It is also for the insiders and the unchurched as we see in 1 Corinthians 14:22–25 where Paul encourages the Church at Corinth to be sensitive to the inquirers among them at Church gatherings ensuring that the service and the gospel presentation is relatable to the outsider that their heart may be convicted and their life transformed.

  • WHAT IS THE CHURCH: Biblical or Relevant

    30/05/2020 Duração: 27min

    Should the focus of the Church be deep Bible teaching or presenting a culturally relevant gospel to the world? Like everything in this series, it should have elements of both! The role of the Church is gospel translation. The gospel transcends every human culture yet the truth of the gospel cannot be shared outside of a given culture. It is our responsibility to share the good news in ways and words that are actually understandable and not unduly offense to the people in our community we are called to reach.

  • WHAT IS THE CHURCH: Institution or movement

    23/05/2020 Duração: 26min

    Churches are meant to be organised organisms. We must institutionalise the absolutes and core doctrines in order to protect them and pass them to the next generation. However the Church of Jesus Christ is always at its heart a people movement. Each local Church will express the gospel differently. This expression is life giving as it is led by the Holy Spirit, empowered by leadership and participated in by every Believer. It must be grassroots, organic and dynamic declaration of God’s truth within a particular time and a place.

  • WHAT IS THE CHURCH: Kirche or Ekklesia

    16/05/2020 Duração: 27min

    Jesus introduced the Church in Matt 16 as the ekklesia, a called out gathering of people with a purpose. This purpose was a laser-focused mission of spreading the gospel of Jesus. The danger for the Church is in becoming a mere location, building or institution, the Kirche. In this video we unpack the first dimension of what the Church.

  • A Mother’s Love – Mother’s Day 2020


    Some of our Southern Lights Church Mums share what a Mother's Love means to them, and how they show love to their children! Questions: 1. How does the love of the mother reveal Gods love for us and all mankind? 2. How do show this extravagant love to your family, the church family and others outside of the family.

  • Grace & Truth – God’s Unchanging Character


    God’s character is unchanging; it is the same yesterday, today and forever. Our world is constantly changing. The Coronavirus pandemic has emphasised how uncertain and unreliable our world is and how fragile, anxious and needy people can be. Only trust in Jesus’ perfect nature can guarantee peace in the storm. This video will study an attribute of ‘God’s Unchanging Character’ in contrast to the constantly changing circumstances of life in this world.

  • God is perfect – Andrew Cavanagh


    We are becoming perfect. So many people get caught in christian perfectionism; where they can't make a mistake, they can't get anything wrong. However that is not what perfection is, perfection is about having everything we need to do what God has asked us to do.

  • Self Sacrifice – God’s Unchanging Character


    Jesus was the ultimate self sacrifice. Giving His own life as a ransom for many. How can you self-sacrifice to those around you?

  • God’s unchanging Character: Empathy


    This video will study an attribute of ‘God’s Unchanging Character’ in contrast to the constantly changing circumstances of life in this world.

  • (COVID-19) What is a Christian Response to Crisis?

    29/03/2020 Duração: 32min

    Not everyone responds the same to crisis, tragedy or the Coronavirus. Why do we respond differently? Why is their difference in the secular and the Christian response? In this video I have the pleasure of dialoguing with my wife, Zoe. We discuss the Christian response to previous pandemics and how we are to handle this current one.

  • Tim Costello: Covid-19, and The Australian Worldview

    22/03/2020 Duração: 29min

    Tim Costello AO, is an Australian icon and all-round good bloke. He heads the Australian Centre for Public Christianity and is well known for his 13 years as CEO of World Vision. I had the honour of sitting in his home to discuss the Australian view of life, the cultural challenge for Christianity and why people fight over toilet paper during crisis

  • The Paradigm Shift – Pete Ingram

    15/03/2020 Duração: 44min

    An important scripture that all Christians need to be thinking about in this time of uncertainty is 1 Peter 3: 14-16, having a Defence for the hope we carry in what can seem like hopeless times. Christian World view is a fantastic perspective that does give hope where hope is lacking, and God is banking on us that we turn to heal our nation and our relationships back to the original idea of what God really had in the beginning in Genesis chapter 1 and 3.

  • The Australian World View: The Antidote for loneliness – Zoe Nicholes

    08/03/2020 Duração: 59min

    People today are looking for meaning in their lives and true authentic connections, not just friendships but have true intimacy. People today don't want to live to just be happy but live to find true meaning, this can be found in Jesus Christ and in the Church, The Church is the Antidote for meaninglessness and loneliness that is growing in our secular culture today.

  • Intersections – Caleb Nicholes


    As believers, we live in a fast secularising Australian culture. The Aussie perspective is often not aligned with the Christian worldview. This sermon shows how Jesus came in grace and truth to people with a range of competing worldviews. He modeled how to Ignite Hope at the intersection of Christianity and Culture.

  • Engaging this Cultural Moment – Dr. Bill Brown

    23/02/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    Series: Australian Worldview | Creationist, Evolutionist, Atheist, we all have a lens that we view our world through, this is our Worldview. Dr Bill Brown is a Worldview expert, has been president of Universities and is Senior Fellow of Culture & Worldview at the Colson Centre. Dr. Bill challenged us to understand our cultural moment. Your values come from your Worldview, resulting in the way you behave and many people don’t realise they have a worldview, some don’t like the Worldview they have. This message will challenge you to think and explore your Worldview, be inspired to change! Comment below and let us know how this message has impacted you.

  • Why I love my Southern lights Church Family – Caleb Nicholes

    16/02/2020 Duração: 47min

    Today we heard from our beloved Southern Lights Pastors and Elders on why they love our Southern Lights Family and why they choose to call us home!

  • Church family: Invite others – Caleb Nicholes

    09/02/2020 Duração: 01h05min

    God invites us in relationship with Him and adoption into his eternal family. Jesus invites us to follow him. The Believers responsibility is to invite the least, the lost and all people into the Family of God. Following on from Church family: Love it this second part of the message highlights the fact that people can only come to Jesus and into the Church community when they’re invited.

  • Church Family: Love it! – Caleb Nicholes

    02/02/2020 Duração: 01h08min

    God has been gathering his family, establishing his household and building his Church for all time. God offers all people adoption into his family, the Church so that we can know our Father in Heaven through his Son Jesus. In this sermon I explain how only the Church family can prepare and launch you into calling. Part 2 next week – Church Family: Invite others

  • Vision Sunday – Peter Nicholes

    26/01/2020 Duração: 57min

    Come and tune in as we hear Apostle Peter reveal this year's Decree for the southernlights Network, and the importance of Church Family, the nations and discovering the Mysteries that God has for our lives.

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