Michael Mathiesen's Podcast




  • Google Super Vote For President in 2016 - Google Images of a New World

    22/05/2014 Duração: 08min

    Google Super Vote For President In 2016 is the pathway for how to use Google's new voting technology for something much better than just picking the winner of American Idol and much better than just voting for the same old 'Usual Suspects' that they force upon us from the two Parties. Today we can use this same Internet Technology to select from a much wider range of candidates in the next Presidential Election PLUS select from and encourage a much wider range of ideas. Let's make the United States of America live up to it's historical promise of becoming a real democracy. Why do we still use an old and antiquated technology designed during the horse-and-buggy days, when there was no Internet, there was no electricity, not even phones or electric lights? Why not upgrade our system of government to actually use today's modern technology where we can use Google Super-Vote and the rest of the Internet to choose from a much longer list of candidates that could be in the thousands, each of them with completel

  • God Particle Bible - Prologue

    21/05/2014 Duração: 39min

    Introduction to the God Particle Bible found at: BestAudibleBooks.com