Kelle Sutliff



Psychic Cup of Coffee with Kelle Sutliff - Tuesdays 1pm pt 4pm et


  • Encore Presentation: Meditate, Meditate, Meditate, and See Its Benefits


    Psychic Cup of Coffee with Host Kelle Sutliff: Meditate, Meditate, Meditate, and See Its Benefits

  • Encore Presentation - Kelle's Predictions for 2015


    Join Kelle for her insight on what is happening for 2015.

  • Intuitive Reasoning


    Ever have those second thoughts and wonder why you get them? Kelle's show will explain to you all the reasons why this happens to you so frequently and WHAT to do with it Get ready for a program full of hunches and demands that will lead to trusting your intuitive reasoning even more.

  • How to keep calm and carry on energetically during the holiday season.


    Kelle will be suggesting her energetic tips to 'cope' with the holiday stress we all feel during this season. It's time be calm and create calm in your holiday world.

  • Missing Person Cases...How a Psychic Detective Works


    Kelle is tired of the missing going missing and not being found. Kelle volunteers her time helping find the missing and she will share the cases and how she has helped.

  • Crystals and Their Meaning


    Are you ever drawn to one particular stone or color? Let Kelle Sutliff tell you why. She will be going through the various stones and share what they mean and how those little 'earth beings' of energy can help you meditate and channel your day.

  • Legal Suicide and a Mediums Perspective


    Kelle will discuss the topic of legal suicide and what her perspective is on Brittnay Maynards's passing. She will also discuss readings on how spirit has channeled information on suicide.

  • Why intuition is our BEST FRIEND


    Kelle Sutliff will show how intuition is your BEST Friend and why you should not neglect it. In this program she will show you examples on how her world changed because she listened to it. You can too and it's that simple. You just have to start and she will show you how today on Psychic Cup of Coffee

  • Psychic Detective Work


    Kelle will be discussing her psychic detective work on her show today. It's important for everyone to know how psychics work a case. I will be sharing several cases on how evidence has presented itself and how I have helped find the missing.

  • Mercury Is Retrograde and What This All Means.


    Mercury is in RETROGRADE....Oh no Let Kelle Sutliff tell you what this all means on her show Psychic Cup of Coffee Mercury in Retrograde doesn't always mean a bad thing, lets discover together how to handle this energy change.

  • What Happens to Someones Soul When They Commit SuicideA Mediums Opinion


    With all the recent publicity on suicide prevention and awareness, listen to what Kelle's opinions are on what happens to the souls whom leave this earth on the own choice. It will be a program featuring a lot of love and interesting perspective on what Kelle has been told in her practice by spirit for the last fourteen years.

  • Why ARE Mediums So Misunderstood?


    Psychic Mediums have been around forever dating back even into the Bible. Kelle will share with you its history and show you how evolved the psychic world has become. Has the psychic connection evolved or has it been this way for thousands of years? Get ready to learn a lot and she will welcome all your questions.

  • Children and their Psychic Gifts


    Children are the most intuitive human beings on earth So let's trust their vision and and as parents let's learn how to nurture their special gifts. Kelle will be sharing insight on how to teach your children the gift of intuition. As her special guest Haley her 15 year old daughter will share what it is like to grow up in a Psychic household.

  • How to find peace in yourself and in our world.


    Our world is changing and there is a huge need for peace in ourselves and in our world. How are we going to get there? Lets talk intuitive peace today and bridge that thought process to ourselves and our community.

  • We are talking Ghosts Today


    What does everyone think of ghosts and are they real? Let's discuss our experiences. Kelle will share her opinion of all that goes bump in the middle of the night

  • Children and Intuition


    Children are the gifts of intuition today. Kelle will show you how to encourage your children's open gifts and teach them to trust it. Get ready to parent different and learn from these gifted kids.

  • Join Guest Host Kelle Sutliff and her guest Robbie Holz - Secrets of Aboriginal Healing


    Increase Healing and Achieve Vibrant Well-Being in Body, Mind, and Spirit by Merging Science and Ancient Aboriginal Wisdom

  • Earth Changes and What We Should Expect This Year


    Ever wonder why Earth is in such turmoil. SHE IS TRYING TO BALANCE HER ACT, JUST LIKE WE ARE. Kelle will discuss what she feels is happening with our world and how we can channel a healthy earth today.

  • Psychic Power In You.


    Let's get down to brass tacs about intuition and discover how YOUR intuition works daily. Get ready to work,listen and start your day with clarity.

  • The Importance of Grounding


    You are all grounded It is not a punishment but an opportunity to be whole in your day Kelle will show you how taking three minutes daily can make a world of difference in the opportunities that you create. Get ready to get grounded and plant your energy the way you want to for your every day living.

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