Virtue For Women



Virtue for Women is a ministry devoted to laying a spiritual foundation in women's lives that will enable them to grow in their Christian walk and make a godly impact in their homes, on the job, and in their schools and neighborhoods. Bible studies take place in Southern California September through May. To download PDF lessons visit and click on Bible Studies.


  • Episode 6: Galatians 5:26 – 6:18 | Wendy MacGinnis

    13/05/2024 Duração: 24min

    Galatians has been crystal clear on the truth that we are saved by grace through faith alone. We don’t earn our salvation, but we are called to live it out. On our own, that’s impossible but in step with the Spirit, we can do hard and impossible things. In this final episode, Wendy shares some practical steps for living out our faith using the acrostic OTHERS. To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 5: Galatians 5:1-25 | Sue Mills

    05/05/2024 Duração: 15min

    In this episode, Sue discusses the freedom we have because of Christ. But with this beautiful freedom, the apostle Paul reminds us not to use it to satisfy our sinful nature. To our last breath, we will battle a sin nature that wants what it wants—but we don’t fight alone. “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him” (Philippians 2:13). By walking in the Spirit, we are free to love and obey Christ and serve one another in love.  To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to       Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 4: Galatians 4:8-31 | Shelley Hurley

    28/04/2024 Duração: 23min

    Have you ever prayed with someone to receive the Lord and seen the weight of sin lifted? You can just feel the joy and freedom in the air! Then sometime later they chose to go back to their old life. It’s so heartbreaking to see them in shackles again. In this episode, Shelley considers how legalism takes the heart out of Christianity. Choosing religion over relationship is like chasing shadows. The Holy Spirit gives us freedom from the heavy burden of trying to earn God’s favor. To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 3: Galatians 3:10-4:7 | Leah Case

    21/04/2024 Duração: 16min

    The Galatians started out well, but troublemakers convinced them they had to do more to be accepted by God. That’s the pitfall of legalism; it distorts the gospel and cheats us out of the intimacy and joy of grace through faith. In this episode, Leah reminds us to focus and rejoice in the truth that we don’t work for salvation; we walk in it. Grace sets us free to grow in faith and live it out in daily life.   To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 2: Galatians 2:1-3:9 | Tiffany Velasquez

    14/04/2024 Duração: 22min

    Galatians might not read like a typical love letter, but Paul loved the believers in the churches there and wanted to keep them accountable. After preaching the gospel throughout the region on his first visit, many Gentiles were saved, and new believers were growing in their faith. But troublemakers infiltrated the church, convincing them that faith wasn’t enough without keeping the law, too. Paul was understandably angry because gospel revision of any kind is gospel reversal. We see this in our own culture today. In this episode, Tiffany reminds us that the invitation of the gospel is for everyone, and the truth of the gospel is by grace, through faith in Christ alone.   To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 1: Galatians 1:1-24 | Cathe Laurie

    07/04/2024 Duração: 23min

    Whether you’ve been in Christ for two days, two years, or two decades, one thing is certain: we all need the gospel. We never grow out of it. The gospel is milk; it is meat; it is the appetizer; it is the dessert! In this podcast, Cathe introduces our study in Galatians and reminds us that we need a daily reset by being in God’s Word. By embracing the Gospel, we discern what is real, what is true, and what it good.    To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • GT/Ep12| Fostering | Cami Huffman

    31/03/2024 Duração: 22min

    Every child needs nurture and a loving family. If you are currently fostering, praying about it, or want to know how you can help in practical ways, this workshop is for you.    To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 6: Matthew 7:13-29 | Sue Mills

    24/03/2024 Duração: 16min

    Life is filled with choices and decisions to be made. After everything Jesus has said in this sermon, He brings it to the most important choice any of us will ever make: the broad path which leads to destruction or the narrow path that leads straight into Jesus’ arms. To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to       Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 5: Matthew 6:19 – 7:12 | Trish Dietz

    17/03/2024 Duração: 19min

    Our life is full of different terrains, spiritually. At times, the path may be smooth and beautiful. But there will be steep climbs and situations when we feel hemmed in. Along the way there are pitfalls to avoid. In this podcast, Trish considers what it means to pursue Jesus with a holy passion. Let’s keep moving forward together on this path with our eyes fixed on Jesus!     To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to       Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 4: Matthew 5:38 – 6:18 | Melanie Brown

    10/03/2024 Duração: 15min

    In this sermon, Jesus has some remarkable lessons for His followers. When He finished speaking, the Scripture tells us that the crowds were “amazed, astonished, and overwhelmed at this teaching.” We are too! Fact is, Jesus is calling us to deeper holiness. Our Heavenly Father cares, not only about our behavior but also our motivation. This week, Melanie encourages us to remember why God is intent on developing Christ-like character in us. To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 3: Matthew 5:14-37 | Christi Robillard

    03/03/2024 Duração: 20min

    As we continue in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus describes what it means to be salt and light. It’s easy to sing, “this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine” but sometimes we’re tempted to hide who we are. In this episode, Christi reminds us that when we speak to others about the kingdom of God, about our salvation, and our life in Christ, our words might be new to their ears, but it should be something they’ve already seen in our life. So, let your light shine! To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 2: Matthew 5:7-13 | Zenovia Bernier

    23/02/2024 Duração: 19min

    God could have decided that His forgiveness and the promise of Heaven was blessing enough to carry us through this life, but He didn’t stop there. He promises blessings upon blessings while we wait for Heaven! In this episode, Zenovia covers the last five beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount.   To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 1: Matthew 5:1-6 | Cathe Laurie

    18/02/2024 Duração: 26min

    Jesus’ kingdom has been called the upside-down kingdom because it is a counter-cultural way to live. In this sermon, Jesus gave His disciples a description of what life for His followers should look like. And it didn’t sound anything at all what they expected! In this episode, Cathe takes us through the first four Beatitudes.   To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • GT/Ep16| Power of a Praying Woman | Marianne Walsh

    11/02/2024 Duração: 30min

    As believers, we are called to pray. We don’t always see how God is working, but we can be sure He is. In this workshop, we will explore the power of prayer that makes a difference.   To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 5: Shame Exposed, Shame Covered | Brittni Laurie

    04/02/2024 Duração: 13min

    In this final lesson of our Genesis study, we trace the story of Noah’s family line, showing how the earth repopulated and God ended up scattering the people to build the Tower of Babel. We see the early beginnings of how Abraham would eventually become the patriarch of the family line we know as Israel, God’s chosen people. Brittni reminds us that our God is sovereign, and His perfect plan of redemption is still in place!    To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to       Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 4: Sealed and Safe | Leah Case

    28/01/2024 Duração: 23min

    Noah and the flood is a familiar story we remember as kids, but many today treat it like a myth. Even among believers, some think of it as that time in Scripture when God got so fed up with the world that He destroyed everything. But read it again! In this episode, Leah walks us through to see this story tells us about God’s heart of redemption and grace in a world gone terribly wrong. God wasn’t throwing in the towel—this is the episode in history where our Creator refused to give up!   To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 3: Genesis 3-6 | Wendy MacGinnis

    21/01/2024 Duração: 18min

    In this episode, Wendy reviews the stories of five biblical characters. They all dealt with situations where their obedience was tested and unfortunately, three failed to obey God’s instructions. What can we learn from them about compromise, choice and consequence? To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to       Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 2:  | Eve’s Plight in the Garden of Delight – Shelley Hurley

    14/01/2024 Duração: 26min

    In this episode, we look at the Genesis account through one woman who changed the entire course of the world. After all, Eve’s name means “the mother of all living.” What can we glean from her example to discover how to be a positive influence instead of a negative one? Shelley discusses Eve’s splendor, seduction and sin, sorrow, and salvation. To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to           Support the show: for privacy information.

  • Episode 1: | In the Beginning – Christi Robillard

    07/01/2024 Duração: 21min

    The story of creation is miraculous and cannot be explained apart from God. Incomprehensible yet laid out very simply. “In the beginning, God…” Those four words reconcile all that we don’t understand with what we, through faith, believe. In this podcast, Christi focuses on God, our Creator. To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to  Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to Support the show: for privacy information.

  • New Year’s 2024 with Courtenay Dall

    31/12/2023 Duração: 10min

    As fast as the years go by, especially as we get older, there is something exciting about a new year! We start out with such great intentions, but in the busyness of life it’s easy to slip back into old habits. In this special New Year’s podcast, Courtenay shares some choice thoughts from Philippians 3:13-14, where Paul reminds us that forgetting the past and looking forward go hand in hand.    To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to Learn more about Virtue women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship by going to    Support the show: for privacy information.

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