Risen Church Nc



JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • Restoring Hope: Storm Clouds - Revelation 6

    27/05/2024 Duração: 45min

    Before a storm rolls in, you can almost always hear thunder in the distance. Revelation 6 begins with thunder roaring from the Heavens, before going into great detail of the storm that will one day come upon this world. In this message, we breakdown the outline of the "Apocalypse" as described in Revelation 6. Ushered in by four horsemen, there is indeed a day of judgment on the horizon. Listen as we unpack what these signs could be pointing to and how it ultimately will lead to the earth's restoration.

  • Opportunity + Responsibility - Luke 12:35-48

    27/05/2024 Duração: 43min

    We have such a unique opportunity before us each and every day, living under and by the promises of God. Our place in history only adds to the blessings of knowing Jesus. Our privilege and good fortune cannot be overstated. In this message, we hear Jesus hold us accountable by reminding us of our great opportunity and tremendous responsibility. May we all count our blessings and consider what God requires of us.

  • A Trinity Sunday Bible Study - Isaiah 6:1-8

    27/05/2024 Duração: 41min

    In this message, we take a look at three passages that highlight our Triune God and how He is Father, Son, and Spirit. In all three, we see how we can encounter Him and be transformed through a deep, personal relationship.

  • A Pentecost Bible Study - Ezekiel 37

    26/05/2024 Duração: 33min

    A Pentecost Bible Study - Ezekiel 37 by Risen Church NC

  • Pentecost: Heaven's Momentum - Acts 2

    26/05/2024 Duração: 51min

    Pentecost is our annual reminder that Heaven's momentum is on our side. No matter what may seem to frustrate us, the mighty, rushing wind of Heaven is at our backs and driving us forward.

  • Restoring Hope: Unceasing Worship - Revelation 4-5

    26/05/2024 Duração: 42min

    If there's one constant in Heaven, it's worship. Worship is ascribing praise to that which we consider most valuable. Obviously, there's no question that God is worthy of all the attention in Heaven. Revelation 4-5 gives us a glimpse of Heaven and challenges us to adopt a similar posture of worship here on earth.

  • Restoring Hope: After These Things - Revelation 4

    10/05/2024 Duração: 39min

    The third section of Revelation begins in chapter 4 and continues until the end of the book. After speaking to the things which God had done through Christ and addressing the Church, John is called up to Heaven to see what the future holds. In this message, we learn about the promise of rapture and resurrection that the Church will experience one day. We discuss all that the Bible teaches about this our ultimate hope. We also catch a glimpse of what awaits every believer upon our arrival to Heaven and discover how we can get a taste of it here on earth.

  • From East to West: God's Great Exchange - Micah 7:18-20

    07/05/2024 Duração: 53min

    We all want forgiveness. We all want to feel forgiven, free from our guilt and shame. In this message, we look at this universal longing of every human heart and how God alone can answer it. He has always wanted us to know that He is forgiving and desires to give us peace. Jesus made the great exchange, when He took our guilt and shame, in order to give us salvation. Through Christ, we can receive forgiveness and by His grace, we can be redeemed in full.

  • Restoring Hope: The Tale of Two Churches - Revelation 3:7-22

    07/05/2024 Duração: 45min

    Jesus' final word to the Church in Revelation spotlights two different congregations, on opposite extremes of the spectrum. One was persevering against all odds, while the other had lost sight of God completely. In this message, we hear Jesus encourage us to embrace all of the grace that God has for us and make the most of every opportunity. We also hear a word that challenges any notion of complacency or sin that may creep into our hearts. He has set an open door in front of us all, but we must keep the door to our hearts opened. He is always willing, but we must always keep heart set on Him.

  • Restoring Hope: An Inside Job - Revelation 2:12-3:6

    07/05/2024 Duração: 45min

    Jesus issues a stern warning to the Church about the Enemy's plot to sidetrack us from our mission. The greatest danger may seem to be from those who seek to do us harm, but according to Jesus it's something much more subtle. In this message, we talk about Satan's strategy to corrupt the Church from within, to plant seeds of compromise and turn us away from the Truth. Listen as Jesus calls us all to be wake up and walk in our sacred purpose.

  • Restoring Hope: Borrowed Time - Revelation 2:1-11

    07/05/2024 Duração: 42min

    If Jesus were to speak to the Church today, what would He say? It would probably be pretty close to what He said to the Churches of Asia in Revelation 2-3. In this message, we look at His word to the first selection of congregations, bringing both peace and pressure. Our time serving as His Church is limited and borrowed. His return is certain, which brings us comfort. However, this also brings us a certain level of conviction, knowing that we will give an account for how we spent our time on His stage.

  • His Church: Our Sacrifice - Luke 14:25-33

    29/04/2024 Duração: 52min

    Every decision we make and action we take involves some kind of sacrifice. Regardless who those sacrifices are made for, there's no denying that all of our priorities are a result of a series of sacrificial choices. In this message, we once again hear Jesus call us to a life devoted to following Him- one in which we must be willing to lay everything down for God. We consider how Jesus is speaking to the sacrifices we all make and that He is simply trying to steer us in the best direction. If we are going to live forever in Heaven and if how we live on earth is going to impact our eternity- shouldn't we welcome Jesus' guidance on how to spend our lives? If He knows what's best and how we can avoid making the wrong sacrifices, why wouldn't we listen to what He has to say?

  • His Church: Our Calling - Ephesians 4

    21/04/2024 Duração: 52min

    From the day that Jesus launched His Church, He has invited every one of His followers to join it and help build it. Yes, that includes every one of us. Ephesians 4 is one of many invitations from God to us all, that we would wake up to our calling and realize the role we've been given. Not only are we all called, but we are also all gifted by God. Called and gifted, this message shows us how we can live lives that matter for God's Kingdom and make much of every opportunity. The Church services equips us so that we might serve and edify the Church Body. If we all do our share, the Church will become a stronger, more united movement for God.

  • Restoring Hope: Coming Soon - Revelation 1

    17/04/2024 Duração: 31min

    Revelation was given to the Church to be a timeless resource of inspiration for every generation. As the church exists in the margins of society, enduring great trials, this book is meant to always restore our hope. In this opening message, we look at the landscape of the Church across the first century and see how God was calling them to maintain their witness and keep their hopes anchored in Christ. Revelation 1's words prove just as relevant to us and remind us to keep our eyes on Heaven, always.

  • Israel vs. Iran - Ezekiel 38

    15/04/2024 Duração: 41min

    Of all the powers that ruled and fought for control of the Ancient Middle East, Persia was the one nation that Israel never engaged in conflict with. In fact, Persia played a special role in restoring Israel after a long period of captivity. This makes the mention of a future war between Israel and Persia one of the most perplexing prophecies of the Bible. Fast forward a few thousand years, and a long winding road has led to our current world, where Israel and Persia (Iran) have seemed destined for war for decades now. After years of threats and false starts, Iran has finally made its first move against Israel. In this message, we chronicle the journey that Israel has taken over the past 2000 years and discuss the fulfilled prophecy of Ezekiel 37. We also take a look at how the Arab nations responded to Rome's erasure of Israel and how history was rewritten in its absence. All of this leads us into a historical overview of the 21st century, where Israel was reborn and Iran became its greatest rival. List

  • His Church: Our Example - Luke 5:1-11

    14/04/2024 Duração: 51min

    It's His Church. It's our turn. And Peter is our greatest example of how to mature from a Jesus consumer to a true Jesus follower. Simon Peter started following Jesus for the same reason anyone does- Jesus did something for him. Peter immediately got lost in the wonder of what else Jesus might do for his life, so he became one of Jesus' first and most vocal disciples. As Jesus cast His vision for what His movement would look like, Peter and others questioned their involvement. While Peter made bold confessions, his behavior clearly revealed his compromised heart. When association with Jesus proved to be a great risk, Peter abruptly unfollowed Him. However, Jesus didn't give up on Peter... In this message, we see Peter's transformation from self-seeking to Kingdom-seeking. We see how he eventually arrives at an all-in mentality and challenges the rest of the Church to do whatever it takes to stay obedient to Jesus.

  • The Passion: Lifted Up - John 20

    07/04/2024 Duração: 47min

    Easter brings us into a brand new, resurrection reality. We don't have to fall back to our old ways, our former emotions and behaviors because we have been lifted up with Christ. Listen and learn how Jesus' resurrection transforms us from the inside-out!

  • His Church: Our Turn - Matthew 4:19

    07/04/2024 Duração: 50min

    Jesus cast a grand vision from the very onset of His ministry that became more and more central to His message as time went on. After His resurrection, He reminded His disciples how everything had been building up to this moment. Now it was their turn... In this message, we hear Jesus lay the foundation for His Church and learn how it is God's big plan for every generation. Listen as Jesus passes the baton to us and learn how He prayed specifically for us- that we might make the most of our opportunity to be His Church. Now it's our turn...

  • Good Friday - Romans 8:28-39

    30/03/2024 Duração: 21min

    What's so "good" about the Friday on which Jesus died? Hindsight is everything and allows us to see exactly what God was doing through Jesus' crucifixion. Listen as we discuss the major promises of Good Friday: Our Hope, Our Purpose, and God's Love

  • The Road to Calvary: Redefined - Mark 8:27-38

    28/03/2024 Duração: 41min

    Jesus came to redefine what it meant to know and follow God. While many believed He was Messiah after seeing the signs and wonders, they still had a warped understanding of what the Messiah had come to do. The heart of Mark's Gospel shows Jesus challenging His followers' conviction about godliness, teaching them about a true, genuine relationship with God. In this message, we hear Jesus detail what living a godly life looks like. He teaches us how to be/do good and how to be great in the Kingdom of God. His way stands in sharp contrast to our preconceived notions and ideologies, but will save us from a wasted, selfish life.

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