In The Market With Janet Parshall



In the Market with Janet Parshall, challenges listeners to examine major news stories and issues being debated in the marketplace of ideas and speaks to them with the Word of God. In this fast-paced, caller-driven program, Janet evaluates newsworthy topics with guests and listeners using the Bible as a framework for discussion. This daily program addresses relevant issues important to Christians, with an engaging mix of listener interaction and commentary from highly respected guests.


  • Best of In The Market with Janet Parshall: Hoodwinked

    08/06/2024 Duração: 46min

    Millions of Americans have fallen for ten big lies about God, man, and our country. These false dogmas, ferociously enforced, are bringing our country to its knees. Our guest, a pastor and truth-teller, is determined to smash these lies. His compelling stand against gender ideology and race-baiting at school board meetings across the country has attracted a huge online audience and made him a leading voice for biblical justice.He join us to name some of the lies that have beguiled our country and takes them apart piece by piece. Lies are no match for the Truth, but they won’t go away by themselves. Our guest will give us the training you need to become a leader in the fight for our families, our freedom and our faith.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Faith Reinvigorated

    07/06/2024 Duração: 45min

    Who are you and what are you meant to do? On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we addressed the challenge of these fundamental questions and how to discover the work you were wired to do showing you how to use a new assessment tool to help you discover how to best use your talents and skills to move your life forward and create greater satisfaction by being the person God created you to be. Lives can be shipwrecked so easily and the guilt and shame of that failure can often lead to fears that God will never be able to understand and forgive our choices. But our guest explained how throughout the Bible we see God represented as the One who provides second chances to His people. Our guest explained the important roles that humility and forgiveness play in our ability to move forward from our failures to true forgiveness and freedom. Has your prayer life become stale and rote? It is a challenge that believers throughout history have struggled with. We spoke to a respected Bible teacher who explained wh

  • Hour 1: Hope Reaffirmed

    07/06/2024 Duração: 45min

    For many years scouting has been a safe place to send boys to develop life skills and character. But times have changed. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we explained to you the changes in the Boy Scouts that have created sincere concerns for parents and a new Christian alternative program that helping young boys growing into strong, stable godly men. Speaking of manhood, traditional ideas of manhood have been under attack in recent years but we heard from a guest who explained that these attacks have ignored that facts that show that men who care for their families and attend church are more loving and engaged husbands and fathers. She explained how the anti-male stereotypes that are being used to attack traditional manhood do not stand up to intense scrutiny and God’s design for manhood. What is orthodox Christianity and what the tenants it is built upon? Our guest took us back to basics to explain that how we think about God impacts every aspect of our lives. Many of us do not recognize

  • Hour 2: Mission Fields and Godly Men

    06/06/2024 Duração: 45min

    Join us this hour as we learn why one of the nation's largest and longest-standing men's ministries, have announced the launch of the Proclamation on Godly Masculinity. We will discuss the unique calling God has placed on Christian men.  We then turn our eyes and our hearts to the Persecuted Church and hear of very specific ways we can pray for our brothers and sisters overseas. Great ready to lengthen your prayer lists. See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Winsomely Telling The Truth

    06/06/2024 Duração: 45min

    This hour we speak with one of our most brilliant Christian cultural apologists. We are going to tackle the subject of “hate crimes” and hear how one country has just gone too far. We will also learn how to winsomely respond to the arguments made by some that Scripture supports homosexuality. Get ready to think biblically as well as critically on today’s program.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Role of the Holy Spirit in our prayer life

    05/06/2024 Duração: 45min

    We know that prayer is important—it’s the lifeblood of the Christian life. But almost all believers find prayer to be hard. We can experience discouragement or disillusionment in our prayer lives. We get distracted and disheartened. What can we do if we’re in a season of drought or have never experienced a rich life of prayer? And how can we sustain a meaningful and life-giving prayer ministry? Our guest will share clear and applicable steps to invigorate or jumpstart a life of prayer. He will tackle questions like: How do you identify a dead prayer life? How can a worried and frantic life begin to enjoy God’s presence and peace? How can you reach heaven when you don’t know what to pray? How can times of despair be transformed into prayers that even affect future generations? How can you get in touch with the deep concerns of your heart? Today we will teach you how to resurrect and revive your prayer life into one that God uses to restore His people to the place of His blessing.S

  • Hour 1: What is Christian orthodoxy?

    05/06/2024 Duração: 45min

    Is your understanding of who God is and how He works in our lives today a little sketchy? Everybody has beliefs about God. What we think about God is the most important thing about us. Because God is the most important topic a person can think about, the way we think about God (our theology) is our most valuable and important collection of our thoughts and words. Join us to learn what basic Christian theology is and is not.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Moving Forward

    04/06/2024 Duração: 45min

    No one wakes up and says, "I think I’ll make a mess of my life." But many people find themselves in places that feel beyond repair. If you’ve made decisions that have left you and others hurt—that have brought you to a place that feels dark or desperate—you’re not alone. Do you need God to do something that feels impossible? Freedom from an addiction or the haunting consequences of bad choices? A second chance at marriage, family, or a career? Maybe you love someone whose devastating path of poor decisions is inflicting heartache upon heartache. What happens when we honestly face our mess and seek God? Can beauty, love, or hope follow? Failure and regret can create humility and deepen our character. Those who seem permanently wrecked can experience joy, freedom, and a newfound dream. Our guest will take us beyond despair to biblically based forgiveness and a faithful future.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Toxic Masculinity

    04/06/2024 Duração: 45min

    How did an ideology arise that condemns masculinity as dangerous and destructive? Our guest has a knack for tackling the tough issues of our day. We often hear that Exhibit A of toxic behavior is evangelical Christian men. But the social sciences tell a very different story. Studies find that family men who attend church regularly test out as the most loving husbands and the most engaged fathers. They have the lowest rate of divorce and--here's the real stunner--the lowest rate of domestic violence of any group in America. The sociological facts explode anti-male stereotypes and show that classic Christianity has the power to overcome toxic behavior and reconcile the sexes. That's a finding that has stood up to rigorous empirical testing.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: What Are You Wired To Do?

    04/06/2024 Duração: 45min

    There’s not an assessment out there that will tell you exactly what you should be doing. Instead, self-awareness is what points you in the direction of a fulfilling and growing career. That’s what makes the Get Clear Career Assessment stand out from the rest—it gets to the heart of who you are and how you're wired. Our guest will help us get a clear picture of the type of work you do best, and he will show you how to use your results to get specific in your job search, grow in your career, and make more money doing work you enjoy.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Truth and Light

    03/06/2024 Duração: 45min

    We start this hour with some of the stories making headlines before we talk with the head of an organization that has real distinctives when it comes to developing the character of young boys into Godly men.  With the Boy Scouts of America changing not only their name but their mission, parents are looking for a real alternative.  We then get an update on some very important legal cases from a biblical perspective. Get ready to think biblically and critically.  See for privacy information.

  • Best of In The Market with Janet Parshall: Plans For Your Good

    01/06/2024 Duração: 46min

    Our special guest, Australia's 30th Prime Minister (2018-2022), offers a unique insider's account of a Christian who was open about his faith and operated at the top level of politics for more than a decade. During one of the toughest periods since the Second World War, covering drought, wildfires, a global pandemic, and recession, he chronicles God's faithfulness throughout, win or lose, public criticism or public success. Less political memoir and more pastoral encouragement, he is passionate about encouraging others to discover how they can access and see the many blessings of God in their own lives, no matter their circumstances, drawing on Jeremiah 29:11, that God's plans are for our good and not our harm, to give us a future and a hope. Join us to discover: 1. Who am I? Discovering your purpose. 2. How should I live? Finding your pathway. 3. What should I hope for? Embracing your future.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: World Changers

    31/05/2024 Duração: 44min

    Get ready! God might be calling you to something great. After all, he's been known to use average people to lead nations and work miracles, as with Abraham and Sarah, Joseph, and Moses. Maybe he wants you to begin a new ministry. Or step out of your comfort zone to help others. Are you prepared? Join us to learn if you are a world changer!See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Dangerous Virtues

    31/05/2024 Duração: 45min

    When sin is disguised as virtue, the path to cultivating righteousness becomes impossible. Such is the challenge Christians face in the modern age. Not long ago, most people would agree that the seven deadly sins are in fact deadly. But ask them today, and you’ll hear a different answer. Today, "anger" is often considered an admirable emotion, "lust" the only expression of love, and "greed" the unassailable right to "get what’s yours." The world can rebrand sin all it wants and declare the death of truth, but it has no power against the truth of the Scripture. What God calls sin is sin—no matter what the world says. And sin always has the same destination—death and destruction. Join us as our guest provides a theology of sin and why the Christian must develop a prayerful heart and discerning eye to identify where sin exists in a world where good is called evil and evil is called good.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Why Is THAT In The Bible?

    30/05/2024 Duração: 45min

    What can we learn from a Bible story about a talking donkey? What about the account in Joshua where the sun and moon stand still? Should biblical directives like women wearing head coverings still be followed today? Tackling such tricky questions head-on, our guest will provide fascinating historical and theological insights that help to demystify puzzling passages. Join us for a fascinating conversation.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Was Jesus A Socialist?

    30/05/2024 Duração: 45min

    Socialism is making a comeback-and so is the idea that "Jesus was a socialist." Today our guest will show it is pure fantasy to believe that Jesus wanted earthly governments to redistribute wealth, centrally plan the economy, or impose welfare states. Poll after poll shows that young Americans have a positive image of socialism. In fact, more than half say they would rather live in a socialist country than in a capitalist one. Learn how to explode the myths that have lured young people everywhere.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Unquestioned Answers

    29/05/2024 Duração: 45min

    "Smile, God loves you." "Just have faith." "It's not my place to judge." Christian cliches abound. But is there anything to this bumper sticker theology? Today our guest examines 10 overused statements to uncover timeless biblical truth regarding social justice, sin, loving others, prayer, God's goodness, and more. Learn how to better ‘contend for the faith’.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Five To Thrive

    29/05/2024 Duração: 44min

    Every human has five core needs, and if you're going to thrive, these needs must be met in healthy ways—primarily through God. Join us to learn what they are and how you can develop beliefs and skills so they're met and you become whole, content, and at peace. Discover how your unmet needs are an invitation from God.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Christian Ethics

    29/05/2024 Duração: 45min

    How can we live in a culture that's increasingly hostile to Christian values? How can we apply Scripture to the ethics of abortion, homosexuality, environmental stewardship, and other issues? Organized according to the structure of the Ten Commandments, our guest will give us an introduction to biblical moral reasoning and provide a framework to help believers live a life pleasing to God.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Israel Matters

    28/05/2024 Duração: 44min

    Join us to hear a respected theologian review two decades of inquiry regarding the meaning of Israel and Judaism, addressing the perennially important issue of the relationship between Christianity and the people and land of Israel. You will hear a challenge to the widespread Christian assumption that since Jesus came to earth, Jews are no longer special to God as a people, and the land of Israel is no longer theologically significant. Prepare to hear a robust defense of a "New Christian Zionism."See for privacy information.

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