Beautiful Minds: Uts Nobel Exhibition



Curated by the Nobel Museum in Stockholm, Sweden, the Exhibition's international tour visited UTS in April on the penultimate leg of its six year, fourteen city tour before heading to Abu Dhabi. The Exhibition was proudly sponsored by the Nobel Museum, Volvo and UTS. The Federal Department of Education, Science and Training also provided support for the School program.In hosting 'Beautiful Minds', UTS expressed its commitment to creativity, innovation and peace. The exhibition included scholarly, public and educational programs involving staff and students from across the University as well as the general public.The Exhibition presents Alfred Nobel the idealist, inventor, entrepreneur, and cosmopolitan, along with the international perspective that distinguished his life and will.


  • Tomorrow's leaders: Early Career Academics and Researchers Forum


    Australia's future will be driven by today's early career academics and researchers' tomorrow's leaders in research and tertiary education. The Forum will discuss: structural and demographic factors shaping Australia's professional, academic and scientific workforce experiences that lay foundations for successful careers as academics and researchers the participation of early career researchers in the Research Quality Framework

  • Kicking over the traces: creativity and the archive


    Half-day seminar on two projects using the Police and Justice Museum archive of crime scene photographs. Kate Richards and Ross Gibson have utilised the images from post 1945-1960 in their suite of creative multimedia artworks Life After Wartime and Peter Doyle has published the book City of Shadows and done historical research on the 1900-1920s period. Presentations and panel discussion will explore creative processes in using = documentary, visual, oral and material archives in historical accounts and art. The seminar is hosted by the Australian Centre for Public History in the UTS Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

  • The Nobel Memorial Prize for Economics

    01/05/2007 Duração: 01h39min

    Introducing some of the most notable discoveries that gained the Prize, and some suggestions for how it can be won. Speaker: Professor Sir James Mirrlees (Economics 1996) Professor Sir James Mirrlees is Visiting Eminent Scholar in the University of Melbourne Faculty of Economics and Commerce and Emeritus Professor of Political Economy at Cambridge. His Lecture is hosted by the UTS Research Centre for Quantitative Finance in the Faculty of Business.

  • Nobel aspirations and outstanding achievements - nations, communities and individuals

    25/04/2007 Duração: 01h23min

    Why do individuals, communities and nations aspire to making break-throughs and contributions at the level of excellence symbolised by the Nobel Prizes? And how do we foster these communities in Australia? J. M. Coetzee's novels, Life & Times of Michael K and Disgrace both won the prestigious UK Booker Prize. In 2002 he emigrated from South Africa to Australia. He is Honorary Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide. Professor Hilary Charlesworth is Director of the Australian National UNiversity's Centre for International Governance and Justice, Federation Fellow and Professor of International Law and Human Rights.