Richa Badami's Pause For Power Radio



Welcome to Pause For Power Radio with Richa Badami. Here you can listen to conversations that will inspire you with practical advice, meditations that will help you practice taking those much needed pauses during your day and above all simple strategies to live your most fulfilling and successful life yet. Find out more on www.RichaBadami.comRicha Badami has been helping people learn how to accelerate their path to peace by slowing down and practicing the pause. Her courses and meditations help her clients sort through and release the toughest blocks so they can boldly breakthrough and go beyond what they had ever imagined possible for themselves. Her published memoir, "Coming Home to the Heart - Transforming Trauma into the Infinite Possibilities for Healing" can be found on Thank you for joining us here.


  • Liquid Gold Meditation

    22/03/2020 Duração: 29min

    The guided imagery in this meditation will help in assimilating your physical and cosmic self. Take a journey to experience the oneness with all of collective consciousness.

  • Eye of the Storm

    21/03/2020 Duração: 21min

    There has never been a time such as this before. We are in the midst of a torrent of current events – and so intricately connected by it. Our collective consciousness has never been activated and catapulted into growth at this pace ever before. In the wake of a pandemic, we are awakening globally, to the truth that we are ONE. I hope that you will use this time for self-love, rest and reflection. Please lean in to me for support.

  • Ready, Set, Shine!

    14/02/2018 Duração: 28min

    Many times we feel like the road to recovery is an endless dark tunnel of gloom and despair. Some give up or exit the tunnel too early, off to yet another scenic detour, unwilling to be with the darkness anymore. I believe that the light at the end of the tunnel is alive and well, and it is within you, and you have it in you to connect with that light. Stay the course. The Light is here. You are it. Now, ready, set, shine!

  • When is it time to forgive?

    07/02/2018 Duração: 49min

    All of us have had experiences that have left us feeling disappointed, betrayed or upset. While we cannot change the past, we can change how we view the present and create the future we want. The question is, how will we choose?

  • Coming Home

    31/01/2018 Duração: 26min

    After a break of a few years, I have come back to share lessons learned on my journey of recovery, healing and transformation. It's good to be back!

  • Your Awakened Inner Self

    02/03/2015 Duração: 31min

    In this meditation become aware of your state of being, that you already are awake. Become aware that there is a light within you and that you have it in you to connect with that light, release the blocks that are in your way and let your life shine in the world. Namaste!

  • Richa Interviews Dr. Laura Hills

    13/08/2014 Duração: 20min

    In this interview Dr. Laura Hills, President of The Blue Pencil Institute, shares an overview of her program, "The 6 D Framework for Career Success". This program can help executives and professionals stay accountable and "honest" to their career goals and desires.

  • Transformation Catalyst

    05/06/2014 Duração: 02min

    I've been called the Transformation Catalyst by my clients because they say the work we have done together has helped them get closer to living a fulfilling life faster than anything else they have tried. I have 3 steps to establishing a lasting transformation in my client's lives. First we begin with assessment, move on to Identification, and finish up with Implementation. When all three steps are done correctly and effectively, you experience a fulfilling and lasting transformation in your life and business that can be life-changing. Here I share my simple approach.

  • Got Baggage?

    05/06/2014 Duração: 04min

    Everyone has baggage in their lives; those nagging, self-limiting beliefs that linger in your mind that keep you from reaching your highest potential. These beliefs can make you or break you. Only you can decide what you want them to do for you. If your beliefs are positive, you will be successful. Likewise, if your beliefs tend to be negative your journey towards success may be a bit longer and more painful. The bottom line is you will have exactly what you believe in! Are your beliefs serving your higher good? Richa explains exactly how excess baggage is weighing us down and finishes with a thought-provoking exercise.

  • Living Your Truth

    05/06/2014 Duração: 04min

    How many times have you told a little white lie thinking it was no big deal? After all, no one got hurt, right? But we all know that one lie leads to even more lies, and eventually you end up in a situation that spirals out of control and becomes completely exhausting. We tell lies for many reasons, but when we are not speaking truthfully we are not being authentic. We are actually holding back what we really want to say. Listen as Richa explains what damage not speaking your truth is actually causing in your life. What can you do on a daily basis to live a more truthful and honest life?

  • Prioritize and Simplify

    05/06/2014 Duração: 03min

    Over the years I've often found myself getting overwhelmed to the point of near paralysis. This wasn't working for me, how could it? I now find that when I give up the way it looks to me, a.k.a the "overwhelm", I can just get present to what needs to get done. I begin with prioritization and then I break that down a little more and simplify my tasks even further. Now, I'm finally getting somewhere, consciously and purposefully. Experiencing my life without the drama of overwhelm is rather liberating. Most people I know talk about this list that never gets done. I've found a way that works for me finally, and I'd love to share it with you. You can start getting clear, prioritizing and succeeding in your life immediately.

  • Creating Happiness

    05/06/2014 Duração: 04min

    Happiness is a choice. When you are confronted by challenge and overwhelm how are you going to choose? There will always be some form of stress, worry and anxiety in life. Remember, there is no such thing as a stress free life. The only question is that is the stress managing you or are you managing the stress? Often happiness doesn't even get a chance. We are ready to react with our pre-set responses and miss out on being present and in the moment. Not choosing happiness often takes us away from the things that are most important to us in life.

  • Beat Procrastination

    05/06/2014 Duração: 03min

    Let's talk about procrastination for a minute. Yes, now, not tomorrow. How predictable! As much as it hurts to admit, if there was a way of putting off doing something for tomorrow or the next week, I've probably tried it! This was a habit that I developed over time and slowly but surely began to master, until....I couldn't afford to anymore. Since I wasn't in the present moment most of the time I hadn't realized what the energetic consequences of procrastination were. I was not only putting off the task at hand, I was putting off the unfolding and conscious creation of a future that I deeply desired. I spent time wondering why I wasn't witnessing breakthroughs and results? While all along my actions had been rather lackluster. A bit unfair, isn't it? To expect our intentions and dreams be manifested while self-sabotaging the very things we yearn the most?

  • Forgiveness

    05/06/2014 Duração: 04min

    Have you ever been hurt? Have you felt pain and suffering because of an incident in your past? Is there someone in your life who has caused this pain and you now find yourself unable to embrace life fully because of this incident or person? Do you want to move forward and put this pain behind you? Have you considered forgiveness? Mahatma Gandhi said that "Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong, not the weak". Forgiving can create another way of life for you that give you access to all the peace and happiness you deserve. Not forgiving on the other hand holds you back and traps you in the past. Today's Pause For Power Radio episode will guide you towards being fully present in your relationships by letting go of the past and clearing the emotional baggage that is cluttering up your life.

  • Your Inner Power

    05/06/2014 Duração: 02min

    Are you connected to your inner core - the essence of your being? Have events from the past and people in your life caused a disconnect with your inner self, causing a loss in self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth? Today's Pause For Power Radio episode will help you inquire within to see if you are connected to your inner self and unleash your inner power by truly being who you believe yourself to be.

  • Authenticity

    04/06/2014 Duração: 04min

    When you look in the mirror do you see someone who can say that they are truly living an authentic life? Is who you are and where you are today a reflection of where you had imagined and desired yourself to be? Today's Pause For Power Radio episode will help you inquire within to see if you are already living authentically or are finally ready to start?

  • Consciously Creating Success

    18/03/2014 Duração: 03min

    Self-limiting ways of thinking will hold you back from realizing your fullest potential. However, pausing to raise your inner awareness will rewire and transform you from the inside out to consciously create success in your life. Give yourself permission to free yourself from the self-negating thoughts and create a life powerfully to be successful, happy and whole.

  • Conscious Breathing Meditation

    11/03/2014 Duração: 10min

    Sometimes the simplest of things that are in plain sight are easily missed. Our breath is one such ally we have access to 24/7/365 but unfortunately don't use and leverage as much as we should. We breathe, yes. But how conscious of our breath are we? In this simple 10 minute guided meditation learn an easy way to bring your awareness to your breath and enjoy the powerful outcomes in your wellbeing, health and stress levels.

  • Transforming Vs. Changing

    03/03/2014 Duração: 03min

    In this world of instant gratification where there's pretty much a drive through for everything from fast food to pharmacies and banking to Starbucks coffee - there is no such thing as a drive-through-breakthrough! The road to creating lasting transformation may not always be pretty, but the effects are more lasting than any change or quick fix there is.

  • Why Affirmations Fail

    18/02/2014 Duração: 05min

    The Law Of Attraction and affirmations can be very powerful tools if used correctly. When used purely on the surface it's the equivalent of putting icing on mud pie, it's transitional and temporary and does not create lasting transformation or happiness in your life.

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