Leadership Ministries | Jonah



The purpose of Leadership Ministries is to equip men to be faithful leaders in their marriages, families, businesses, churches, and communities and to teach them to equip others to be the same.


  • Jonah Introduction

    27/09/2002 Duração: 35h00s

    Bob Day introduces a study by Chris White on the book of Jonah. [powerpress]

  • Jonah Kickoff

    26/09/2002 Duração: 13min

    Chris White kicks off a study on the book of Jonah and encourages you to view the book as history and not a fairy tale. You have to know and believe in the vastness of God’s love for this world. Even in the darkest morning, God has His leader right in the middle of it. […]

  • Why Did He Do It?

    25/09/2002 Duração: 16min

    Some clues of why Jonah directly disobeyed a direct order from God are revealed. Jonah had a strong prejudice against the Assyrians. He did not see them the way God sees them. Jonah was not really concerned with the spiritual condition of the people, he was satisfied with political stability. Are we like Jonah in […]

  • Forfeiting Our Leadership Position

    24/09/2002 Duração: 15min

    What a tragedy when leaders forfeit their responsibility to lead. [powerpress]

  • Drama on the High Seas

    23/09/2002 Duração: 17min

    Jonah, the prophet of God, defies the will of God and this results in a dramatic crisis on the ship. [powerpress]

  • “Thar She Blows!”

    22/09/2002 Duração: 13min

    Jonah is in the ocean, he needs to be saved. How will God save him? With a miracle, same way he saves you and me—through the miraculous work of Jesus Christ. [powerpress]

  • Getting Real

    21/09/2002 Duração: 15min

    Men are inherently poor communicators of their feelings, their deepest emotions. But Jonah, when he is in the belly of the whale cries out to the Lord, using the Psalms to express himself honestly and transparently. [powerpress]

  • Don’t Fake It

    20/09/2002 Duração: 14min

    When we put our confidence in God, we don’t have to take it. We can be real with him, totally transparent with new confidence. [powerpress]

  • Leaders / Un-leaders

    19/09/2002 Duração: 12min

    Jonah repents, recognizes his idolatry and turns back to the Lord. This is the last part of his prayer in Chapter 2. [powerpress]

  • Making Trophies

    18/09/2002 Duração: 17min

    It is a very foolish thing to do, to straight arm the will of God like Jonah. But, God specializes in fools like us. Salvation is from the Lord. [powerpress]