Sermons from First Presbyterian Church, Edmond, OK



This podcast channel features recorded Sunday sermons from First Presbyterian Church in Edmond, Oklahoma. Visit our website at! If you live in or near Edmond, Oklahoma, we would love for you to join our congregation. We are a community of joyful Christians, being equipped as disciples and making disciples for Jesus Christ. Wherever you live on planet earth, we encouraage you to seek a local congregation of believers with whom you can grow in your faith. May God bless you this day, and all the days of your life.


  • Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “Shine don't whine" Philippians 2:14-18 David Leard


    Listen to this sermon...Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “Shine don't whine" Philippians 2:14-18 Life worthy of the gospel will stand out so clearly from the surrounding culture that it will shine like a star against the blackness of the night sky. Christians lives ought to be described as “blameless and innocent”, “without blemish” as children of God in the middle of a crooked and perverse world. We are called to live differently than the world around us. There is a command given today's scripture text to address one of the biggest ways we can be different and shine before others with the love of God. We are commanded to do "all things" without "grumbling" or "arguments". This will occur as we hold fast to and hold forth the “word of life. ” Paul’s own joy over the church in part depends on his eternal perspective – that they are growing in maturity and hence increasingly demonstrating this kind of life.

  • Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “Working for Pleasure” Philippians 2:12-13 Mateen Elass


    Listen to this sermon...Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “Working for Pleasure” Philippians 2:12-13 This text presents an apparent paradox. On the question of our salvation, who’s doing the work: we or God? It seems clear on the face of it; the imperative is written to humans – work out your own salvation…. But the last clause is theologically so rich; we can only work out into public practice the new life that God has worked into us, and His purpose cannot be thwarted, because He is at work within us both to will and work for His pleasure. The work of salvation, including our sanctification, is something we often find to be a laborious hardship. But God for His part is smiling, doing what He does in and through us out of sheer joy. The fact that He is willing to work in and through us is a monumental truth, and should strike us with awe and wonder (“fear and trembling”).

  • "Trading Places" II Corintians 5:21 Mateen Elass


    Listen to this sermon..."Trading Places" II Corintians 5:21

  • Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “Being Re-Minded” Philippians 2:1-11 Mateen Elass


    Listen to this sermon...Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “Being Re-Minded” Philippians 2:1-11 Another way to talk about living worthily of the gospel is that of seeing life the way Jesus sees it, and living accordingly. In this exemplary passage, Paul highlights the mindset of Jesus as that of the King of heaven who leaves his throne to serve the human race in the most humble and ignominious way – ultimately suffering a painful and disgraceful death to accomplish his Father’s plan. As a result, the Father honors him above all creation. Likewise, we as apprentices of Jesus are to have his same mindset in serving others for the sake of the Kingdom, and to trust God with the results.

  • Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “The Politics of Heaven” Philippians 1:27-30 Mateen Elass


    Listen to this sermon...Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “The Politics of Heaven” Philippians 1:27-30 This text contains what I believe is the key verse of the whole letter (1:27), which is Paul’s central exhortation to his flock. Everything in this letter teaches what it means to live worthily of the gospel. This is politics in its original sense of proper public conduct. For Christians that entails standing firm in one spirit against cultural tides; striving side by side for the truth of the faith; acting confidently and courageously in the face of enemy attacks. Interestingly, Paul sees suffering for Christ as a gift God has granted us, along with the gift of faith! Grace over arches all of life!

  • Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “The Key to Joy” Philippians 1:12-26 Mateen Elass


    Listen to this sermon...Seeking God’s Pleasure – A Study of Philippians “The Key to Joy” Philippians 1:12-26 Joy comes from accurately discerning God’s handiwork in the circumstances of life. For those in Christ, God is always at work to achieve His good purposes both for their welfare and for the Kingdom. Hence, even though Paul writes this letter from prison and knows of so-called Christians who are preaching from false motives to make his circumstances more dire, he nevertheless rejoices because he sees the cause of Christ advancing. God’s plans can never be overturned, so if we’ve thrown our lot in with Christ, we will always find something to rejoice in!