Calvary Cherry Creek Sermons



Weekly teachings from Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek


  • Ezekiel 31 vs 1-18


    Ezekiel Chapter 31 Verses 1 – 3 Ezekiel gives this fifth prophecy against Egypt, as he has done many times, with a specific date. This date has been calculated to be June 21st, 587 BC and in this, God tells him to place this not only upon Pharaoh...

  • Luke 4 vs 23-44


    Lucas Capítulo 4 Versículos 23-24 Quizás haya una serie completa de sermones solo en estos dos versículos. "Ningún profeta es aceptado en su propio país". También podría traducirlo de esta manera, "Ningún profeta es propicio, dado...

  • Ezekiel 30 vs 1-26


    Ezekiel Chapter 30 Verses 1 – 4 The language used here, the phraseology, points to one event and yet two events. Ezekiel is prophesying specifically about Egypt and the destruction that will come upon that nation, to the point that even today, they...

  • Luke 4 vs 14-22


    Luke Chapter 4 Verses 14 – 15 I don’t want you to forget a point we discussed a few weeks back that the pattern, the formula, the equation given to us in Luke 4 that we see in Jesus Himself is that He was 1) filled with the Holy Spirit (verse 1)...

  • Ezekiel 29 vs 1-21


    Ezekiel Chapter 29 Verses 1 – 3 We have spent the last few studies, Chapters 25 – 28, in the judgement and fall of some specific nations around and connected in some way to Israel. Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia, Tyre, and Sidon. The next four...

  • Luke 4 vs 1-13


    Notice, after His baptism, came a time of testing and temptation. Often times after a high time, comes a low time… Luke Chapter 4 Verse 1 The fact that Luke tells us explicitly here that Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit after being baptized...