Sermons and talks from Sunday Brunch, Sunday Supplement and Sunday Extra.
Praying with practicality pt1
08/03/2020Today Steve continue our series on Praying with practicality. We looked at psalm 51 and other readings. The sermon is split into three parts just as it was in the service.
Praying with practicality pt2
08/03/2020Today Steve continue our series on Praying with practicality. We looked at psalm 51 and other readings. The sermon is split into three parts just as it was in the service.
Praying with practicality pt3
08/03/2020Today Steve continue our series on Praying with practicality. We looked at psalm 51 and other readings. The sermon is split into three parts just as it was in the service.
Persevering in Prayer
16/02/2020This Sunday Steve spoke about ‘Persevering in Prayer’. The readings we looked at were Luke 11 verses 5-13 & Luke 18 verses 1-8. How quick are we to give up, when God does not appear to be answering our prayers? How did people in scripture respond, when this was their experience? Do we have the commitment, discipline and self-sacrifice to be persistent in prayer? Prayer isn’t about putting in an order & waiting for the delivery.
Power of Prayer
09/02/2020This Sunday our sermon was delivered by Pauline from Fairfield Community Church. Today we looked at The Power of Prayer. The Reading was Acts 12 verses 1-19. Do we approach prayer with expectation? The Bible is full of accounts where God answers prayer in powerful ways. God’s power should not be underestimated. He is the God of the humanly impossible. Are we willing to let God surprise us?
Priority of Prayer
26/01/2020This Sunday – Priority of Prayer – Steve read Mark 1 verses 21-37. Prayer was at the heart of Jesus’ ministry. The disciples saw and heard Jesus praying and knew that it worked, so they to be taught how to pray. Jesus spent time alone with his Father – it was a priority for Him. How much of a priority is prayer really to us?
Privilege of Prayer
19/01/2020This Sunday Trevor spoke on the Privilege of Prayer. We looked at 1Peter 2 verses 1-10. Communion with God in prayer should never be assumed but treasured. How amazing that the God of the universe, the one who full of glory, has invited us to come and pour out our hearts to Him. Prayer is a privilege that if we not take advantage of, we rob ourselves of much joy and peace.
Introduction to our new series on “Prayer”
12/01/2020This morning we had our promises service. Where we renewed our covenant promises with God and with each other. Steve then introduced our new preaching series on “Prayer” that will take us up to Easter. Today looking at Matthew 6, verses 5-15