Hi I'm James Altucher host of The James Altucher Show podcast show. I've been a successful entrepreneur, investor, board member, and the writer of 11 books including the recent WSJ Bestseller, "Choose Yourself!" (foreword by Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter). I've started and sold several companies for eight figure exits, sit on the board of a billion revenue company, I've written for The Financial Times, The New York Observer, and over a dozen popular websites for the past 15 years. I've run several hedge funds, venture capital funds, and I'm a successful angel investor in technology, energy, and biotech. I've also lost all my money, made it back, lost it, made it back several times and openly discusses how I did it. That's why I've decided to do another podcast. AskAltucher is my brand new Daily Podcast. Ask me anything, business, investing, self-help, entrepreneurship, publishing, fitness, money, relationships, startups, breakups and so much more.
Ep 369: Product Hunt – Entrepreneurship Lessons From a Blazing Success Story
08/10/2015 Duração: 28minJames credits at least some of his success to his guest's new company, . Erik Torenberg a founding team-member at Product Hunt, co-founder of, and associate at Queensbridge Venture Partners joins James today. Product Hunt seems like such an easy idea and an overnight success on the surface... but really it was years in the making. But since its launch, it has been on a true rocket-ship ride. It all started with a relatively small e-mail list... and the brilliant strategy of allowing product makers to talk to product users. They went through Y Combinator and then got funding from Andreessen Horowitz. That was all the street cred they needed to explode. Listen here as Erik tells James what's next for Product Hunt.
Ep 368: The Best-Kept Secret in "America"
07/10/2015 Duração: 27minDo you need a vacation? How about a place that has such a lingering bad reputation that it's the perfect place to get away to? Interested? Today, James and Claudia call our good friend and the original co-host of Ask Altucher, Aaron Brabham, to find out why he's now living there and what else he has been up to. I can't tell you where he is – you'll have to listen to find out. But once you hear his story, you'll know why he has no plans to come back stateside. And what's he doing there? He's living the life of an entrepreneur. To learn more about his new company, just . He's involved with a new and exciting health and fitness company and explains to James and Claudia why he got involved and what his plans are to grow it. Listen here as James and Claudia catch up with Aaron.
Ep 367: Altucher interviews Altucher
06/10/2015 Duração: 01h04sJames spent an hour interviewing his wife and business partner, Claudia Azula Altucher. They went back to 1999, when Claudia first started to learn about yoga. She knew very little about it, but wanted a discipline that would be physical and get her into a "zone." They went all the way back to Claudia's early childhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She was raised by a very loving mother, who unfortunately committed suicide when Claudia was only 17. You'll hear the pain in Claudia's voice as she talks about this tragic time in her life. Claudia eventually saved $2,000, just enough money to come to the United States. She had to leave Argentina. Life as an immigrant can be tough, yet Claudia never gave up. But she still hadn't found peace. She needed to make new choices and take control of her life. She found it in yoga. If you're interested in learning more about yoga, you have to listen to Claudia's podcast. You can listen on her website: . Follow her on and .
Ep 366: James Needs a Therapist for His Public Speaking
05/10/2015 Duração: 16minJames gives his friend a call today to talk about a subject that scares the heck out of him — public speaking. James asks Mitch about his philosophy on public speaking. Mitch breaks down public speakers and presenting into three styles of music: The first is the "classical music approach," the second he calls the "jazz improve” approach," and the third he calls the "rock and roll approach." Mitch tells a great story about President Bill Clinton, the type of speaker he is, and also what his own personal speaking approach is. He helps James understand that he doesn't always have to create a brand new speech every time he presents. It's OK to re-use a lot of the same material. Don't keep the entire audience from hearing your best speech if only 20% may have heard it already.
Ep 365: Chris Brogan – What's the Real Value of Podcasting?
02/10/2015 Duração: 18minJames gives his good friend a call today to talk about the real value of doing a podcast. James asks Chris... Is podcasting worth the time and effort? Chris says "no... and yes." There's no real money in it, but the other benefits are worth every second you put into it. Podcasting helps you with all your other media by broadening your "umbrella." You can take your podcast and create a blog post or a newsletter article and you can tweet about it and post it on Facebook. Plus, as both James and Chris say, their biggest benefit is getting to talk to people they would never get a chance to without the podcast Listen to Chris and James talk about the real value of starting a podcast.
Ep 364: The Art of Fiction, with Screenwriter, Brian Koppelman, Part Two
30/09/2015 Duração: 27minBrian Koppelman is back today to continue the fascinating discussion he and James started on his last visit. As Brian says, "Non-fiction books answer a series of questions, whereas fiction books raise a series of questions." On the last show, James made a promise to Brian that he would read more fiction. Brian holds him to it today. This is another amazing conversation between two extremely creative people who are constantly working hard to improve their crafts. Listen today and make sure you grab a pen to write down all the great books they talk about.
AA Ep 363: It's Time to Take Care of Your Own Needs
29/09/2015 Duração: 11minToday's question is a tough one, as one of our listeners writes in... "My girlfriend has decided to concentrate on her career and wants to take a break from our relationship. How can I support her while satisfying my own needs?" James and Claudia disagree a bit on their answers. Listen here and you can decide who you think is right.
Ep 362: Should I Quit College and Pursue My Passion?
25/09/2015 Duração: 16minToday's question... "I feel like the life I knew is falling apart before my eyes and my next steps are critical. I would deeply appreciate guidance and support. Here is what's happening. I'm a twenty-year-old college student starting an online business, and last week I flew to New York City behind my parents' backs for a business event (with my own money) and they found out and decided to withdraw all financial support. I called my mom to apologize and she exploded, telling me that starting a business was ruining my life and destroying my relationships. She said she would rather I take a semester off than work on a business while she is paying for my school tuition. So, I stayed up all night thinking and decided to take a semester off to pursue my business. Then I called her today to tell her and she exploded in the other direction, telling me that if I drop out of school I will be putting a dagger into her heart. She tried to make me promise I will stay in school It looks like at this point she will let me s
Ep 361: The Best Salesman Ever
24/09/2015 Duração: 42minjoins James and Claudia to talk about what it means to be a great salesman and John has decided to take it to a new level. Before you can sell you have to get in the door. So he introduces himself with a very special gift. Like the time he brought $7000 worth of Brooks Brothers clothes to a prospective clients hotel room and set it up to shock him. It worked even better than he had hoped. John says, if you’re going to send a gift than send it to their inner circle, their significant other, their adman and their family. These people are usually ignored and they’re often the most important people in your prospects lives. to listen to John’s stories and ideas for some great gifts to get you in the door. Think “radical generosity”
Ep 360 Jason Zook (aka Surfrapp) Sells His Future
22/09/2015 Duração: 41minOf all the assets that you could possibly sell, I bet you've never thought of selling your future . . . but Jason is doing just that. Jason Zook (formerly JasonSurfrapp, Jason Headsetsdotcom and Jason Sadler) is a crazy-at-heart salesman . . . beneath that, he's an impressive content creator with a long track record of success. He's not a painter or a musician, but no one would ever say he's not an artist. Is he on to something new here? Listen as James does his due diligence and decides whether to buy in or not. I doubt you'll ever hear another show like this one again.
Ep 359: How to Become a Master at Networking
18/09/2015 Duração: 34minis the master at networking. Derek says, "Going to networking events is a waste of time." You can go to networking events two or three times a week and never realize how much time you're wasting. Traditional networking isn't working anymore. He still goes to larger networking events, but only if there are multiple ways he can win . . . you need to be very selective. Derek wrote the book on networking, , and he gives James a recap of some of his best ideas. Listen to James and Derek talk about networking 2.0.
Ep 358: What to Do When You're Burned Out
17/09/2015 Duração: 12minEveryone at some point in their career hates their job. For some people it's just temporary, but for others, it gets so bad that they quit. If you decide to quit, everything suddenly changes. The stability of your old job is gone. Now you're on your own, and it's scary. Give yourself permission to be burned out. Listen to James and Claudia work through how to get through this.
Ep 357: The Secret Mistake ALL First Time Entrepreneurs Make
16/09/2015 Duração: 11minDo you know what the secret mistake that most first time entrepreneurs make? If you’re an entrepreneur than its so to know it. If you don’t you could already be out of business and not even know it. Listen to James and hear his secret.
Ep 356: The 10 Most Important Books to Expand Your Mind
15/09/2015 Duração: 18minMost books are "business card" books. A "business card" book is a book that helps the author establish credentials. It works as a business card. But today, James wants to talk about "braingasm" books. Your brain has an orgasm while you're reading these books – they're that good. James recently wrote a post about books like these, called "," and today he's going to review a few of them. Listen to James' list and hear why he thinks they deserve to be on it.
Ep 354 Suicide
11/09/2015 Duração: 12minJust don't do it. In honor of , Claudia and James felt it was very important to record this podcast. Claudia, being a victim of living through her mother's suicide when she was just a teenager, is passionate about preventing it. Listen to this extremely important podcast.
Ep 353: Why Accomplish Anything?
10/09/2015 Duração: 13minThis question came in from the Facebook group: "I've been passed over for my next promotion. I feel like 'the poor employee' instead of "the 'rich employee.'" James says being "The Rich Employee" is a mindset, and this person is already acting as a rich employee. He has realized there's a problem and he's taking steps to fix it, but right now he's hurting. He asks himself, "Why should I accomplish anything?" Listen to James' answer in today's show. Regards, David Newman P.S. is now also in paperback.
Ep 352: Do You Have To Pay Your Student Loans?
09/09/2015 Duração: 16minGet ready – this one is going to be very controversial. You went to college. You took out huge student loans to get your degree. You can barely make ends meet, and your monthly student loan bills are now due. What can you do? Ask for help. Listen to today's show here Regards, David Newman P.S. is now also in paperback.
Ep 351: How to Know When to 'Fire' a Terrible Customer
08/09/2015 Duração: 14minShould you "fire" a really terrible customer? Well, that depends... If that customer happens to be 99% of your business, you have a big problem. But today, James addresses what to do with those customers who won't break your business. You could delegate that customer to another employee. Sometimes that works. You could have a real, honest conversation with that customer, asking them their advice on how you could serve them better. "Help me help you..." P.S. is now also in paperback.
Ep 350: How to Go From $0 to $100,000 as a Public Speaker
04/09/2015 Duração: 55minDo you want to be a professional speaker? Does having to get up on stage in front of a group of people scare the heck out of you? Today James and Claudia invite to join them to give us a couple of quick tips to help you if you want to become a public speaker. Brian says you have to get really clear on one topic. Then create a clean one-page that lists bullets points on what you'll talk about, and add in testimonials as soon as you have them. This is a long interview and Brian doesn't hold back. He's willing to answer every question they ask him. James calls this interview "The bible of public speaking." Regards, David Newman P.S. is now out in paperback