Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

20. How to raise your salon standards - GUARANTEED!



This week I want to guarantee that this is going to be the best episode for your business ever! Actually I’m not, but I think you should be guaranteeing because this week we’re talking about Salon Service Guarantees. Salon Service Guarantees are one of the most important marketing statements that you can possibly make, they are marketing gold. There are three golden rules for you, when you are coming up with your Salon Service Guarantee: The first is that your guarantee must be achingly simple to understand. Secondly it has to be relevant to your customer. The third is that your guarantee must be absolutely genuine. So what I want to do now is share with you the guarantee that I’m making to my customers, I want you to understand the thought process on how I put our guarantee together. So our guarantee is called the Bravo Five Point Promise, just five simple points: Point number one is that we guarantee you’ll receive a full consultation before every service. Point number two, if we don’t offer you a luxury co