Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

Commit fully and ignore your friends!



Poor old Molly Malone. Dragging her wheelbarrow around Dublin and shouting herself hoarse, only to die with a fever. Is she remembered for her shellfish entrepreneurial skills? Nope. She's commemorated with a saucy statue and is known locally as The Tart with the Cart. I was laid up in Dublin with tonsillitis this week. Possibly the most sober tourist the city has ever seen. Luckily the accompanying fever never carried me away, but I got to thinking: what do I need to so to get my own (hopefully less immodest) statue? What do I want to be remembered for? Whatever it is, you have to go the whole distance to be cast in bronze, I reckon. Poor Molly could have given up at any time (the cobbles in Dublin are brutal) so I'll let her be my inspiration. Apologies for the sound quality in this week's podcast. My voice is not at full ranting speed!