Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

Sell MORE in Your Salon



Hello and welcome, today we’re going to tear apart your sales technique and put it back together hopefully in a way which is going to help you improve your results for yourself and your Salon. I am happy to point out some areas where I see Salon Managers and Owners going wrong. The first part of this video is brilliant content for you and your team as well. We’re going to talk about a better way to sell when we’re in the Salon. The second part of the video is how we apply that when we’re selling our business, services, product, anything online and ourselves and I don’t see us carrying through those sales techniques in a very effective way. There are fundamentally three ways that you can sell a product or service to a customer. The first way is to sell a product or service on its features. Let’s say I’m going to sell you this product, which is called Quick Blow-dry and Quick Blow-dry has extract of water mint in there, is paraben free and it’s only Thirteen Pounds Fifty a bottle. What I’ve done there is descri