Highlights Hangout



Highlights Hangout is a monthly podcast that brings Highlights Magazine, an American icon, to life in a whole new way. This magazine-style show hosted by Tim Kubart and Juanita Andersen offers a unique audio spin on the stories, characters, puzzles, and jokes that millions of kids dive into each month in the pages of Highlights including "Goofus and Gallant", "The Hidden Sound Game" ("Hidden Pictures" with sounds!), and listener submitted jokes, tongue twisters, poems and wow-worthy science questions answered by Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz from "Wow in the World"!


  • Three Pizzas and a Burping Bunny

    09/07/2018 Duração: 05min

    In our first Bonus Hangout, Juanita and Tim can't wait to share the Hangmail from real kid callers, with jokes about cool colors and bunny burps, tongue twisters about chaotic cats and rainbow roping rhinos, and answers to Juanita’s riddle from Highlights Hangout: Hang 10. → Call 888-5-Hangout to record your jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, poems, and Wow worthy questions! ←

  • I Spy the Sky!

    02/07/2018 Duração: 21min

    In "I Spy the Sky," Tim and Juanita are back in the Hangout, and this time, Goofus and Gallant™ send our hosts and Paws the dog on an "I Spy the Sky Scavenger Hunt," where they follow clues leading to a meteor-shower party. This episode also features a Paws and Think adventure to a fish market where we meet Lulu the Lobsterwoman; a campfire song with Goofus and Gallant; a "My Sci with Mindy and Guy" segment where they answer a wow-worthy question about hiccups; and the Hidden Sound game, our new sonic twist on Highlights™ magazine’s Hidden Pictures™ puzzle. → Call 888-5-Hangout to record your jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, poems, and Wow worthy questions! ←

  • Hang 10!

    03/06/2018 Duração: 30min

    Tim and Juanita put the finishing touches on the Hangout and introduce listeners to a new way to play. They reveal the Hidden Sound, a new sonic twist on the classic Highlights’ Hidden Picture Game, and invite listeners to listen for, identify, and count up the Hidden Sound throughout the show. They receive some HangMail for Arizona who answers one of life's big questions in the narrative-driven soundscaped story, Ask Arizona. After a quick poem from a kid, Tim and Juanita head to an imaginary amusement park to take a ride in the wave pool. The real fun comes while waiting in line as they play "I Can't Believe this Imaginary Wave Pool Has a Line This Long Game Show!!" where they learn some pretty amazing things about the sport of surfing. After a quick joke transition, Goofus and Gallant come to visit the hangout with a special song about their adventures at camp. Next up, a kid sends in a burning science question and Tim and Juanita know just the Guy...and Mindy who have the answer. They throw to the

  • Welcome to Highlights Hangout

    25/05/2018 Duração: 02min

    On June 4, 2018 the doors to the Hangout will officially open!  Join hosts Tim Kubart and Juanita Andersen in this new monthly podcast that brings Highlights Magazine, an American icon, to life in a whole new way. This magazine-style show offers a unique audio spin on the stories, characters, puzzles, and jokes that millions of kids dive into each month in the pages of Highlights including "Goofus and Gallant", "The Hidden Sound Game" ("Hidden Pictures" with sounds!), and listener submitted jokes, tongue twisters, poems and wow-worthy science questions answered by Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz from "Wow in the World"! Co-produced by Tinkercast (creators and producers of  the "Wow in the World" podcast), and Highlights for Children, Inc., Highlights Hangout is the newest addition to the screen-alternative movement just in time for your family's summer road trip season.

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