Known Legacy



A couple of Dads with the same questions you have, trying to make the best impact on their kids with out completely damaging them! - honestly you're not screwing up as bad as you think. for more info go to or Facebook - Known Legacy Ministries -- Instagram @knownlegacy


  • Lucky Eleven – 3/3/20

    03/03/2020 Duração: 25min

    Travis shares his vocal skills and talents on the podcast so get ready… Along with that, They guys share the value of doing experiences over buying stuff.  Our possessions bring joy for a short time while an experience can create a memory long after you are gone.  Bill shares what he learned from others about […]

  • Grandparenting – 2/26/20

    26/02/2020 Duração: 28min

    Cindy and James Adams are back again to share more about their role as Grandparents with the dynamic of their children’s ex spouses. They share how they continue to pursue the hearts of their ex daughter in laws and their new spouses and how to continue to overcome and love through the situation the way […]

  • Beauty From Ashes – 2/18/20

    19/02/2020 Duração: 35min

    Bill and his wife Sarah share the mic with an incredible couple who, Cindy and James Adams.  They share their story of the trying beginning to their marriage and the journey to wholeness that has been the culmination and blessing of 35 years of marriage.  Coming from two different family dynamics and backgrounds,  they share […]

  • Journey Of A New Legacy – 2/11/20

    11/02/2020 Duração: 39min

    Joe and Cindie Russo are two of Bill’s Heroes.  They share the story of how they met, came to know Jesus and how He was their source of hope thorough all the years of marriage.  Their story is a journey of love, hope and reliance on the promises of God.  They share the value of […]

  • Hope For A Hopeless Marriage 2/5/20

    05/02/2020 Duração: 30min

     Bryan and Alissa Fields join us today during our Love series on the podcast share their story of a marriage on the brink of divorce.  They share how they were attempting to make the pain and struggles by a covering of a perfect picture.  As that crumbled, they found the value of being honest and […]

  • Creating A Chore Culture – 1/28/20

    28/01/2020 Duração: 31min

    The value of chores and hard work. The guys are back together again!  They are talking about the hurdles that keep us from making chores a priority and the impact of creating a chore culture .  They share some practical tips they have learned from others as well as truth from the scriptures that reinforce […]

  • David’s Story 1/21/20

    21/01/2020 Duração: 32min

    You don’t want to miss this podcast!  Bill had a chance to interview David (who shared his wisdom of financial freedom and impact on our legacies last week.)  This week you get the opportunity to hear the story of David’s rescue from a broken past to a redeemed life and restored future.  He shares his […]

  • Money, Money, Money Money! – 1/14/20

    14/01/2020 Duração: 28min

    So it’s a few weeks into the year and most of our goals are a memory or a plan for next year, even our financial ones.  So instead of living the rest of the year defeated,  the guys have invited their friend David on the podcast to share simple, tangible techniques to impact your budget […]

  • Those Health Goals – 1/8/20

    08/01/2020 Duração: 24min

    Now that the kids are back to school and life is somewhat back to normal its time to hit those goals.  Kind of.  It can be defeating when it feels like you are over your head trying to lead a family, work and pursue God.  Health can take a backseat.  This week the Guys have […]

  • Four things for 2020 – 12/17/19

    17/12/2019 Duração: 23min

    Four things you need to buy before 2020 .  This is the time to buy buy buy but in the midst of the pursuit of the newest and best for our kids there are four other things that are simple but useful.  These are everyday items that will help break barriers with your spouse and […]

  • Why Is All This Happening – 12/10/19

    10/12/2019 Duração: 24min

    We all have those days or weeks where we feel like were getting dumped on.  Why does all this bad stuff keep happening when you’re doing the right things?  Today the guys talk about they why behind what is happening and how to journey through this time when things don’t seem to make sense.  The […]

  • Memes And 15 Things – 11/26/19

    26/11/2019 Duração: 33min

    Memes everywhere.  Cats, yelling women, baby yoda… every so often there’s post worth stopping to read.  This week Travis found a great example of one of these.  It’s a list of 15 things from a Dad to Dads on how to raise and lead your family. The guys go over the list and share the […]

  • Confessions Of The Hallmark Channel – 11/19/19

    19/11/2019 Duração: 22min

    The Christmas season is here! Almost… and then its gone!  The guys talk about their favorite Christmas movies and which movies need to be watched, The favorite things about all and this season and how they play into each of our stories. Travis shares the impact of how the story of God runs through each […]

  • The Valley Of The Shadow – 11/12/19

    12/11/2019 Duração: 30min

    “When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…”   Travis shares his story of how the GPS got him lost. We all want to be on the right path not just for us, but for those who follow us. We are called to lead our families and shepherd them towards the heart […]

  • Balancing Act – 11/5/19

    05/11/2019 Duração: 36min

    Bill talks to Mike, The owner of Village Coffee in Allen Tx who also has a full time day job and is the other half of the Rambling Redhead shares his journey of how to balance business and family.  He shares some practical points to ask for yourself when deciding what is important when directing […]

  • But Dad, Its Boring…

    22/10/2019 Duração: 26min

    The guys are talking about how to help your kids see the Bible as what it truly is, an exciting account of who God is!  They share insight on how to engage your kids on the day to day with Gods word and a few questions to help direct the conversation that may seem so […]

  • The Wonder Years – 10/15/19

    15/10/2019 Duração: 35min

    Karl ( Who was on the podcast last week)  Is a Middle School/ High School Educator.  He Shares his insight with the current culture of students in schools today. He shows the value of helping your kids move through this generation and stand up for their faith. He shares the value of letting your child […]

  • New Dads/ Soon To Be Dads – 10/8/19

    08/10/2019 Duração: 35min

    Value the moments before they’re gone. NEW DADS AND SOON TO BE FATHERS THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!!!! That time Bill’s phone died and the day just got worse all the while learning some valuable info about life and time.  Moments go fast so catch them while they are here. Were talking to Karl, a […]

  • Interview With The Wives – Part 2 – 9/24/19

    24/09/2019 Duração: 29min

    Were back again with the wives!  We are talking about marriage and how to keep focus on the marriage even in the busy of raising kids.  The wives share the battle and struggle of how to be intentional in our marriages so we don’t wake up in ten years and realize we are just coexisting. 

  • Bonus Episode!!! Dead End Or Opportunity??

    06/08/2019 Duração: 32min

    The movie Dunkirk is a great example of something that could have been a huge failure but instead was a major turning point of the war. Life can throw us seeming failures as well but Is it failure or is there more? Sometimes what seems like a failure is the beginning of something better.  Do […]

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