

We Here At Muscle Roast Don't Hold Back A Thing Whether Its Lemello Ball's Crap Sneaks or CT Fletchers IQ Test, We Got It All From Hot Sexy Babes Pumping The Iron And Finding Out If Santa Clause Is A Natural Bodybuilder To The Butt Lift You Did Not Know Your Chick Had Until Now. Come On In And Prepare To Be Roasted!


  • WHY Become A Fitness Entrepreneur? THIS IS WHY!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 04min

    Fitness Entrepreneur Ideas And Advice Becoming a fitness entrepreneur comes with challenges. Knowing how to make money in the fitness industry as a fitness Instagram influencer, or a supplement company owner, is not easy! A lot of people have a disadvantage when it comes to the fitness industry. They are only good at one thing, and that is going to the gym. There are no real fitness entrepreneur skills! Typically, people think that posting great selfies on Instagram, with perfect lighting will get them a following! And of course, it's all a piece of cake from that point on. Well, it's not! Making it in the fitness business and becoming a fitness entrepreneur is like any other business. You have to work hard, you have to do everything you would do in an ordinary business! "What does that mean? It means you have to work hard, do endless marketing, and educate your self on growing a business and becoming a fitness entrepreneur." You have to learn how to monetize, and then work hard some more! Full A

  • Robert Bobroczky The TALLEST TEENAGER On EARTH!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 03min

    Robert Bobroczky Is A Science Research Experiment, And A Social Media Star! Robert Bobroczky is similar to combining the superpowers of your favorite NBA players into one! Not sure if he falls in the case of giantism, but it's still pretty cool! Robert Bobroczky NBA! Can you imagine a player that is taller than anyone in the NBA, that also shoots 3 pointers, and barely needs to get off the ground to dunk a basketball? You can think of several players that might be similar, like Dirk Nowitzki, but one thing is for sure, that Dirk is not 7 feet 7 inches tall! Robert Bobroczky Was Discovered On Youtube! Yes, you heard it correct! His current coach at Spire Institute Bobby Bossman, saw a Youtube video that was going viral, and immediately wanted to reach out to Robert via Facebook. He was lucky enough to connect with Robert who was currently living in Romania. He also did get a chance to speak with him and his family about why he feels Spire Institute was the right choice for Robert! Spire Institute last ye

  • Kali Muscle Six Pack, GUNS, DRUGS, AND JAIL!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 05min

    Kali Muscle! What A Story This Guy Has! Kali Muscle actually discloses how you can get abs in ONE WEEK! You may be be asking yourself, how in the world can I get a six pack in one week? This has to be a major fat burning discovery right? Well it's simple, all you have to do is follow the Kali Muscle six pack diet , and you will be able to wash clothes on your abs!  And this is NO STARVATION DIET! The diets that are out there on the internet and youtube videos are all bullshit. Kali Muscle has the answer to all of your troubles. The best part is, you will be able to eat whatever YOU WANT! Eating lettuce and grilled chicken is just a big waste of time. It doesn't work. Kali Muscle says that is the number one mistake that everyone makes. Eating like a runway model will get you nowhere! Look at it like this, Kali Muscle left prison with a six pack! They do not have grilled chicken, sweet potatoes, salmon, and all the other healthy crap you are told to eat in order to get a six pack. So how did he


    05/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    How Do I Build Muscle Fast? YOU CAN'T BRO! In order to build muscle fast, you have to take steroids! There is absolutely no way around it! Some people can build muscle "faster" because of their genetics, but building muscles fast is impossible. Why do you think steroids are so popular? There are tips that I will share with you in order to maximize your muscle growth, but it will not be a fast process. Tips To Build Muscle Faster The first thing you have to understand, that bodybuilding is nothing but professional eating. These guys eat 24 hours a day with within 2-3 hour windows around the clock. When you work out and lift weights, your muscle microfibers tear. Once that happens, they look for nutrients, especially protein to rebuild those fibers and grow your muscles. So How Do I Build Muscles Faster? First you have to increase your frequency of working each muscle group and decrease the volume. You can read more about that in our workout frequency article. If all you care about is size, then defini

  • Ahmad Ashkanani Will DESTROY YOU! Be AFRAID!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 03min

    Ahmad Ashkanani won the Arnold Classic 2017! Ahmad Ashkanani is an instant celebrity after winning the Arnold Classic in 2017. Standing at 5ft 3 inches tall, he is officially the king of short man syndrome, also known as Napoleon Complex! Can you imagine being 5ft 3 inches driving around in a Lamborghini full of steroids? Well my friends, Ahmad Ashkanani can! Ahmad Ashkanani is a little dwarf that trains at Oxygen Gym in Kuwait. This gym is very popular now, after it's appearance in Generation Iron 2. It will be even more popular now after training Brandon Curry, and now hosting the worlds strongest midget. He competed at the Arnold Classic weighing in at 212 lbs. Now that is a little short monster if I ever seen one! This guy is one scary midget. Read Full Article On Ahmad Ashkanani on! --- Support this podcast:

  • Bodybuilding AND Fitness JOKES! SUPER FUNNY!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    Did you hear about the weightlifting vegetable? He was a muscle sprout. What does a bodybuilder do for cardio? He lifts weights faster. What do you call terrorist that's ripped? Osama Bin Liftin. I don't always take a rest day but when I do, It's to give the weights a day off. Why did the blonde get a perm? Because her trainer said curls might help. What does leg day and sex have in common? When done right you can't walk for days. Why couldn't the bodybuilder get evicted? Because he was squatting. What happened when the bodybuilder brought a lion to the gym? He got ripped to shreds. I asked a bodybuilder "Do you need to eat eggs to get jacked?" He said "No Whey!" Why do hamburgers go to the gym? To get better buns. What does a bodybuilder think before he deadlifts? Don't Fart....Don't Fart..... Why did the fish stop lifting weights? He pulled a mussel. --- Support this podcast:


    05/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    Six Pack Surgery Get's You A 6 Pack In ONE DAY! Six pack surgery actually exist! Yes you heard it right, you can go to a doctor and walk out with a six pack! A lot of people would love to have a six pack right? Im not talking about muscle implant freaks either! People who are fitness, bodybuilding, or just love to eat like pigs and still wake up shredded, there is an answer for you! In order to get a six pack in 1 day, it unfortunately takes surgery! "Some people are too lazy to work out, and some people just can't get a six pack no matter what they do because of their genetics." And as I mentioned, there is a procedure today, that will move you away from the flabby stomach and give you rock hard abs in one day! Am I A Good Candidate For A Six Pack Abdominal Surgery? Just like before any surgery, you will have to see your doctor, and this case the person who will be performing your over night six pack surgery. If you are at a pretty good weight, you should be ok. Someone that is obese would not be a good

  • Arnold Classic 2018 Competitors TESTED POSITIVE For Party Drugs And Not Steroids!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    Arnold Classic 2018 competitors got a surprise drug test that nobody expected... Arnold Classic 2018 Competitors are the usual suspects. We will list all of the Arnold Classic 2018 Competitors below, and what each of them tested positive for during their surprise drug test. As you know, the Arnold Classic is not a "tested" contest, which basically mean these meatheads can shoot steroids in their eyeballs, and nobody will care. However, they do state that "random testing" is a possibility, just to sound like there is some sort of policing of drug use. Well this year, the Arnold Classic 2018 committee decided to test all of the bodybuilders just for shits and giggles, but they found out more than they bargained for.  The bodybuilders tested positive for random party drugs, and not steroids. So it turns out, that these meatheads are all natural and steroids free, but what is actually building their muscles, are nothing but simple party drugs. Here is a list of all the Arnold Classic 2018 competitors an

  • Are Muscles ATTRACTIVE On A Girl? NOT SO MUCH!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 04min

    Are Muscles Attractive On A Girl, I Would Have To Say NO! Are muscles attractive on a girl? Think again! Most guys do not think that muscles are attractive on a girl. I definitely do not think they are! You might hear guys say that they like toned muscles on a girl, but what does that really mean? "In reality, most guys don't care about girls having muscles at all! Everyone likes someone that is in good shape, but having more muscle than the guy you are dating, is never a good mix!" Do Guys Like Muscular Arms? Guys, do like muscular arms, but not on chicks! How can you date a girl that is more muscular than you? Wouldn't that just make you feel like a little wimp? Even if a guy has big arms, or lets say muscular arms, that does not mean he wants you to have big muscles! Guys like dating girls, and for the most part, they don't like dating guys :) Having massive muscles and muscular arms, simply makes a girl look like a dude! Which for the most part of guys, is not attractive! Do Guys Like Toned Bodies? I a


    05/03/2019 Duração: 07min

    This guy pulls a prank, but also provides some great insight into what women really think! Do girls like fat guys, is a very common question asked on Google, typically from overweight guys. Many men feel insecure if they are overweight, and that is understandable. The opposite sex should be attracted to you, and in our society, we typically don't find overweight people attractive. That's why guys don't think girls like dating fat guys! Especially if they are in the McDonald's special forces! A lot of people think that being chubby is cute, and it is, but when it comes to dating, it wont be a laughing matter. Let's face it, most girls will date a fat guy only if he has a lot of money. Say what you want, but that is the truth. Lets see how these girls react...And trust us, women ask the same thing! Let's see what some people are saying around the web... "Sexy is about more than the physical, especially for many women. That said, a number of cultures look at a belly as less of a bad thing than most do i


    05/03/2019 Duração: 13min

    What is Winstrol And What Does It Do? If you are interested in what Winstrol (also known as Stanozolol) does, you are probably looking to get jacked and ripped! Right? Maybe you are also interested in why you should stay away from it! There is nothing wrong with that, but what you will read here might surprise you about this synthetic steroid! Let's just say it might make you skip a couple of heart beats! Bodybuilding has killed people before, so rest assured winstrol (Stanozolol) can cause death as well! So What Is Winstrol? Frequently called Winny, Winstrol is a freaking steroid that people take in order to get shredded. That is it for the most part. In the normal world, this steroid which is pretty similar to testosterone, is usually used to treat other issues on humans and for muscle growth. It's used to cure swellings in the face, large intestines, and sometimes in the throat as well.  BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO USE IT FOR IS IT? Winny will definitely help you achieve your goal of getting r

  • Calum Von Moger's Website Is A Scam, This Is Why!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    Calum Von Moger Has a Website, That Could Easily Scam You! Calum Von Moger (Also known as Arnold 2.0) is an Australian bodybuilder, who now has a website that is very questionable. I say this, because Calum Von Moger's website offers a bunch a crap products, that anyone who is looking to reach their physical goals, should avoid. Let me give you some examples of why Calum's website is crap, and then we can break it down. Anyone who is on an insane amount of steroids, should be discredited with any workout and diet programs that they are tying to sell on their website. The before and after below is impossible without steroids. Calum's Website Offerings Calum Von Moger's offers the following to it's visitors and "fans," on his quickly made cheap website. Please note that I am not bashing his website, but I am saying that his offerings on his site are far from advice anyone should take trying to achieve their fitness goals. The first thing these "Instagram Influencers" do once they get a following, is start

  • Dallas McCarver AUTOPSY Analysis SHOCKING!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    Noted at the time of the Dallas McCarver autopsy were an enlarged liver and kidneys. Nephrosclerosis (a hardened liver), heavy lungs, and a papillary thyroid carcinoma. Prior medical history includes cholesterol issues (high LDL/ low HDL), elevated aminotransferase levels, a chronic cough and shortness of breath, and childhood asthma. In Dallas McCarvers Autopsy, His testosterone levels were within normal range at the time of death, despite having an elevated epitestosterone level. Trenbolone metabolites were also present. Screening for additional steroids was negative, although he tested positive for caffeine and marijuana metabolites. (neither of which are mentioned as contributing factors in his death). No other recreational drugs or narcotics were present. Cause of death: Severe Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy with coronary artery atherosclerosis This means that the muscle wall on the left chamber of his heart thickened, which likely resulted in an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) -

  • Top Fitness Models, HOT GIRLS ARE HERE!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 11min

    Top Fitness Models Fitness Models In Today's World, Come From All Walks Of Life! Top fitness models, usually means you are looking for female models that are hot! If you look at today's hottest top fitness models, they are not what you typically expect. Fitness has become more about showing your ass on Instagram. And also less about if you actually compete in fitness and have a great body. This is exactly why top fitness models, and female stars and girls that are popular on social media make more money. Top fitness models that are females, could easily be mistaken for girls that actually compete. Only because they take pictures with protein powders and weight loss supplements in order to make money. To the average person looking at this, one can think that this girl actually works as a fitness model, or competes professionally. Just take a look at Gracyanne Barbosa. As you see from the picture below, this is one of those hotties that we are talking about. You can look at that picture and think that she

  • Shawn Rhoden ALCOHOL, DEATH, And Getting JACKED!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 15min

    Who is Shawn Rhoden?  Shawn Rhoden recently made huge waves in the professional bodybuilding scene! Mainly when he won the Mr. Olympia 2018 in September! A competitor who very few people expected to see in first place. The 43-year-old professional bodybuilder Shawn Rhoden has proven a lot. To his fans, as well as his critics, that you can break through any opposition! Even if that means overcoming alcoholism. Also known by his alias ‘Flexatron’, Shawn Rhoden is an accomplished athlete who is well-regarded! This is for both his performance in the IFBB Pro, as well as his indomitable spirit and positivity. "From a youthful love for soccer, to the intense transition into passionate bodybuilding, Shawn Rhoden's story is one of incredible progress and determination." He definitely didn't have the smoothest ride throughout the years. Shawn has proven that greatness is honed by challenges. Nothing like Phil Heaths problems! In 1993, Shawn was hit with a debilitating back injury, and in 2002 his father passed aw

  • Zion Williamson The NBA-Bound MAN-CHILD FREAK!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 12min

    Zion Williamson - The Next LeBron Or Better? Everyone has high hopes and dreams to reach the skies! But with big goals comes great responsibility and determination to work hard to achieve them. Zion Williamson is one such personality, who believed in working hard in silence and letting the success make the noise. With his spectacular and mesmerizing performance and unbelievable dunks, Zion Williamson rose to fame at the age of 15 years. And is now 2nd ranked player of basketball of the class of 2018, while being the 3rd ranked player of basketball in the entire country.  With his mind-blowing skills and action on the field, he has created a very impressive resume. Which includes the following entries: "NBPA Top 100 CampCo-MVP, Elite 24 MVP, Slam dunk champ of Elite 24, hat trick in state titles at Spartanburg Day School and MVP of Adidas Nations Global." And soon considered to join NBA according to the NBA draft of 2019? A Glimpse into Zion Williamson’s Life Zion Williamson was born on Ju

  • Meet The Worlds STRANGEST BODYBUILDER, This Is Sasha Shpak!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 01min

    Sasha Shpak Is The Strange To Say The Least! What could posibly be going on is Sasha Shpak's head? Body modification, and bodybuilding usually do not mix. In general, somebody who becomes this weird is screaming for attention. There is plenty of weird bodybuilders out there, but this guy takes the cake. People today are doing anything and everything to be different, end especially to get noticed on social media. This guy has definitely got a lot of attention in the fitness world, and also on social media. Why, Because Sasha Shapak Is Super Weird! Sasha Shpak WIFE Russian bodybuilder who is popularly known for his video content alongside his wife on his @aleksander.shpak Instagram account. You have to admit, that he did pretty damn good with his wife considering what Sasha looks like. In general, he would be lucky to marry a goat looking like that with those tattoo's and teeth. Read full article on Sasha Shpak on! --- Support this podcast:

  • Trae Young $300M Deal WITH ROGAINE!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 03min

    Trae Young Hair Landed Him Big Bucks! Trae Young has weird hair, and one can't help it but think, that this dude is just plain and simple going bald. There is nothing wrong with that, it's landing him some big bucks with a sponsor! More in the $300 Million range. With all of that money coming in, he's already chilling with celebrities! Watching him walk around in his Lamelo Ball Shoes, it's definitely a shame that he is going bald at such a young age, but also, it's kind of stupid for him to have that weird ass haircut and trying to cover it up. Just cut it off right? Even random people on Twitter are talking shit about Trae Young's hair! Take a look at this Tweet that got A LOT of attention. Poor Trae is getting all sorts of shit for his hair online, but he will be laughing all the way to the bank! He might be the first college basketball player in history that has a comb over as a freshman. Unless Donald Trump was the first, which is truly a possibility.  Read full article on Trae Young Hair at Musc

  • Big Ramy Workout Program, STEROID DIET and FAMILY!

    05/03/2019 Duração: 05min

    Big Ramy's Workout And Diet Is Mysterious! Big Ramy (Mamdouh "Big Ramy" Elssbiay) has some great tips for people who want to get a closer look into his workout program and diet. This has nothing to do with his trainers nasty addiction. If you didn't know, Big Ramy is just too damn big, and that is why he does not win the Mr. Olympia contest every year. His body dysmorphia just wont let him lose size! It just seems like his lower body is bigger than his upper body, and on top of that, he does not come in as shredded as he needs to be! He has a special recipes for hamburgers, that Big Ramy says are a staple In his diet! Look at this healthy burger below. This is his regular post workout meal during contest prep.  As you can imagine, those little bottles in the sandwich are the secret sauce to his physique.  Read Full Article On Big Ramy Workout Program on! --- Support this podcast:


    05/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    How Steroids Work Is Not A Big Secret! We all know how steroids work right? Well most people actually don't! We know that they get you big and strong fast, but do we really know how steroids work, the answer is no. Nobody ever talks about how bodybuilding and steroids can kill you. Most people that even take steroids don't know how steroids work.  They also don't they care how steroids work. They just want to get jacked fast! There is only one thing they have in mind and care about, and thats getting big. Getting big fast and having the least amount of side effects possible. Here is a video you should take a look at... How Do Steroids Work? Take a good look at any bodybuilder who uses steroids and there is one certain conclusion that can be drawn about these drugs... They work! But knowing that steroids will pump you up isn’t enough to insure that using them will sculpt you into a male fitness model! "Knowing the biological and chemical functions of how these steroids pump you up is an important step

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