The Amanda Collins Podcast



Welcome to The Amanda Collins Podcast, designed to support you to awaken to joy, embrace your greatest self and live a life you love. Join Amanda as she converses with global thought leaders to discuss everything from diet to dharma, relationship to ritual, health to wealth, abundance to altruism, and self-care to sacred space. In each episode, Amanda and her guests share stories, practices and rituals to help you access your storehouse of innate joy inside. Amanda will engage with the community to answer questions on prevalent topics to embrace ancient wisdom for the modern day. Are you ready to live your most fulfilled life, beloveds?


  • Loss and Grief

    18/03/2017 Duração: 08min

    Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! Loss and grief is something that affects us all simply by virtue of being human. The ability to be with our grief provides a powerful doorway into our own intuition and wisdom. Listen in to better understand the stages of grief, how these stages can manifest in your daily life, and how to effectively work with your grief in a healthy way.

  • Magic and Miracles

    17/03/2017 Duração: 43min

    Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! In this podcast, we consider the various ways to inhabit a life full of magic and miracles. Learn simple steps and techniques to better support you in aligning with the miracles you are ready to bring into your life. From the power of clarity, to working in your dream states while sleeping, to simply doing more of what brings you joy, living a life full of magic and miracles is available to absolutely everyone in every aspect of their lives. Say yes now!

  • Releasing the Old

    16/03/2017 Duração: 37min

    Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! The only person who can truly create lasting change in your life is you. In this podcast, we discuss the very powerful topic of truly releasing the old so that we can create space for the new. Releasing the old includes our own patterns, to our own limiting beliefs, to releasing jobs or relationships that are no longer serving us. Listen in to understand how you can identify if you are in this life cycle and how to harness it intentionally to create more ease, compassion, and connection while navigating life’s changes.

  • The Universe Has Your Back

    15/03/2017 Duração: 41min

    Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! When we try to do everything from our own personal will, we miss out on all of the incredible support and guidance the Universe is always trying to bestow upon us. Life can become a flow of divine grace and trust when we learn how to co-create with the Universe. This podcast discusses ways in which we can create a deeper connection with the Universal current that is always conspiring for our highest good, regardless of the circumstances. Learn how to raise your vibration and step into alignment with this universal stream of consciousness to attract greater love, peace, and harmony into your life.

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