Reversim Podcast



Reversim is a Hebrew software developers


  • Summit 2018: Deeper Than Abstractions (Let’s Dive into Source Code!!) / Netta Bondy


    I front-end today, we are almost always dealing with abstractions - a framework mediates our interaction with the DOM, a library wraps our events, heck, we even have a library enforcing types. Even though we don’t always see it, underneath it all is still good-old JavaScript and web APIs, and it’s worthwhile to know what our abstractions ultimately translate to. Not only will it make us better developers, not only will it make us better “abstraction-users”, but also - it’s something we are all completely capable of. So let’s dive into two such abstractions - ReactJS’s component lifecycle and Angular’s EventEmitter - and look at the source code and the nuts and bolts that make them possible.MP3

  • Summit 2018: Analysis of Direct and Local Deep Neural Networks for Quantum Atomic Forces / Nataly Kuritz


    The computation of large systems' atomistic dynamics is required in fields such as biochemistry, electrochemistry and many others. Fully quantum molecular dynamics is a powerful tool, but can have a high computational cost. An approach that was developed in the last decade is to use ML algorithms to build on the fly computationally cheap predictors for the energy, forces, and other physical properties. This approach enables the performance of calculations with an accuracy that is close enough to fully quantum molecular dynamics but with running speeds that are more than 100 times faster. We describe and analyze the construction and use of a DNN based model for the forces in solids.MP3

  • Summit 2018: 7±2 Reasons Psychology Will Help You Write Better Code / Moran Weber & Jonathan Avinor


    During the Cold War, the CIA knew how to expose Russian spies disguised as American citizens with 100% certainty. They used only a piece of paper and a few questions. How did they do that? Hacking your mind is easier than you think.Let’s explore how these mental hacks affect the code we all read and write. We’ll take a stroll through the world of cognitive psychology, and shed some light on some of our industry’s best and worst practices.We’ll have a few interactive examples of our mind’s limitations, examine how these limitations manifest themselves in real code samples and engineering practices, and take away scientifically backed techniques on how to write better code.MP3

  • Summit 2018: Developers' Communities: Building your Personal Brand and Creating Real Impact / Morad Stern


    In the last 3 years I've being taking an active part in building communities both on my free time & work. These communities (mostly about tech) made real impact on the industry & people lives: From mapping wild fires to save lives with the Air Force to raising mobile chargers prices in Israel (oops), making it into the MAIN news headline and (almost), and so much more...This is no magic, and there are many efforts behind the scenes. In this lecture I will unveil some of them and explain how we, at Wix, initiated a brand-scale global dev communities effort. I will finish with steps that anyone can do in order to take part in the communities world and enjoy its professional benefits.MP3

  • Summit 2018: Devs are from Mars, Managers are from Venus: How to convince your CEO better code.../ Michael Shalyt


    We’ve all heard it. The “business guys” want everything done, working perfectly, yesterday. The devs on the other hand say it’s not ready, any of it, ever.Such extreme stereotypes are rarely accurate, but the inherent business   R&D tension is very real.In this talk we’ll discuss the differences in perspective and language between the different roles in a tech company - and understand how can everyone be right while holding opposite opinions. We’ll then go over several tips on how to communicate the dev point of view in the language of business - while making sure everyone are aligned around the greater good of the company.MP3

  • Summit 2018: Event Sourcing Scaling - Pay Less, Do More / Michael Feinstein


    As event sourced micro-services become one of the most popular architectures to build a distributed, data consistent, large scale systems, many companies find themselves facing the ultimate equation of System Efficiency vs Cost. Being ready for large scale data inflow at any given time while keeping the compute cost at its lowest is a challenge we have faced at Trax as well. In this talk we will present our dedicated solution using some of the basic APIs given by all cloud provider. We have ended the journey by both reducing the delays in the system to minimum and by saving ~65% of the compute cost.MP3

  • Summit 2018: Being a Generalist Developer - is it for you? / Lital Hassine


    As a developer, do you want to be a generalist or specialist? The answer is not the same for everyone. It depends on your traits, the company you work for and even how long you are a software engineer.I was a java BE developer for 15 years and then switched to be a generalist. I did everything from web and mobile to BE, data and ops. Being a generalist does not fit everyone but if it fits you it is a hell of a ride.If you are considering being a generalist this is the talk for you.MP3

  • Summit 2018: UX/UI and the Trusting Brain / Jonathan Saring


    Ever wondered what's the biological difference between a short summer crush and a life-long romance? Or why we get tearful at our best friend's wedding?And what does that have to do with how users fall in love with our product?We often hear that we should "get users hooked" on our product. Asking them to love it can be much harder. In this talk, we'll show how the hormones and neurobiology of the brain can make us TRUST and LOVE a product with a meaningful relationship, rather than just get addicted to it. We'll learn how some of the best products in the world use our neurobiology to make us love them, and try to create a useful toolbox of knowledge we can use in our own applications.MP3

  • Summit 2018: Software engineers - let's crash the Deep Learning party! / Jenny Abramov


    ‘When the web came out it CHANGED everything! It took us 20 years to realize that it didn’t change anything! The web has dominated us to think that it’s architecturally significant’ - Bob Martin.Today, many believe that Deep Learning is changing everything - applications don’t have to be explicitly written. But does it? DL projects have many of the same challenges as any other software project while it grows to support more features and use-cases. In parallel, most DL practitioners have little background or passion for Software Engineering. To show the importance of SE for DL - I redesigned one of the most popular DL repos to be at least 10 times easier to read and extend. Join the party!MP3

  • Summit 2018: Career growth hack: See what other don't, Fix what other fear! / Itiel Shwartz


    Just joined a company full of super-senior-10x-developers and you feel lost and scared? You want to boost up your career and become a better developer? Or maybe you just want to have more impact in your current role?The talk will focus on the state of mind and actions that can help you to maximize your impact, and improve your software skill level :)It is based on my own experience as a super fresh and inexperienced graduate joining a company where the concept junior developer didn't exist, to a meaningful team member, and later becoming a lead developer.The lecture will tackle a super important question: How can you give and get the most value from your job? come and find out.MP3

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