Reviewed By Russ



My goal is to make the episodes simple and accessible as I start out with my random dialog and observations. This content will be shared on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Spreaker and wherever fine content can be discovered. Listen in as we travel this journey called life. Enjoy the day, Russ


  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    30/05/2018 Duração: 03min

    “Soon is not as good as now.” Seth GodinSomeday, One day, Maybe later…Just say no, That's not a priority.Acceptance is an answer. Tip of the day: Listen in to find out.

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    29/05/2018 Duração: 05min

    Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. Marcus AureliusThe Story: Everyone has lost someone. Everyone has lost something. It's not what we have lost as much as what we have gained. We feel pain for our loss. We feel pain because we no longer have what we once had. It hurts. I know. However, I believe we are better as a result of having known and lost, than never having known at all. Grow from our experience and understand that we are better as a result of our experience. The Tip: Listen in for the tip.

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    28/05/2018 Duração: 07min

    Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips“A head full of fears has no space for dreams.” UnknownMinor RANT! Moment being Vulnerable Do you ever feel like your head is FULL? Your mind is numb from all the noise and chaos.What are you doing to combat the barrage of noise from waking the enemy in your head? Meditation? Exercise? Sleep? Showers? Nature walks? I like biking, and I'm happy I'm finally getting back into it. Listen in to hear the tip of the day! #Gratitude #LinkedinFam #LinkedinVideo #LinkedinCreators#Kindnessiscool #Smilesarefree #TwoMinuteTips

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    27/05/2018 Duração: 06min

    “Don't let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big.” UnknownIt's incredible how many dreams fail to live a life because someone planted a limit in someone's mind. Have you ever had anyone tell you… You Can't-Do THAT! We have so many options in our lives today, and we know that more possibility that we have ever had to make an impact in the world. Kindness is Cool, Smiles are Free, and you can do a lot more than you believe you can. Tip of the day! Listen to the message and find out.

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    26/05/2018 Duração: 04min

    “Your dreams don't work unless you do.” John C. MaxwellI had an excellent discussion with a friend today about the opportunities we have today to make a difference by creating content. Today we can create anything we want by picking up a phone and turning on the camera or microphone. I am developing a new camera kit that will allow me to be more flexible in the way I produce video and content. I'm not shy, and I'm not overly protective of my ego getting bruised if I mess up a bit. I'm a human. My point is that we all have an opportunity to share our gifts and develop our community to help each other grow and develop. Tip of the day:

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    25/05/2018 Duração: 04min

    “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear, and obstacles vanish.”John Quincy AdamsHow boring would life be if we had no problems to solve? What would we do to fill up the time we spend dealing with our daily challenges? Necessity is the mother of invention. How much progress has been made from solving problems, bot big and small? Have you ever had a moment when you were proud of that time you creatively solved that problem?

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    24/05/2018 Duração: 05min

    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” Charles SwindollWake up every day with the notion you can create something for someone, so they are better off because of something you've done.Smiles are FREE And no matter what you do, or don't do, with the rest of your life, you can't imagine the amount of love, joy, and personal impact you can make in the world. We all have the ability and the opportunity to make this a better place. “Be an encourager, the world has enough critics already.” Unknown

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    05/05/2018 Duração: 05min

    “Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.” UnknownWhere do you find your magic? Are you giving away too much? Are you contributing enough? Never underestimate the power of kindnessOr the power of the givers gain.Or… the power of a kind word. Enjoy the day, and the Tip today!

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    04/05/2018 Duração: 05min

    “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” ConfuciusI'm feeling unsettled today, and I wanted to talk about it. How do you start to feel when you have a lot of different activities going on in your life? Maybe it's normal. maybe it's something that comes and goes? Does overwhelm envigorate or exhaust you? I wanted to share a few thoughts then a tip of the day. Enjoy the day, Russ

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    03/05/2018 Duração: 05min

    “Failure is just practice for success.” UnknownSo I was listening to Seth Godin's podcast Akimbo and was reflecting on what is required to improve the way we practice. How can we make improvements on what we do as content creators, video creators, or artists?Learn from others. It's a simple process and very productive when you gather lessons from history, mentors or a mastermind. You don't have to meet in person, or ever connect in real life. I've learned so much from Podcasts and YouTube it's difficult to measure the impact in my life. Crazy, I know. What non-traditional methods have you used to gather knowledge to improve your skills in your life? Check out the tip in today's episode.

  • Reviewed by Russ | Reviewed by Russ

    02/05/2018 Duração: 03min

    Every now and then… Our environment dictates our perception.Let me share a story, and I want to get your feedback. Do you have a story about how your environment has changed your perception?Share a few thoughts in the comments below. Listen to this episode to check out today's tip. Enjoy the day.

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    01/05/2018 Duração: 04min

    You will get what you want, when you stop making excuses on why you don’t have it.– Unknown Focusing on what we don't have draws us closer to what we don't have. More of the same. Living today with intention is what you have to do. Our dreams will evolve and develop over time. Developing a habit to make every day count provides an astonishing level of progress when you look back. Drips fill buckets. Create happiness: Wake up with gratitude, learn something new, compliment someone and stop complaining.It's not that difficult. Here's a tip for you today: be sure to listen to the episode. Enjoy the day

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    30/04/2018 Duração: 02min

    “Do what you love, not what you think you're supposed to do.” UnknownIt's never too late to get the train back on the track. If you're willing. I want to share a little about learning a skill and dedication to your intention. Success is never guaranteed.Learning what is necessary to fulfill your dream will always be more difficult than you ever imagined. That's why more people don't spend the time to master a craft. The truth is that most people future trip how difficult it is and they quit before they even start. Why? Because many of us have already amplified the challenges instead of the opportunities in being amazing at a skill.Share your wisdom, share your skills and allow your past to be thrust into the future.#StrikingMatches

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    29/04/2018 Duração: 09min

    “Don't think about what might go wrong, think about what could be right.” UnknownTodays Video is influenced by being tagged by Andrew McMasterFounder of Dino Peak Digital Agency. Belfast, United KingdomThe challenge is #StrikingMatches, and I accept! This challenge started with the idea that Khurram (Kory) Farooquie shared his philosophy of being an entrepreneur... #StrikingMatchesThen Aaron Von Hennig launched the idea, and several other people are involved in the challenge. The original reference here: join the conversation and let us know your story on #StrikingMatches and then nominate a few people that inspire you to share theirs!

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    29/04/2018 Duração: 07min

    “I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise because I've been foolish.” UnknownThe reality is that I'm still weak, afraid and foolish now and then. AND… I still keep at it. AND…Because I'm weak I keep working to improve my skills. I keep building my strength so I can help others My experience, my skills, and my network to get stronger so I can support your goals. I'm on a mission to help 200 people help 200 people help 200 people. I'm afraid because I know I can only help some of you. And not all of you. I continue to connect, build and grow every day. I can only help you if you're in the business of helping others. And I might be foolish to imagine myself doing this, and I'm crazy enough to continue trying to strike another match. Again and again. #StrikingMatches Listen in for the tip.

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    25/04/2018 Duração: 06min

    I was having a wonderful discussion with the Amazing Lany Sullivan What did we discuss? We are living in the age of the invisible celebrity.A few days ago I talked about how YOU are the Media!Future Media! A place where everyone can be a celebrity in his or her own unique circle of influence.Social Media promotes the idea of becoming an individual and independent from the shackles of average.What's the escape velocity of average?Do you know? What's the size of your circle?Being famous can last longer than 15 minutes...I've included a tip for you. Check it out.Enjoy the day!RussLany Sullivan can be found on Linkedin and is an expert in helping you develop your strategy for using events to grow your business. (my description)

  • Reviewed by Russ | Reviewed by Russ

    24/04/2018 Duração: 04min

    “How many success stories do you need to hear before you make your own?” UnknownLife is so much better when you're learning about living life.When you're doing what you love, the days seem to slip away quickly. Live seems more comfortable and less stressful.Have you found your bam to life's peanut butter? What's one area of your life that's thriving and you love to share Can you make someone else's day a little brighter? Do share. And then listen to today's episode for the tip. Smiles are free. Russ

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    23/04/2018 Duração: 07min

    “The surest way to find your dream job is to create it.” UnknownI've had the most profound lessons arrive from stupidity or by taking shortcuts.More of life's lessons get taught outside the classroom. What life lessons do you cherish? What could I live without? What's the tip of the day? Check out this episode to discover your tip today.

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    22/04/2018 Duração: 05min

    “Let go of the thoughts that don't make you strong.” UnknownWe all have thoughts. Good and bad. What we do with our thoughts as critical to our survival. Thinking, taking action, and responding to feedback to improve our circumstance… It's all part of the process of living life.The last episode I mentioned removing people that don't provide value in your life. Don't allow your thoughts to sabotage your progress. Create a method that works for you to maintain a positive attitude. Find the people that encourage you, support you and provide value. What's the tip today? Subscribe, like and share

  • Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips

    21/04/2018 Duração: 06min

    Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips“Let go of those who bring you down and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.”UnknownDisappointment is the training ground for excellence. If you're being challenged by your current circumstance, it might be that you're just in training for the next adventure, Let me share a story about 7-11, a man and his dog. What's My Tip? Check out today's episode of: Two Minute TipsEnjoy the day

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